

ERROR: Step ‘Publish JUnit test result report’ failed: Test reports were found but none of them are new. Did leafNodes run?
For example, /var/lib/jenkins/workspace/skin_dubbo_pre/pre_result.xml is 35 分 old


There is a timestamp check but looks like it works on file timestamps (last modified) and uses a jitter of 3000 (presumably milliseconds). The JUnit plugin is ignoring test XML output that is older than the buildtime of the current build minus 3 seconds. If the test run and the JUnit plugin run are more than 3 seconds apart, the plugin will ignore the files.

有一个时间戳检查但看起来它适用于文件时间戳(最后修改)并使用3000的抖动(可能是毫秒)。 JUnit插件忽略了比当前构建的构建时间减去3秒的测试XML输出。 如果测试运行和JUnit插件运行间隔超过3秒,则插件将忽略这些文件。


cd path/to/test/reports
touch *.xml

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