request.js?b775:105 Uncaught (in promise) Error: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.exceptions.TooManyResultsException: Expected one result (or null) to be returned by selectOne(), but found: 3 at _default



但是还是后端问题 把多个id对应一个name 导致我通过调id查详细的时候 查的是多链报错

后面改成了 给每个id再加个标识  就ok了

前端:request.js?b775:105 Uncaught (in promise) Error: nested exception is org.apache.ibatis.exceptions相关推荐

  1. request.js?b775:43 Uncaught (in promise) Error: 抱歉,系统繁忙,请稍后重试! at __webpack_exports__.default (r

    Request URL: http://localhost:8888/api/sys/user/null Request Method: GET Status Code: 200 OK Remote ...

  2. vue-router.esm.js?fe87:2062 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Avoided redundant navigation to current loc

    vue报错 vue-router.esm.js?fe87:2062 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Avoided redundant navigation to curre ...

  3. vue-router.esm.js?8c4f:2008 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Redirected when going from “/login?redirect

    vue-router.esm.js?8c4f:2008 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Redirected when going from "/login?red ...

  4. vue报错vue-router.esm.js?8c4f:2062 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Avoided redundant navigation to curren

    在写导航切换时点击会有以下报错 这个报错是是路由中点击路径重复 ,也有可能是安装的vue-router还是之前出错的那个版本,在项目目录下运行 npm i vue-router@3.0 -S 即可. ...

  5. Cannot render error page for request [/xxx/xxx/xxx] and exception [nested exception is org.apache.

    项目正常启动,但是访问查询接口时,就会抛出异常报错. 不要慌,查看控制台错误信息 org.apache.ibatis.ognl.TokenMgrError: Lexical error at line ...

  6. axios请求415错误Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 415

    Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 415 错误如下图 前端代码(vue): var data = {userna ...

  7. proxy代理报错: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 500

    POST http://localhost:8013/check/login 500 (Internal Server Error) createError.js:16 Uncaught (in pr ...

  8. axios请求报Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status code 404

    使用axios处理请求时,出现的问题解决 当url是远程接口链接时,会报404的错误: Uncaught (in promise) Error: Request failed with status ...

  9. 11.12 Ext JS 的Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot load package问题和解决分析

    问题: 动态模块第一次无法加载,浏览器端报 Uncaught (in promise) Error: Cannot load package,但是刷新之后正常. 发生场景: 使用动态加载方式加载模块, ...


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