
我的博导目前也在招收博士,有兴趣的可以联系他,药物化学方向 https://kclpure.kcl.ac.uk/portal/vincenzo.abbate.html



Scholarships are funded /co-funded by the Centre for Doctoral Studies.   Guidance is attached, as well as some previous examples of successful applications to demonstrate the type of candidate that is likely to be successful.

I). Kings China Scholarship Council (CSC) studentships  (up to 100  scholarships available at King’s for 18/19 entry)

To help prepare the strongest applications, papers summarising two successful 2016/17 scholarship applications are appended, as a guide to the high academic standards the China scholarship council are looking for  e.g. GPA score, Chinese univ rank, student prizes / publications/Res experience,  strength of research proposal, fit with Kings and collaborative link with China.

DEADLINE: 23.59pm, 12th  Jan  2018 (no late applications permitted)


Be permanent residents of the Peoples Republic of China at time of application

Must ALSO satisfy the CSC criteria – see  http://www.csc.edu.cn

Obtained admissions offer at King’s no later than March 2nd

Met English language eligibility criteria by March 2nd

Submitted the SEPARATE  (parallel) application process in China  by the deadline - see http://www.csc.edu.cn for further details


Students cannot apply to both the CSC scheme and  King’s International PGR scholarship  (applications valid only for one scheme)

Existing research degree students are ineligible

Scholarships cannot be held on a part-time basis

Applications open to : All Subjects


1) Apply to King’s College London for a research degree programme using the online admissions application (https://apply.kcl.ac.uk/)*

2) Ensure to tick the box and enter the code 1819-KCSC at item 5 (Award Scheme Code or Name )on the funding part of the KCL Application Form

3). Submit a separate application to the CSC by its deadline following the local CSC application process –check their deadline as may differ from Kings deadline


o    Evidence and strength of academic qualifications  (minimum UG 2:1 and/or a higher degree), professional qualifications / prizes/ relevant research experience, include publications (if available or submitted)

o    Strength of the research proposal

o    Match of the applicant’s interests with his/her potential supervisor

A shortlist of candidates will be drawn up by the faculty and submitted  to the Centre for Doctoral Studies (CSD)

CDS will notify applicants of their nomination status and submit the nomination decisions to the CSC by no later than 20 March

The CSC will conduct a separate selection process based on the applications it received directly within China, and will evaluate candidates according to CSC requirements and priorities.

The CSC will make its final decision about the awards towards the end of May, and provide the CDS office with a final list of scholarship recipients.

II). King’s International PGR Scholarships (2 allocated to FoLSM)

DEADLINE: currently 12 Jan 2018


Be due to commence an MPhil/PhD research degree programme  during 2018/19 academic year

Be classified as Overseas by fees status

Have submitted all the required application materials by the funding deadline


Students who will pay tuition fees at the Home/EU rate are ineligible

Existing research degree students are not eligible to apply

Scholarships cannot be held on a part-time basis

Applications open to : All Subjects


1) Apply to King’s College London for a research degree programme using the online admissions application (https://apply.kcl.ac.uk/)

2) Ensure to tick the box and enter the code 1819-PGR-INT at item 5 (Award Scheme Code or Name) on the funding part of the KCL Application Form

NOTE:  Students who have already applied for admissions, and those who previously applied but deferred entry to 2018/19 will be required to update their application for 2017/18 with the code 1819-PGR-INT by the same deadline of 12th January 2018, 23:59 GMT.


Admissions  and the CDS Office will check eligibility of all applicants

Assessment of applications will be based on:

Evidence and strength of academic qualifications  (minimum UG 2:1 and/or a higher degree), professional qualifications / prizes/ relevant research experience, include publications (if available or submitted)

Strength of the research proposal

Match of the applicant’s interests with his/her potential supervisor

Guidance documents are attached to this email.

Joint PhD scholarships with NUS and Hong Kong University

III). King’s –NUS scholarship 2018/19

1 award (in competition with all faculties)

Deadline 31 March 2018

Open to All Nationalities


o    Commence FT joint PhD  in collaboration between King’s College London and the National University of Singapore during 2018/19 academic year

o    Have applied to King’s College London as the home institution

o    Have submitted all the required application materials by the funding deadline


o    The scholarship cannot commence prior to September/October 2018

o    Students currently enrolled on a joint PhD programme are not eligible to apply

o    The scholarship cannot be held on a part-time basis

o    Applications for joint PhD programmes must be approved by both King’s College London and  NUS before a formal offer can be made.


Full tuition fees, stipend and annual research grant.


Apply to King’s for a joint PhD programme using the online admissions application (https://apply.kcl.ac.uk/) *  AND

Submit the online Joint PhD scholarship application form to CDS  by  17:00 GMT, 31 March 2018.

Note that this should only be done after a complete admissions application is submitted , including all necessary supporting documentation such as transcripts, references and English test results (if applicable).

The online application form : https://www.kcl.ac.uk/study/postgraduate/fees-and-funding/student-funding/postgraduate-research-funding/joint-scholarships-form.aspx

IV). King’s Hong-Kong scholarship 2018/19

1 award (in competition with all faculties)

deadline 31 March 2018

Application details similar to the King’s –NUS scheme[ 来自版块群 欧洲公派 ]

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