averse, aversive, aversion\text{averse, aversive, aversion}averse, aversive, aversion 不喜欢, 厌恶的

symptom\text{ symptom} symptom 症状

appetite\text{ appetite} appetite 食欲

deject, dejection\text{ deject, dejection} deject, dejection 沮丧

adverse\text{ adverse} adverse 不利的 adversity\text{ adversity} adversity 困境
advertise\text{ advertise} advertise 做广告, 宣传, 公布

bereave, bereavement\text{ bereave, bereavement} bereave, bereavement 丧亲, 失去亲人

major\text{ major} major 重度的
major depressive disorder\text{ major depressive disorder} major depressive disorder 重度抑郁症

despair\text{ despair} despair 绝望
depress\text{ depress} depress 沮丧

classify\text{ classify} classify 归类
classified medically as ...\text{ classified medically as ...} classified medically as ... 医学上归类为…

wellbeing, well-being\text{ wellbeing, well-being} wellbeing, well-being 幸福的

is said to\text{ is said to} is said to 据说

side effect\text{ side effect} side effect 副作用

feature\text{ feature} feature 特点

concentrate\text{ concentrate} concentrate (注意力)专注, 集中

term\text{ term} term 一段时间

neglect\text{ neglect} neglect 忽视

mental abuse\text{ mental abuse} mental abuse 精神虐待

siblings\text{ siblings} siblings 兄弟姐妹

survivor\text{ survivor} survivor 幸存者

likelihood\text{ likelihood} likelihood 可能性

correlate\text{ correlate} correlate 相关
corelation\text{ corelation} corelation 相关性

menopause\text{ menopause} menopause 更年期

etc = et cetera\text{ etc = et cetera} etc = et cetera 等等

bully\text{ bully} bully 欺凌

disaster\text{ disaster} disaster 灾难

isolation\text{ isolation} isolation 孤立

jealous, jealousy\text{ jealous, jealousy} jealous, jealousy 嫉妒
jewel\text{ jewel} jewel 珠宝

catastrophe\text{ catastrophe} catastrophe 灾难
catastrophic\text{ catastrophic} catastrophic 灾难的

adolescent\text{ adolescent} adolescent 青少年

prone\text{ prone} prone 倾向于, 可能

reject, rejection\text{ reject, rejection} reject, rejection 拒绝

pandemic\text{ pandemic} pandemic 流行病; 普遍的, 全世界的

surge\text{ surge} surge 上升, 急增

devastate\text{ devastate} devastate 毁灭

autumn\text{ autumn} autumn 秋季

psychology\text{ psychology} psychology 心理学
psychiatry\text{ psychiatry} psychiatry 精神病学

overall\text{ overall} overall 整体的

reduce, reduction\text{ reduce, reduction} reduce, reduction 减少

clinical\text{ clinical} clinical 临床的

survey\text{ survey} survey 调查

emphasise\text{ emphasise} emphasise 强调

allegory\text{ allegory} allegory 寓言

melancholy\text{ melancholy} melancholy 忧郁
melancholic\text{ melancholic} melancholic 忧郁的

circa\text{ circa} circa 大约

grave\text{ grave} grave 坟墓
engrave\text{ engrave} engrave 雕刻

dimensions of sheet\text{ dimensions of sheet} dimensions of sheet 纸张尺寸

extraversive, extraversion\text{ extraversive, extraversion} extraversive, extraversion (性格)外向

withdraw, withdrawal\text{ withdraw, withdrawal} withdraw, withdrawal 退出, 撤回

alcohol\text{ alcohol} alcohol 酒精

gradient\text{ gradient} gradient 斜率, 梯度

apart from\text{ apart from} apart from 除了…

dependent\text{ dependent} dependent 依赖, dependent on\text{ dependent on} dependent on 取决于
independent\text{ independent} independent 独立

liskwise\text{ liskwise} liskwise 同样地

predate\text{ predate} predate (时间)早于

scholar\text{ scholar} scholar 学者

seemingly\text{ seemingly} seemingly 似乎

in character\text{ in character} in character 在性质上

rudimentary\text{ rudimentary} rudimentary 初级的, 基本的

systematize\text{ systematize} systematize 系统化

continuous\text{ continuous} continuous 连续的

beneath\text{ beneath} beneath 在…下方

excess\text{ excess} excess 过量的, 额外的

accompany\text{ accompany} accompany 伴随

figure, diagram\text{ figure, diagram} figure, diagram 图表

as shown in the accompanying figure\text{ as shown in the accompanying figure} as shown in the accompanying figure 如附图所示

portion\text{ portion} portion 部分

crux\text{ crux} crux 核心, 关键

speedmeter\text{ speedmeter} speedmeter 速度计

stopwatch\text{ stopwatch} stopwatch 秒表, 计时器

instant\text{ instant} instant 瞬间

in terms of\text{ in terms of} in terms of 根据…

uniform\text{ uniform} uniform 一致的

metric\text{ metric} metric 米制的, 度量的
metric space\text{ metric space} metric space 度量空间

ordinary\text{ ordinary} ordinary 普通的

applicable\text{ applicable} applicable 可适用的
globally applicable\text{ globally applicable} globally applicable 全局适用的, 通用的

preserve\text{ preserve} preserve 保持

distance-preserve map\text{ distance-preserve map} distance-preserve map 等距映射 (保持距离映射)

corollary\text{ corollary} corollary 推论

substitute\text{ substitute} substitute 代替, 代入

mean\text{ mean} mean 中间的
mean value theorem\text{ mean value theorem} mean value theorem 中值定理

notion\text{ notion} notion 概念
notation\text{ notation} notation 记号, 符号

confine\text{ confine} confine 限制

quotient\text{ quotient} quotient 商

squeeze\text{ squeeze} squeeze 挤压
freeze\text{ freeze} freeze 结冰

recall\text{ recall} recall 回顾; 召回
review\text{ review} review 复习

assumption\text{ assumption} assumption 假设

virtue\text{ virtue} virtue 美德; 优点, 长处, 用处
by virtue of\text{ by virtue of} by virtue of 根据…

present\text{ present} present v. 提交
faculty\text{ faculty} faculty 教师
It was presented to the faculty at the University of Go¨ttingen in 1854, \text{ It was presented to the faculty at the University of Göttingen in 1854, } It was presented to the faculty at the University of Go¨ttingen in 1854, 

in addition to\text{ in addition to} in addition to 除了…

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