








#include <string.h>
#include <gst/gst.h>
#include <gst/interfaces/colorbalance.h>typedef struct _CustomData {GstElement *pipeline;GMainLoop *loop;
} CustomData;/* Process a color balance command */
static void update_color_channel (const gchar *channel_name, gboolean increase, GstColorBalance *cb) {gdouble step;gint value;GstColorBalanceChannel *channel = NULL;const GList *channels, *l;/* Retrieve the list of channels and locate the requested one */channels = gst_color_balance_list_channels (cb);for (l = channels; l != NULL; l = l->next) {GstColorBalanceChannel *tmp = (GstColorBalanceChannel *)l->data;if (g_strrstr (tmp->label, channel_name)) {channel = tmp;break;}}if (!channel)return;/* Change the channel's value */step = 0.1 * (channel->max_value - channel->min_value);value = gst_color_balance_get_value (cb, channel);if (increase) {value = (gint)(value + step);if (value > channel->max_value)value = channel->max_value;} else {value = (gint)(value - step);if (value < channel->min_value)value = channel->min_value;}gst_color_balance_set_value (cb, channel, value);
}/* Output the current values of all Color Balance channels */
static void print_current_values (GstElement *pipeline) {const GList *channels, *l;/* Output Color Balance values */channels = gst_color_balance_list_channels (GST_COLOR_BALANCE (pipeline));for (l = channels; l != NULL; l = l->next) {GstColorBalanceChannel *channel = (GstColorBalanceChannel *)l->data;gint value = gst_color_balance_get_value (GST_COLOR_BALANCE (pipeline), channel);g_print ("%s: %3d%% ", channel->label,100 * (value - channel->min_value) / (channel->max_value - channel->min_value));}g_print ("\n");
}/* Process keyboard input */
static gboolean handle_keyboard (GIOChannel *source, GIOCondition cond, CustomData *data) {gchar *str = NULL;if (g_io_channel_read_line (source, &str, NULL, NULL, NULL) != G_IO_STATUS_NORMAL) {return TRUE;}switch (g_ascii_tolower (str[0])) {case 'c':update_color_channel ("CONTRAST", g_ascii_isupper (str[0]), GST_COLOR_BALANCE (data->pipeline));break;case 'b':update_color_channel ("BRIGHTNESS", g_ascii_isupper (str[0]), GST_COLOR_BALANCE (data->pipeline));break;case 'h':update_color_channel ("HUE", g_ascii_isupper (str[0]), GST_COLOR_BALANCE (data->pipeline));break;case 's':update_color_channel ("SATURATION", g_ascii_isupper (str[0]), GST_COLOR_BALANCE (data->pipeline));break;case 'q':g_main_loop_quit (data->loop);break;default:break;}g_free (str);print_current_values (data->pipeline);return TRUE;
}int main(int argc, char *argv[]) {CustomData data;GstStateChangeReturn ret;GIOChannel *io_stdin;/* Initialize GStreamer */gst_init (&argc, &argv);/* Initialize our data structure */memset (&data, 0, sizeof (data));/* Print usage map */g_print ("USAGE: Choose one of the following options, then press enter:\n"" 'C' to increase contrast, 'c' to decrease contrast\n"" 'B' to increase brightness, 'b' to decrease brightness\n"" 'H' to increase hue, 'h' to decrease hue\n"" 'S' to increase saturation, 's' to decrease saturation\n"" 'Q' to quit\n");/* Build the pipeline */data.pipeline = gst_parse_launch ("playbin2 uri=http://docs.gstreamer.com/media/sintel_trailer-480p.webm", NULL);/* Add a keyboard watch so we get notified of keystrokes */
#ifdef _WIN32io_stdin = g_io_channel_win32_new_fd (fileno (stdin));
#elseio_stdin = g_io_channel_unix_new (fileno (stdin));
#endifg_io_add_watch (io_stdin, G_IO_IN, (GIOFunc)handle_keyboard, &data);/* Start playing */ret = gst_element_set_state (data.pipeline, GST_STATE_PLAYING);if (ret == GST_STATE_CHANGE_FAILURE) {g_printerr ("Unable to set the pipeline to the playing state.\n");gst_object_unref (data.pipeline);return -1;}print_current_values (data.pipeline);/* Create a GLib Main Loop and set it to run */data.loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE);g_main_loop_run (data.loop);/* Free resources */g_main_loop_unref (data.loop);g_io_channel_unref (io_stdin);gst_element_set_state (data.pipeline, GST_STATE_NULL);gst_object_unref (data.pipeline);return 0;



/* Output the current values of all Color Balance channels */
static void print_current_values (GstElement *pipeline) {const GList *channels, *l;/* Output Color Balance values */channels = gst_color_balance_list_channels (GST_COLOR_BALANCE (pipeline));for (l = channels; l != NULL; l = l->next) {GstColorBalanceChannel *channel = (GstColorBalanceChannel *)l->data;gint value = gst_color_balance_get_value (GST_COLOR_BALANCE (pipeline), channel);g_print ("%s: %3d%% ", channel->label,100 * (value - channel->min_value) / (channel->max_value - channel->min_value));}g_print ("\n");




/* Process a color balance command */
static void update_color_channel (const gchar *channel_name, gboolean increase, GstColorBalance *cb) {gdouble step;gint value;GstColorBalanceChannel *channel = NULL;const GList *channels, *l;/* Retrieve the list of channels and locate the requested one */channels = gst_color_balance_list_channels (cb);for (l = channels; l != NULL; l = l->next) {GstColorBalanceChannel *tmp = (GstColorBalanceChannel *)l->data;if (g_strrstr (tmp->label, channel_name)) {channel = tmp;break;}}if (!channel)return;


  /* Change the channel's value */step = 0.1 * (channel->max_value - channel->min_value);value = gst_color_balance_get_value (cb, channel);if (increase) {value = (gint)(value + step);if (value > channel->max_value)value = channel->max_value;} else {value = (gint)(value - step);if (value < channel->min_value)value = channel->min_value;}gst_color_balance_set_value (cb, channel, value);




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