
DirectX a software package where provides multimedia related functionalities, libraries, and applications in Windows operating systems. Generally, DirectX provides different functionalities for audio and video with some game accessories. In this tutorial, we will learn how to update DirectX in Windows operating systems.

DirectX是一个软件包,在Windows操作系统中提供与多媒体相关的功能,库和应用程序。 通常,DirectX通过某些游戏配件为音频和视频提供不同的功能。 在本教程中,我们将学习如何在Windows操作系统中更新DirectX。

为什么更新DirectX? (Why Update DirectX?)

DirectX is a core component of the Windows operating systems. So all Windows Desktop operating systems come with DirectX preinstalled. So why update it? There may be different reasons like;

DirectX是Windows操作系统的核心组件。 因此,所有Windows桌面操作系统都预装有DirectX。 那为什么要更新它呢? 可能有不同的原因,例如;

  • Some DirectX problems may exist like a graphics driver, sound settings.可能存在一些DirectX问题,例如图形驱动程序,声音设置。
  • dsetup.dll couldn’t be found an error.


DirectX版本 (DirectX Versions)

DirectX is used for a long time. During the time there is a different version of the DirectX. These provide different options and features for the underlying operating system.

DirectX使用了很长时间。 在此期间,存在DirectX的其他版本。 这些为基础操作系统提供了不同的选项和功能。

  • DirectX 1.0 is the first version and released in 1995.

    DirectX 1.0是第一个版本,于1995年发布。

  • DirectX 2.0 supports few 3rd party applications and released in 1996

    DirectX 2.0支持很少的第三方应用程序,于1996年发布

  • DirectX 3.0 supports Windows NT and released in 1996.

    DirectX 3.0支持Windows NT,并于1996年发布。

  • DirectX 4.0 is newer released where its features are merged with version 5.0

    DirectX 4.0是较新版本,其功能已与5.0版本合并

  • DirectX 5.0 was supporting Windows 2000 and released in 1997

    DirectX 5.0支持Windows 2000,并于1997年发布

  • DirectX 6.0 supports Dreamcast and released in 1998.

    DirectX 6.0支持Dreamcast,并于1998年发布。

  • DirectX 7.0 supports Windows 200 and released in 2000.

    DirectX 7.0支持Windows 200,并于2000年发布。

  • DirectX 8.0a ended support for Windows 95 and released in 2001

    DirectX 8.0a终止了对Windows 95的支持并于2001年发布

  • DirectX 9.0 is one of the most popular releases where it is released in 2002. It supports 64 bit.

    DirectX 9.0是2002年发布的最受欢迎的版本之一。它支持64位。

  • DirectX 10.0 supports Windows Vista and released in 2006

    DirectX 10.0支持Windows Vista,并于2006年发布

  • DirectX 11.0 supports Windows 7 and Windows Server R2 and released in 2009

    DirectX 11.0支持Windows 7和Windows Server R2,于2009年发布

  • DirectX 11.1 supports Windows 8, Windows Server 2012 and, released in 2012.

    DirectX 11.1支持Windows 8,Windows Server 2012和2012年发布。

  • DirectX  12.0 supports Windows 10, DirectX Raytracing, Programmable MSAA and released 2015

    DirectX 12.0支持Windows 10,DirectX光线跟踪,可编程MSAA并于2015年发布

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查找当前安装的DirectX版本 (Find Currently Installed DirectX Version)

Before installing an update for the DirectX we may need to find currently installed DirectX version. We can find currently installed the DirectX version from the DirectX Diagnostic Tool with the dxdiag command from the command line or Windows Run. This will work for all major Windows  operating systems like Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10, Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016, Windows Server 2019

在安装DirectX的更新之前,我们可能需要查找当前安装的DirectX版本。 我们可以使用命令行或Windows Run中的dxdiag命令从DirectX诊断工具中找到当前安装的DirectX版本。 这将适用于所有主要Windows操作系统,例如Windows XP,Windows Vista,Windows 7,Windows 8,Windows 10,Windows Server 2003,Windows Server 2008,Windows Server 2012,Windows Server 2016,Windows Server 2019

Run dxdiag From MSDOS Command Line

Or from Windows Run Menu


Run dxdiag From Windows Run

This command will open the following DirectX Diagnostic Tool.


DirectX Diagnostic Tool

DirectX version will be provided at the end of the screen with the DirectX Version line which is DirectX 12 in this example.

屏幕的末尾将提供DirectX版本,其中DirectX Version行在此示例中为DirectX 12。

使用Windows更新包更新或安装最新的DirectX (Update or Install Latest DirectX with Windows Update Packages)

DirectX can be updated in different ways by using the Microsoft Update site. Here are some ways to update DirectX for different Windows Versions.

可以使用Microsoft Update网站以不同的方式更新DirectX。 以下是一些更新Windows不同版本的DirectX的方法。

使用Windows更新包进行更新 (Update with Windows Update Packages)

We can install and update DirectX with the Windows Update packages. As different versions of the Windows comes with different DirectX version we have to use different Windows Update Package.

我们可以使用Windows Update软件包安装和更新DirectX。 由于Windows的不同版本附带不同的DirectX版本,因此我们必须使用不同的Windows Update Package。

Windows 10和Windows Server 2016 (Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016)

Windows 10 and Windows Server 2016 comes with the DirectX version 11.3 and DirectX 12. There is no separate update package for these operating systems. Updates can be obtained with the Windows Update.

Windows 10和Windows Server 2016随附DirectX版本11.3和DirectX12。这些操作系统没有单独的更新程序包。 可以使用Windows Update获得更新。

Windows 8和Windows Server 2012和R2 (Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 and R2)

Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012, R2 comes with DirectX 11.0. There is no separate update package for these operating systems. Updates can be obtained with the Windows Update.

Windows 8和Windows Server 2012 R2随附DirectX 11.0。 这些操作系统没有单独的更新程序包。 可以使用Windows Update获得更新。

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了解更多信息如何在Windows 7,8,10中旋转屏幕?

Windows 7和Windows Server 2008 R2 (Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2)

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 comes with DirectX 10. We can update to DirectX version 11.1 with the following update package.

Windows 7和Windows Server 2008 R2随附DirectX10。我们可以使用以下更新程序包将其更新到DirectX版本11.1。

Windows Vista和Windows Server 2008 (Windows Vista and Windows Server 2008)

Windows 7 and Windows Server 2008 R2 comes with DirectX 10. We can update to DirectX version 11.0 with the following update package.

Windows 7和Windows Server 2008 R2随附DirectX10。我们可以使用以下更新程序包将其更新为DirectX 11.0版。

Windows XP和Windows Server 2003 (Windows XP and Windows Server 2003)

Windows XP and Windows Server 2003 comes with DirectX 8.0. We can update to the DirectX 9.0c with the following update package.

Windows XP和Windows Server 2003随附DirectX 8.0。 我们可以使用以下更新程序包更新到DirectX 9.0c。

使用Windows Update更新或安装最新的DirectX (Update or Install Latest DirectX with Windows Update)

Windows Update is the most convenient and easy way to update DirectX. We can update DirectX from the Windows update without extra effort. Just open the Control Panel -> WindowsUpdate from all major Windows operating system versions. Then Check Updates which will get the latest update information from Windows Servers. Then simply Install listed updates where DirectX update will be provided automatically too.

Windows Update是更新DirectX的最便捷方法。 我们可以毫不费力地从Windows更新中更新DirectX。 只需从所有主要的Windows操作系统版本打开Control Panel -> WindowsUpdate 。 然后Check Updates ,它将从Windows Server获得最新的更新信息。 然后只需Install列出的更新,该更新也会自动提供DirectX更新。

Update or Install Latest DirectX with Windows Update
使用Windows Update更新或安装最新的DirectX

使用DirectX最终用户运行时Web安装程序更新或安装最新的DirectX (Update or Install Latest DirectX With DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer)

We can update DirectX with a Web Installer where a small installation file will be downloaded from Microsoft and the installation file will download and install the DirectX update. We can access DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer from the following link.

我们可以使用Web Installer更新DirectX,在Web Installer中可以从Microsoft下载小的安装文件,然后安装文件将下载并安装DirectX更新。 我们可以从以下链接访问DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer

In this page we will click to the Download. If we want more details about the installation we can look Details, System Requirements etc.

在此页面中,我们将单击“下载”。 如果需要有关安装的更多详细Details ,请查看“ Details ,“ System Requirements等。

Download End-User Runtime Web Installer

We will see the following screen where it will propose us to install some third-party optional apps from Microsoft. I will deselect then and click to the No thanks button like below.

我们将看到以下屏幕,在该屏幕上将建议我们安装Microsoft的一些第三方可选应用程序。 然后,我将取消选择,然后单击“ No thanks按钮,如下所示。

Install Third-party

The web based DirectX installer and updater file will be downloaded automatically which is named as dxwebsetup.exe.


Download dxwebsetup.exe

We may seen a screen like below according to our operating system and SmartScreen usage. If we see click to the Run.

根据我们的操作系统和SmartScreen的使用情况,我们可能会看到以下屏幕。 如果看到,请单击“ Run

Run App

We will be asked for the Administrative rights where we will accept by clicking to the Yes

单击“ Yes将询问我们接受的管理权限。

Provide Administrative Rights to DirectX

Now the DirectX installation or update process begins where we will see the following screen. We will accept the license agreement and click to the Next.

现在,DirectX安装或更新过程开始,我们将在下面看到以下屏幕。 我们将接受许可协议,然后单击“ Next

Setup and Update DirectX

Then we will see the following screen which will provide information about download size and components. We will click to the Next

然后,我们将看到以下屏幕,其中将提供有关下载大小和组件的信息。 我们将单击“ Next

DirectX Download Info

The download will start and information about the download will be shown on the screen like Estimated downloading time left, Downloaded component etc.


DirectX Download

After the download is completed the components will be installed with the operation name Installing Components.

下载完成后,将使用操作名称“ Installing Components

Install DirectX Components

When the installation is completed we will see the following Installation Complete screen.

安装完成后,我们将看到以下“ Installation Complete屏幕。

DirectX Installation and Update Completed




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  7. iOS APP下载安装时,如果出现此时无法下载安装APP的字样时,一些解决思路

    1.在iosAPP下载安装时,如果出现此时无法下载安装APP的字样时,可能是苹果系统进行了支持更新,并需要我们确认条约.至于如何判断是否是苹果系统进行了更改,只需要我们进入开发者账号,进入我的账户(A ...

  8. ISE安装,配置环境变量,驱动下载和更新。

    ISE安装,配置环境变量,驱动下载和更新. 1.安装ise. 2.配置环境变量. 3.更新驱动 1.安装ise. 1.解压安装包(注意解压的路径不要有中文,安装路径也不要有中文).以管理员身份运行安装 ...

  9. python安装后找不到目录_python安装后的目录在哪里

    从官网下载python的安装包,安装过程中可选择装在C盘或D盘或者其他的磁盘. 如果忘记了安装在哪里,可以在命令行中使用以下命令 where python 会显示python的绝对路径 C:\User ...

  10. vs2010安装后找不到运行程序

    vs安装问题总结 关于下载 关于安装后遇到的问题(都是基于win10) 安装好后找不到程序入口? 找到图标打开后提示产品升级,需要安装sp1 关于下载 到MSDN找到要安装的版本,复制地址到迅雷下载即 ...


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