word 禁用dtd

When using the commands on the ribbon in Word, you may have noticed popup boxes that display when you move your mouse over the buttons. These are ScreenTips and can be handy as a reference. However, if they’re distracting to you, they are easily disabled.

在Word中功能区上使用命令时,您可能会注意到将鼠标移到按钮上方时会显示弹出框。 这些是屏幕提示,可以方便地用作参考。 但是,如果它们使您分心,则很容易被禁用。

To disable the ScreenTIps, click the “File” tab.


On the backstage screen, click “Options” in the list of items on the left.


The “General” screen on the “Word Options” dialog box should be active by default. If not, click “General” in the list of items on the left. In the “User Interface options” section, select “Don’t show ScreenTips” option from the “ScreenTip style” drop-down box.

默认情况下,“ Word选项”对话框中的“常规”屏幕应处于活动状态。 如果没有,请在左侧的项目列表中单击“常规”。 在“用户界面选项”部分,从“屏幕提示样式”下拉框中选择“不显示屏幕提示”选项。

By default, the “Show feature descriptions in ScreenTips” option is selected. This displays Enhanced ScreenTips (as shown in the image at the beginning of this article), which include a description of the command and can also include images, shortcut keys, and hyperlinks to help about the command. If you select “Don’t show feature descriptions in ScreenTips,” the ScreenTips are still displayed, but they only show the name of the command and maybe the shortcut key for the command, as shown below.

默认情况下,选中“在屏幕提示中显示功能描述”选项。 这将显示“增强的屏幕提示”(如本文开头的图像所示),其中包括命令的说明,还可以包含图像,快捷键和用于帮助命令的超链接。 如果选择“在屏幕提示中不显示功能描述”,则仍会显示屏幕提示,但它们仅显示命令名称,可能还会显示命令的快捷键,如下所示。

You can also remove the shortcut keys from the ScreenTips and even create your own custom ScreenTips.


翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/214291/how-to-disable-screentips-in-word-2013/

word 禁用dtd

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