retrace 交易

Stackify Retrace is basically an Application Performance Management (APM) tool. It is one of the best APM tool available in the market.

Stackify Retrace本质上是一个应用程序性能管理(APM)工具。 它是市场上最好的APM工具之一。

What is APM?


As the name suggests an APM smoothens the development process of a software application by monitoring performance of the code, the dependencies on applications, tracing transactions, analyzing web performance or any other function related to improving the efficiency of the coded application.


For coders, it is requisite to own a reliable APM to examine the code, detect bugs in no-time, identifying the stack slowing the code down, effortlessly creating custom dashboards and monitoring all the other hindrances that needs to be eliminated or altered for developing a smooth application.


Stackify回溯 (Stackify Retrace)

Below are some features and usage of this AMP tool.


  • This APM is purely dedicated in monitoring codes of Java and .NET!该APM完全专用于监视Java和.NET的代码!
  • Provides transaction tracing at code-level with details information about the bug as shown in the image below.如下图所示,在代码级提供了有关错误的详细信息的事务跟踪。
  • To simplify troubleshooting bugs, this app provides details of server and application logs. Windows Events, Web server logs, Syslog, and all application logs are supported by it.为了简化故障排除错误,此应用程序提供了服务器和应用程序日志的详细信息。 Windows事件,Web服务器日志,Syslog和所有应用程序日志受其支持。
  • Switching between log statements and the complete transaction trace is extremely swift.在日志语句和完整的事务跟踪之间切换非常快捷。
  • Monitoring the full application or a single web page is possible; Satisfaction score, Requests per minute, HTTP error %, Avg Page Load time can be monitored.可以监视整个应用程序或单个网页; 可以监控满意度得分,每分钟请求数,HTTP错误%,平均页面加载时间。
  • Stackify Retrace also offers alerts and notification scheme, by which you can also receive alerts through e-mails, SMS or slack.Stackify Retrace还提供警报和通知方案,通过该方案,您还可以通过电子邮件,SMS或闲暇接收警报。
  • Option for creating dashboards that can be custom designed by you and also be made public so that it is easy to share it with our mates and colleagues.创建仪表板的选项可以由您自定义设计,也可以公开显示,以便与我们的同事和同事轻松共享。
  • You can create your own custom metrics as well by writing a small code; with Stackify Retrace analyzing Performance counters and mBeans has also been facilitated.您也可以通过编写少量代码来创建自己的自定义指标; 使用Stackify Retrace分析性能计数器和mBean也得到了促进。
  • Not only tracking errors has been simplified by this APM, but also all the details about the errors which include- ‘the reason why the error occurred? At what point it started? How often this error occurs?’ is provided by it.此APM不仅简化了跟踪错误,而且还简化了有关错误的所有详细信息,其中包括-“发生错误的原因? 它从什么时候开始的? 该错误多久发生一次?” 由它提供。
  • Identifying the slow parts of the stack is another feature that this APM provides.识别堆栈中较慢的部分是此APM提供的另一个功能。
  • The monitoring performed is quick- 100/errors or 100/logs per minutes can be monitored.快速执行监视-每分钟可以监视100个错误或100个日志。
  • Unlike other APM, the Stackify Retrace not only tells the problems in the code but also provide all kind of details associated with the problems and methods to solve those problems.与其他APM不同,Stackify Retrace不仅在代码中告知问题,而且还提供与问题相关的所有详细信息以及解决这些问题的方法。

Where to Get it?


  • You can try this APM for free for a time-span of 14 days, download it from


  • Two APM’s are available on the site – Retrace Dev/Test (suitable for Pre-pod box), Retrace Production (suitable for apps in production).该站点上有两个APM-追溯开发/测试(适用于Pod盒),追溯生产(适用于生产中的应用程序)。
  • Retrace Dev/Test is available for $10/ month and Retrace Production is available for $25/month (single-core), $50/month (multi-core).Retrace Dev / Test的价格为每月10美元,Retrace Production的价格为25美元/月(单核),50美元/月(多核)。

Tried the Stackify Retrace APM yet? The website assures that the users have rated this particular APM with a 5 star rating, take a free trial today and let us know your experience with this particular APM in the comment section below. Strengthen the performance of your application today and The Crazy Programmer wishes all the coder friends a very Happy Coding!

尝试过Stackify Retrace APM吗? 该网站确保用户已对该特定APM进行了5星评级,请立即免费试用,并在下面的评论部分中让我们了解您对该特定APM的体验。 立即提高您的应用程序性能,The Crazy Programmer祝所有编码人员朋友祝您编码愉快!


retrace 交易

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