
While on a camping trip with friends last year I met and spent time with a self-made billionaire.


This entrepreneur, who earned his wealth by building software that many people use daily, spoke with us at great lengths and shared an impressive and arching vision of history and technology.


His thought provoking perspective inspired my first freeCodeCamp article.


Recently, our paths crossed again. I surmised that he would have new thoughts to share and advice to pass on.

最近,我们的道路再次交叉。 我猜想他将有新的想法可以分享和建议继续下去。

My intuition was correct.


This time we spoke over a long meal. We discussed some of the political and technological developments that have occurred since our last meeting. Much like our first conversation, his words left an indelible impression.

这次我们谈了一顿丰盛的晚餐。 我们讨论了自上次会议以来发生的一些政治和技术发展。 就像我们的第一次谈话一样,他的话给人留下了不可磨灭的印象。

I want to share these values with you — for I believe that the world would be better off if we all took his guidance to heart.


价值1:善良 (Value 1: Be kind)

Don’t let ego, success, status, or power ever stand in the way of being kind. Kindness is more than an act. Kindness is a mindset, a way of living.

不要让自我,成功,地位或权力妨碍友善。 仁慈不仅仅是一种行为。 仁慈是一种心态,一种生活方式。

“Good manners,” the billionaire noted, “are always in fashion.” He told me the story of a CEO of one of the world’s largest companies.

这位亿万富翁指出:“举止总是时尚。” 他告诉我一个世界上最大的公司之一的首席执行官的故事。

By being kind, this CEO was able to retain talent and reduce executive turnover. Kindness empowered people to take more calculated, yet bold, risks. This led to a strong culture and durable competitive advantages.

通过善待,这位首席执行官能够留住人才并减少高管人员流动。 善良使人们能够承担更多有计划但又大胆的风险。 这导致了强大的文化和持久的竞争优势。

“Human kindness has never weakened the stamina or softened the fiber of a free people. A nation does not have to be cruel to be tough” — President Franklin D. Roosevelt

“人类的仁慈从未削弱自由人的毅力或软化他们的力量。 一个国家不必变得残酷就可以强硬” –总统富兰克林·罗斯福(Franklin D. Roosevelt)

价值2:努力提高自我意识和自我完善 (Value 2: Strive for self-awareness and self-improvement)

Ask yourself: What are you good at? What do you love to do? What skills are you able and willing to develop to have a bigger impact? And lastly, what are your blindspots?

问自己:您擅长什么? 你喜欢做什么? 您有能力并且愿意发展哪些技能以产生更大的影响? 最后,您的盲点是什么?

In our first meeting, he noted: “no matter what you do, you can do it better.” This theme remained present in our most recent conversation. He challenged me to think critically about the skills the future will value, and to start developing those skills today.

在我们的第一次会议上,他指出:“无论您做什么,都可以做得更好。” 这个主题在我们最近的对话中仍然存在。 他向我提出挑战,要求我对未来将要重视的技能进行批判性思考,并从今天开始发展这些技能。

In particular, he believes that machine learning and natural language processing are advances that all future technologists must deeply understand and that future computational progress will be built on.


He also challenged me to think about my limitations and how to improve by taking on weaknesses head-on. He analogized to sports: “even a basketball player that is a strong scorer will spend ample time practicing dribbling, passing, defense — while still taking hundreds of shots a day to keep the shot sharp.”

他还向我提出挑战,要求我思考自己的局限性以及如何通过直面缺点来改善自己。 他将运动比喻为运动:“即使是得分高手的篮球运动员也将花费大量时间练习运球,传球,防守-同时每天仍要进行数百次投篮以保持投篮的锋利。”

“A lot of people run a race to see who is fastest. I run to see who has the most guts, who can punish himself into exhausting pace, and then at the end, punish himself even more.” — Steve Prefontaine

“很多人都在竞赛,看看谁是最快的。 我跑去看看谁的胆量最大,谁能以疲惫的步伐惩罚自己,然后最后以更大的惩罚自己。” —史蒂夫·普雷方丹

价值三:在人与人之间架起桥梁,认真认真地倾听 (Value 3: Build bridges between people and listen carefully and intently)

All people, and technologists in particular, should work hard to “build inclusive bridges” to connect and share common goals and visions.


He argued: “Act. Be Bold. Do things and don’t sit around with self-doubt, regret, or fear. Meet people from all walks of life and listen carefully to them.” After a short pause he added: “surround yourself with ‘doers’. Embrace change, embrace newness, and go build things that matter and that help people.” The ability to work with others to execute is a critical skill that should be cultivated and practiced.

他辩称:“行动。 大胆。 做事情,不要自责,遗憾或恐惧。 结识各行各业的人,并认真听取他们的意见。” 短暂的停顿后,他补充说:“用'做事者'包围自己。 拥抱变化,拥抱新事物,并去构建重要的事物并帮助人们。” 与他人合作执行的能力是应培养和实践的一项关键技能。

“If we want technology to serve society rather than enslave it, we have to build systems accessible to all people — be they male or female, young, old, disabled, computer wizards or technophobes…Leaders of the future will have to be visionary and be able to bring people in — real communicators…” — Anita Borg

“如果我们想让技术服务于社会而不是奴役它,我们就必须建立所有人都可以使用的系统,无论是男性还是女性,年轻人,老人,残障人士,计算机向导或技术恐惧者……未来的领导者都必须具有远见卓识,能够将人们带入—真正的沟通者……” — Anita Borg

价值4:产生很多想法 (Value 4: Generate lots of ideas)

Keep an “idea journal” and write down 5–10 new ideas per day. Think about all aspects of your life. How can each aspect be improved?

保留一份“理想日记”,每天写下5-10个新想法。 考虑一下生活的各个方面。 如何改善每个方面?

Write these ideas down and explain how they work or solve a problem that you face. As your ideas become stronger and better defined, draw sketches or write down product specifications.

写下这些想法并解释它们如何工作或解决您面临的问题。 随着您的想法变得越来越强大和定义得更好,请绘制草图或写下产品规格。

How would this product work, and how would it be built? Try to break down software and hardware into simpler components. Become a domain expert and make improvements to your field.

该产品将如何工作,如何构建? 尝试将软件和硬件分解为更简单的组件。 成为领域专家,并改进您的领域。

Developing many ideas will lead to many that don’t work and a handful that will. Citing author Adam Grant, the billionaire noted that creative thinkers produce a greater volume of work which “gives them more variation and a higher chance of originality.” Successful ideas are a function of the total number of ideas generated.

提出许多想法将导致许多行不通的想法,并会导致许多失败。 亿万富翁引用作家亚当·格randint(Adam Grant)的话说,富有创造力的思想家从事的工作量更大,“给他们更多的变化和更大的创造机会”。 成功的想法是产生的想法总数的函数。

“An essential aspect of creativity is not being afraid to fail” — Edwin Land

“创造力的基本方面是不要害怕失败” –埃德温·兰德

Returning from our meal, I thought about how I could leverage his advice to develop as a leader and aspiring technology investor and builder. As was the case during our first meeting, I realized that many of his views were specific to the successes of his life and the products he had helped engineer. Nevertheless, I thought about how I might apply them to the betterment of career and my goal of being a lifelong learner.

从我们的餐后回来后,我想到了如何利用他的建议发展成为领导者和有抱负的技术投资者和建筑商。 就像我们第一次见面时一样,我意识到他的许多观点都是针对他一生的成功以及他曾帮助设计的产品的。 尽管如此,我仍在思考如何将它们应用到职业发展中,并实现成为终身学习者的目标。

Imagine a world in which people are kind, strive for self-awareness and self-improvement, show agency, listen intently to others, and generate lots of ideas. This is the kind of world I want to live in. My intuition — and hope — is that you do too.

想象一下一个这样的世界:人们善良,努力自我意识和自我完善,表现出代理能力,专心倾听他人,并产生许多想法。 这就是我想要生活的世界。我的直觉(也就是希望)是你也是如此。

Thanks for reading. I am following the key learnings outlined here to launch a Work From Home venture that makes working from home more enjoyable and productive for all: Work From Home Adviser. If you’re interested in connecting you can reach me there.

谢谢阅读。 我正在遵循此处概述的主要学习内容开展“在家工作”企业,这使所有人在家工作都更加愉快和高效: “在家工作顾问” 如果您有兴趣连接,可以在那里与我联系。



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