
IBus-Table是为基于码表的输入法即所谓的形码开发的输入法框架,常见的形码有郑码、五笔、仓颉、二笔等。 之所以开发IBus-Table纯粹是为了让Linux的用户能充分享受形码输入的乐趣。当然它远远还没有完美,所以如果你有任何希望或建议,或者发现了bug,请在issue列表上填上一个issue,或者直接发邮件给我<acevery@gmail.com>,我会非常高兴听到你的心声的。


注意: Ctrl是Ctrl键,Shift_L是左边的Shift键,Shift_R是右边的Shift键,Alt是Alt键,Arrow_Left是指向左边的方向键,Arrow_Right就是指向右边的方向键,同理可知Arrow_Up和Arrow_Down的意思。[1~9]是指从数字键1到数字键9中的任意一个。

按键 作用
Space 提交输入的字词
Shift_L 当没有按其它键进行输入的时候是中英文切换,在输入中的时候是把第一个候选词提交到预编辑词组中
Shift_R 拼音模式和一般模式的切换
Shift_L/Shift_R+[1~5] 在拼音模式下输入拼音的声调,在输入框中可以看到↑1, ↑2, ↑3, ↑4, ↑5这样的声调表示。代表阴平,2表示阳平,3意思是上声,4就是去声了,5则代表轻声
Arrow_Left 在预编辑词组中把光标向左移动一个字
Arrow_Right 在预编辑词组中把光标向右移动一个字
Backspace 删除最后一个输入的按键或预编辑词组中的最后一个字
Delete 删除预编辑词组光标后的一个字
Ctrl+Arrow_Left 把光标移到预编辑词组的最前部
Ctrl+Arrow_Left 把光标移到预编辑词组的最前部
Ctrl+Backspace 删除光标前部的预编辑词组
Ctrl+Delete 删除光标后部的预编辑词组
Esc 重置输入法
[1~9] 选择并提交相应的字词
Ctrl+[1~9] 选择相应的字词到预编辑词组中
Alt+[1~9] 删除相应位置的用户自定义词组
Page_Up/Page_Down 上一页或下一页的候选字词
-/+ 当没有作为输入键的时候作用和Page_UP/Page_Down相同
Ctrl+, 激活或关闭单字模式
Ctrl+. 切换全角/半角标点
Ctrl+/ 激活或关闭直接上屏模式
Ctrl+; 中文输入时切换不同的字符范围,如GBK,GB18030等



IBus-Table is the IM Engine framework for table-based input methods, such as ZhengMa, WuBi, ErBi, CangJie and so on. The aim of IBus-Table is to make the users of table-based input methods can enjoy the typing on Linux environment. Definitly, it is far from perfect, so if you have any wish or any suggestion, please file a issue on issue_listor send me an email <acevery@gmail.com>, I would be very please to hear from you :)

Key Bindings

Notice: Ctrl is "Control Key", Shift_L is the left "Shift Key", Shift_R is the right "Shift Key", Alt is the "Alt Key", Arrow_Left is the "Arrow Key" point to left, Arrow_Right is the "Arrow Key" point to right, similarly as Arrow_Up and Arrow_Down. Cursor is the one in preedit string. [Num1~Num9] means one key in Num1, Num2, Num3, ... , Num9.

Space commit inputted string
Shift_L when no key inputted: shift the input mode between English and Table mode. during input: commit the first candidate into preedit string
Shift_R shift between PinYin mode and Normal mode under Table mode
Shift_L/Shift_R + [1~5] input tunes under PinYin mode. the tunes display in aux string area as ↑1, ↑2, ↑3, ↑4, ↑5. 1 is YinPin, 2 is YangPin, 3 is ShangSheng, 4 is QuSheng, 5 is QingSheng
Arrow_Left move cursor one character left in preedit string
Arrow_Right move cursor one character right in preedit string
Backspace remove the last input key or last character in preeidt string
Delete remove one character after the cursor in preedit string
Ctrl+Arrow_Lelf move the cursor to the front of preedit string
Ctrl+Arrow_Right move the cursor to the end of preedit string
Ctrl+Backspace delete from cursor to the front of preedit string
Ctrl+Delete delete from cursor to the end of preedit string
Arrow_Down mext candidate
Arrow_Up previous candidate
Esc reset the input method
Num1~Num9 select the correspondent candidate and commit inputted string
Ctrl+[Num1~Num9] select the correspondent candidate and commit it into preedit string
Alt+[Num1~Num9] remove the correspondent user-defined phrase
Page_Up/Page_Down page up/down the lookup table of candidates
-/+ when not been used as valid input keys, the same as Page_Up and Page_Down
Ctrl+, open/close Single Character Mode, only show single character not phrases
Ctrl+. shift between full/half punctuation
Ctrl+/ shift between direct/normal commit mode
Ctrl+; shift between different SubCharset in Chinese

转自: https://code.google.com/p/ibus/wiki/TableReadme

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