prep means example
aboard 上(船、飞机、公共汽车、火车等) Welcome aboard Air Canada flight FL123 from Sydney to Vancouver via San Francisco.【翻译】欢迎您乘坐加拿大航空公司的FL123航班,从悉尼前往温哥华,中途降落城市旧金山。
accross (从事物表面)穿过{在物体的表面上或沿着某一条线的方向而进行的动作} The students ran accross the playground into the classroom.【翻译】学生们穿过操场跑进教室。
as 作为,像,当做,如同
before Please check in three hours before take-off.【翻译】请在起飞前3小时开始办理登机手术。
behind For the convenience of the passenger behind you, please return your seat back to the upright position during the meal service.【翻译】为了方便您后面的乘客,在供餐期间,请将座椅靠背调整到正常位置。
beyond 超出 Passengers continuing this flight beyond the US are regarded as being in transit and are not required to fill out an arrival card.【翻译】过境美国的乘客被视为转乘乘客,无需填写入境卡。
from You can erase someone from your mind.
in We expect to arrive at ABC airport in 20 minutes.【翻译】我们预计在20分钟后到达ABC机场。
inside Please do not inflate it while you are still inside the aircraft.【翻译】您还在机舱里的时候,请不要充气。
of 属于(某人),属于(某物)
over (在……上面)穿过,通过{表示到达一个障碍物(如河、树、墙、篱笆和山脉等)的另一侧的动作} A life jacket is in the packet under your seat. Put it over your head to wear.【翻译】救生衣在您的座位下方。使用时,请将它套在头上。
per 每,每一 We will be flying at an altitude of 10,000 meters and the average speed is 900 kilometers per hour.【翻译】飞行高度10000米,飞行速度平均每小时900公里。
regarding 关于,至于 It carry basic informations ragarding the 5G NR cell.【翻译】它用于传输关于5G NR小区的基础信息。
through (从内部)穿过{动作在空间里进行} The figure depicts data flow through various protocol layers of 5G NR stack.【翻译】这幅图描述了穿过5G NR协议栈各层协议的数据流。
throughout 遍及,贯穿 2G, 3G and 4G cellular wireless technologies have been mass deployed throughout the world.【翻译】2G,3G和4G蜂窝无线网络已经在全世界大规模部署。
till 直到……为止,直到……才,在……前(不……) Sorry, we got stuck in the traffic jam. Can you extend Mr.Lee’s reservation till 1 o’clock?【翻译】对不起,我们碰到了堵车,请给我们保留李先生的预定到1点钟好吗?
to It fell to the ground.
via 经过(某一个地方) Welcome aboard Air Canada flight FL123 from Sydney to Vancouver via San Francisco.【翻译】欢迎您乘坐加拿大航空公司的FL123航班,从悉尼前往温哥华,中途降落城市旧金山。
with She lives with her parents.


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