6-30 Read Esc Chars (30分)(函数)

Esc characters are represented as \x in C string, such as \n and \t.
Function read_esc_chars() reads a line that may contains esc character representations from the standard input and parses all those esc character representations into esc characters.
For example, a string:
This is \t a test.
will be converted as:
This is a test.
There is a tab between is and a.
Your function should be able to recognize esc characters below: \n
And all other characters below 0x20 will be presented as:
where hh is the hexadecimal of the value, all letters in capital. For a value below 0x10, a leading 0 is needed to keep two positions. And as a C string, 0x00 will not be part of the string but the terminator.
int read_esc_char(char *line, int len);
line is the place that can hold the string read from user’s input.
len is the size of line.
The function reads a whole line from the standard input and returns number of characters in the converted string. If the inputed line is longer than the place, only the characters that can be safely placed in the place can be read in.
#include <stdio.h>
int read_esc_char(char line, int len);
static const LINE_LEN = 80;
int main()
char line[LINE_LEN];
printf("%d\n", read_esc_char(line, LINE_LEN));
printf("%s\n", line);
请在这里填写答案 */
hello world
There is a tab between hello and world.

int read_esc_char(char *line, int len){char fh;int t=0,sum;while(1){sum=0;fh=getchar();if(fh=='\n'||t>=len-1) break;else if(fh=='\\'){fh=getchar();if(fh=='b'){*(line++)='\b';}else if(fh=='t'){*(line++)='\t';} else if(fh=='n') {*(line++)='\n';}else if(fh=='r') {*(line++)='\r';}else {sum+=(fh-48)*16;fh=getchar();if(fh>='0'&&fh<='9') sum+=(fh-48);else if(fh>='A'&&fh<='F') sum+=(fh-55);else if(fh>='a'&&fh<='f') sum+=(fh-87);fh=sum;*(line++)=fh;}}else {*(line++)=fh;}t++;}*line='\0';return t;

//3.如果输入的是控制字符本身(即:’/t’or’^S’而非/t or /13)那么不做任何处理直接塞入line数组中即可。
//一个槽点,对输出内容的检测不是很严谨,用"%s"读入也可过关(即,题目hello\t world,输出6 hello ,也是可以的)。

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