MK802 4.0.4 CWM Recovery 介绍

MK802 4.0.4 CWM Recovery

MK802 4.0.4 (Firmware rev2) ClockWorkMod Recovery installationThis program requires ROOT permission, busybox and Android 4.0.4 to work.If you don' t know what root or what ClockworkMod Recovery is then you should not use this app.Warning: This software is for MK802 using Android 4.0.4 Firmware. Be sure that you have the right model to be flashed. Different models can cause critical damage in phone system storage.Just in case you're not familiar with what CWM is, and what it can offer us now and in the future. Follow this link: owners should step back and think twice before trying to install CWM. There are various reports of success (with CWM) and disasters.Make sure you have the most recent versions of BusyBox and SuperUser installed.Make sure that both apps are up to their current releases and not using legacy (superuser) or 1.18 (busybox).This software is designed for AllWinner MK802 Mini PC StickCWM does work perfectly.. and have been able to do nandroid backup with ease and restore my Mk802 to its previous state after doing a quick flash via LiveSuit. Goodbye Titanium.Remember... if you do flash via LiveSuite (which we will all do over next week or so) you will need to re-install CWM.CMW use: You can use a USB wireless mouse and keyboard plugged directly into the Mk802 (usb hub will not be recognised).Navigation: Move mouse up and down or arrow keys on keyboard to highlight selection and left click mouse to select or left arrow on keyboard, right arrow to go back a menu...Main issue most will face when it comes to the Upgraded firmware and CWM, will be that the CWM menu will now display incorrectly. This was caused by a change in the kernels cedar. You will be faced with a screen split into four views, and every other selection made will blank the screen.. generally just keep an eye on the top right screen.For additional information go to the credit goes to KEgg and Ricomagic forums for their excellent work.Tags: CWM Recovery, MK802, AllWinner A10, Mini PC

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