Describe a city you would like to recommend as nice place to live?

Where it is ?

  • Be situated in 坐落在
  • Tourist attractions 旅游景点

OK, I am going to talk about Suzhou where is a nice place to live , it is situated in Jiangsu province in China.

It is surrouded by Taihu Lake and Yangchen Lake.

When you went there ?

As for when I went there, When I graduated from unverisity, I and my wife had to choose a big city to work, Suzhou is the most beautiful city I had ever seen. So that we choose to stay here. Since now, I have been Suzhou for six years.

What you did there?

And moving on to What I did there. My major is software engineering, and I am interested in it.Through some online technical talks, I have a better understanding of the techinical development in Suzhou.Finally, I chose to be a programmer in a software company there.

How you felt about this place?

  • be full of natural scenery and long history 充满自然景色和悠久的历史
  • tourist attractions. 旅游景点
  • slow down my life 放慢我的生活
  • smell the roses 享受生活

Finally , in regrading to How I felt about this place,

There are a lot of famous tourist attractions in this city, and it is full of natural scenery and long history. Every time I take a walk with my wife on the path of the tourist attractions, it helps me slow down my life and smell the roses. So I find Suzhou is a great place which is worth visiting during our life.

Describe a photo you took that you are proud of ?

When you took it ?

  • have strong sentimental value 有很强的情感价值
  • bring back memories 唤起回忆

OK, I am going to talk about photo of my basketball team when I was a secondary school student.Although it was a long while ago, it stayed my mind deeply because it has strong sentimental value to me. Whenever I see it again, it tends to bring back my past happy memories.

Where you took it?

As for where I took it.

At the moment, I went to take part in a basketball competition. After our team got the greatest grade and won the championship of it, I went up to the centre of basketball court and receive our award. It was when the photo was taken. I remember when I and our team members stood on the court, our coach caught the moment of our team by taking a photo.

What it is this photo?

And moving on to what it is in this photo.

As far as I can remember, it was an annual school basketball competition, and all classes engaged in it, which was a big day for our class as well. So my brother took some time off and went to see my match,which was beyond my expectation. So in the photo , I was holding the championship cup excitedly.It was when the photo was taken.

Why you are proud of it ?

Finally, in regarding to why I am proud of it

The reason is that it was my first basketball competition in my life and the opportunity was really precious to me.

I mean, I was pretty keen on basketball and spent much time playing it. At that moment when I hold the championship cup, I think I was the happiest student in the school. It was not only an award, but also a impressive experience and growth in my life.Therefore, I felt proud of myself and our team also took a pride in me as well.

Descibe a popular / well-known person in your country

Who he is ?

  • a born singer 一个天生的歌手
  • Be lost in it 沉浸其中
  • have a positive influence on 对什么有积极的影响

OK, I am going to talk about Jay Chou who is famous person from China Taiwan. I find him a born singer because eveytime I listen to the music he created, I will be lost in it. Meanwhile, he is anti-drug ambassador who has a positive influence on the society.

how you know the person?

  • Leave me a deep impression 留下了深刻的印象
  • Stay in my mind 留下我的脑海里
  • have a better understanding of 对什么有更深的了解

And moving on to how I know the person,

Well, I got to know Jay Chou from the concert on TV that I saw in my childhood. Although he is not very popular at that time, he gave me a wonderful performance, which left me a deep impression.Since then, her name stayed in my mind forever. Later I have better understanding of he though his music radios online.

what the person looks like?

  • a fashion icon 一个时尚达人
  • go well with 与什么很配

As for what the person looks like,

he is a fashion icon because what he wears goes well with his temperament.

how you feel about this person?

  • Incredibly interesting 非常有趣
  • whom i look up to 我敬仰的人

In regarding to how I feel about this person

It’s fair to say that Jay Chou is a person who is incredibly interesting. Let’s say , he always say some jokes and interesting things in his interview or concert. He is very good at performing magic tricks. All in all, he is a person whom I loop up to, I mean he is my idol.

Describe a film you watched recently and would like to watch again

What it was about

Ok, I’m going to talk about a classic film named Harry Potter, which was based on the book written by J.K. Rowling. The plot of the film focused on a young student named Harry Potter who studied in a magic school named Hogwarts for six years. He went through ups and downs in his life. More importantly, Harry experienced a lot of amazing magical events and took up a number of adventures during the time. That’s what it was about.

Where you watched it

As for where I watched it

A couple of years ago, I read the book Harry Potter for the first time and everything about it stayed in my mind and left me a deep impression. So, I did some research online about the film based on this book. I was so excited that I found it out and spent some quality time in watching it online. While seeing it, I was totally lost in it.

Why you like it

And moving on to why I like it

The reason why I have a liking for it is that Harry Potter in the film is a young man who is not only brave and intelligent, but also loving and caring for his friends. I mean, he tends to put others into the priority, which has a positive influence on me. Another thing that is appealing to me is that it is full of magic. For example, in the film, Harry Potter is able to fly on the broom and use his magic stick to do a lot of amazing things. Everything about magic satisfied my passion for freedom.

Why you would like to watch it again

In regarding to why I would like to watch it again

It is well worth watching again because it brings me power and positive energy in my life, especially when I feel down. Let’s say, it’s full of bravery, love, justice and hope. So, it is a film that helps me to be more energetic, vibrant and optimistic. Another reason is that it’s a film produced in authentic English from the UK. Therefore, I find it a great way to practice my listening comprehension while seeing it. All in all, I wish I could see it again in the other day.

Desciption an important thing you learned (not at school)

What it was about

OK, I going to talk about a techincal training that include the introduction of a new industrial system, and how to customize some functions in that system. Through this training, I learned how to use it and implement our customer’s requirements on it.

When you do it

For when I do it

I and my close friends Kevin attended this training in Beijing three years old. I was so excited because that is the first time I went to the capital of our country.

Why you do it

And moving to Why I do it.Because of my previous company’s business plan, we should attended this training as the respentative of our team. After this training, I had a better understanding of this new system.

How do you felt about it

  • a once-in-a-lifetime 难忘的/难得的/珍贵的

Finally,in regrading to how I felt about it , I think it really a once-in-a-lifetime experience for me. Not only I learnd knowledge about an important system, but also it helps me to get a chance to visit some famous tourist attractions, such as the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square. Every time I see the photo of that experience, it brings back me a lot of impressive memories.


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