
交互式的 JavaScript/HTML5 甘特图

软件商: XB Software 当前版本:7.0.5发布日期:2020/6/4推荐:

以下是 "新版功能",如果您需要了解更多信息,您可以联系我们。

v 7.0.5

2020年6月19日错误修复发布当duration_unit config设置为“小时”时,工作时间计算的性能改进。


在的配置对象中指定工作日历的 Gantt.getGanttInstance功能已添加。

v 7.0.5




修复 gantt.columnIndexByDate 的返回类型。


Fix the incorrect calculation of end_date/duration when duration_unit is set to "minute" and the last worktime interval finishes after 23:00

Fix the issue which caused groups of the grouping extension to expand whenever the user modified any task

Fix the issue which caused the second parameter of dataProcessor.setTransactionMode to be ignored if an object was passed into the first parameter

Fix the issue which caused the active inline editor to disappear after repaint of Gantt

Fix the issue with the static_background extension which caused mouse click on empty cells to be interpreted as a click on task elements

Gantt now dynamically repaints links between split tasks during drag and drop

Fix the script error which was thrown from gantt.addTask in the node.js package

Fix the script error which was thrown from gantt.destructor in the node.js package

v 5.2


拆分任务 (PRO 版本)



配置能够自动设置任务类型 (PRO 版本)





在 Grid 行内编辑

dhtmlxGantt 提供两种可选的内容编辑方式:在 Lightbox 编辑表单的帮助下


内联编辑允许您直接通过网格进行任何更改: 创建和更新任务, 设置它们之间的连接, 定义开始和结束日期, 或者通过内置编辑器修改持续时间。

为启用行内编辑,你需要指定编辑器列表并用 map_to 编辑器到表格的列var textEditor = {type: "text", map_to: "text"};

var dateEditor = {type: "date", map_to: "start_date", min: new Date(2018, 0, 1),

max: new Date(2019, 0, 1)};

var durationEditor = {type: "number", map_to: "duration", min:0, max: 100};设置在列的配置中的编辑器属性gantt.config.columns = [

{name: "text", tree: true, width: '*', resize: true, editor: textEditor},

{name: "start_date", align: "center", resize: true, editor: dateEditor},

{name: "duration", align: "center", editor: durationEditor},

{name: "add", width: 44}



在列类型配置对象中保存行内编辑器,目前支持下面几种编辑器:text editor- for editing text columns, e.g. task name

number editor - for editing number columns, e.g. task duration, order, etc.

date editor - for editing date columns, e.g. start and end dates of the task

select editor - for choosing an option from a list

predecessor editor - for setting task-predecessor for the currently edited task. This editor gets the WBS codes of tasks to set connection with the predecessor task.var editors = {

text: {type: "text", map_to: "text"},

start_date: {type: "date", map_to: "start_date", min: new Date(2018, 0, 1),

max: new Date(2019, 0, 1)},

end_date: {type: "date", map_to: "end_date", min: new Date(2018, 0, 1),

max: new Date(2019, 0, 1)},

duration: {type: "number", map_to: "duration", min:0, max: 100},

priority: {type:"select", map_to:"priority", options:gantt.serverList("priority")},

predecessors: {type: "predecessor", map_to: "auto"}



下面是例子代码:gantt.config.editor_types.custom_editor = {

show: function (id, column, config, placeholder) {

// called when input is displayed, put html markup of the editor into placeholder

// and initialize your editor if needed:

var html = "


placeholder.innerHTML = html;


hide: function () {

// called when input is hidden

// destroy any complex editors or detach event listeners from here


set_value: function (value, id, column, node) {

// set input value


get_value: function (id, column, node) {

// return input value


is_changed: function (value, id, column, node) {

// called before save/close. Return true if new value differs from the original one

// returning true will trigger saving changes, returning false will skip saving


is_valid: function (value, id, column, node) {

// validate, changes will be discarded if the method returns false

return true/false;


save: function (id, column, node) {

// only for inputs with map_to:auto. complex save behavior goes here


focus: function (node) {



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