主体代码文件有三个,mypcb.h,myinterupt.h, mymain.h,mypcb定义了进程控制块结构,myinterupt实现了中断处理程序,mymain是实际入口点,以下代码省去了头文件部分,并有详细注释,下面的分析中只挑选关键部分进行分析

 1 /* A simply process control block */
 3 #define MAX_TASK_NUM 10 //max number of tasks
 4 #define KERNEL_STACK_SIZE 1024*8 //max kernel stack size of a single process, here is 8KiB
 6 //This struct describes basic CPU info
 7 struct Thread
 8 {
 9     unsigned long ip; //EIP Register, Points to next instruction
10     unsigned long sp; //ESP Register, Points to Stack head
11 };
13 //This struct describes the structure of PCB
14 typedef struct PCB
15 {
16     int pid;    //pid
17     volatile long state;    //process state
18     /* -1 unrunnable,
19      * 0 runnable,
20      * >0 stopped */
21     char stack[KERNEL_STACK_SIZE];
22     //each PCB stack size is KERNEL_STACK_SIZE, here is 8KiB
23     struct Thread thread; //CPU info
24     unsigned long task_entry; //task execute entry
25     struct PCB *next; //all processes are in a circled linked list
26 }tPCB;
28 void my_schedule(void);

 1 #include "mypcb.h"
 3 extern tPCB task[MAX_TASK_NUM];
 4 extern tPCB *my_current_task;
 5 extern volatile int my_need_sched;
 6 volatile int time_count;
 8 /*
 9  * Called by timer interrupt.
10  */
11 void my_timer_handler(void)
12 {
13 #if 1
14     //here defines the system circle count, after that count the processes should be resheduled
15     if(time_count % 10 == 0 && my_need_sched != 1)
16     {
17         printk(KERN_NOTICE ">>>my_timer_handler here<<<\n");
18         my_need_sched = 1;
19     }
20     time_count ++;
21 #endif
22     return;
23 }
25 void my_schedule(void)
26 {
27     tPCB *next;
28     tPCB *prev;
30     printk(KERN_NOTICE "This is process %d, next is process %d", my_current_task->pid, my_current_task->next->pid);
32     if(my_current_task == NULL || my_current_task->next == NULL)
33     {
34         return;
35     }
37     printk(KERN_NOTICE ">>>my_schedule<<<\n");
39     //Scheduler code below
40     next = my_current_task->next;
41     prev = my_current_task;
43     //state 0 means next process is runnable
44     if(next->state == 0) // -1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped
45     {
46         asm volatile(
47                 //saving current task scene
48                 "pushl %%ebp\n\t"   //save ebp, aka current scene
49                 "movl %%esp, %0\n\t"//save esp, also part of current scene
50                 //changing to next task
51                 "movl %2, %%esp\n\t"//set esp to the very value of next task
52                 "movl $1f, %1\n\t"  //save current EIP to memory
53                 "pushl %3\n\t"      //next task's EIP is now in stack
54                 "ret\n\t"           //reset EIP to next task's EIP, same as 'popl %eip'
55                 "1:\t"              //flag, next process start here
56                 "popl %%ebp\n\t"    //
57                 :"=m"(prev->thread.sp), "=m"(prev->thread.ip)
58                 :"m"(next->thread.sp), "m"(next->thread.ip)
59         );
60         //The inline assembly did everything to cut the scene, now we are running 'next' task
61         my_current_task = next;
62         printk(KERN_NOTICE ">>>switch %d to %d<<<\n", prev->pid, next->pid);
63     }
64     else
65     {
66         next->state = 0;
67         my_current_task = next;
68         printk(KERN_NOTICE ">>>switch %d to %d<<<\n", prev->pid, next->pid);
69         //Switch to new process
70         asm volatile(
71                 //Saving current task scene
72                 "pushl %%ebp\n\t"   //save ebp, same as above
73                 "movl %%esp, %0\n\t"//save esp, same as above
74                 //Changing to next task
75                 "movl %2, %%esp\n\t"//reset esp, same as above
76                 "movl %2, %%ebp\n\t"//set ebp to next->thread.sp, since next task is totally new, so its stack should be empty. aka esp == ebp
77                 "movl $1f, %1\n\t"  //save EIP
78                 "pushl %3\n\t"      //enstack next task's EIP, same as above
79                 "ret\n\t"           //reset EIP, same as above
80                 :"=m"(prev->thread.sp), "=m"(prev->thread.ip)
81                 :"m"(next->thread.sp), "m"(next->thread.ip)
82         );
83     }
84     return;
85 }

#include "mypcb.h"tPCB task[MAX_TASK_NUM];
tPCB *my_current_task = NULL;
volatile int my_need_sched = 0;void my_process(void);void __init my_start_kernel(void)
{int pid = 0;//Initializing process 0, root of everythingtask[pid].pid = pid;task[pid].state = 0; // -1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stoppedtask[pid].task_entry = task[pid].thread.ip = (unsigned long)my_process;task[pid].thread.sp = (unsigned long)&task[pid].stack[KERNEL_STACK_SIZE-1];task[pid].next = &task[pid];//fork more processesfor(++pid; pid < MAX_TASK_NUM; ++pid){memcpy(&task[pid], &task[0], sizeof(tPCB)); //Just a simple memcpy, copies every thing of process 0//Reset PCB info, everything is similar as above, except this new process's state is 'unrunnable'task[pid].pid = pid;task[pid].state = -1; // -1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stoppedtask[pid].task_entry = task[pid].thread.ip = (unsigned long)my_process;task[pid].thread.sp = (unsigned long)&task[pid].stack[KERNEL_STACK_SIZE-1];//Link the new process to process listtask[pid].next = task[pid-1].next;task[pid-1].next = &task[pid];}//Starting process 0pid = 0;my_current_task = &task[pid];asm volatile("movl %1, %%esp\n\t"    //set task[pid].thread.sp to esp"pushl %1\n\t"          //push process 0's sp to stack//Redirect EIP to entry point of process 0"pushl %0\n\t"          //push task[pid].thread.ip"ret\n\t"               //Set actuall EIP via ret"popl %%ebp\n\t"        //ebp is now process0's esp, aka the process is new
}//user process
void my_process(void)
{int i = 0;while(true){++i;if(i % 10000000 == 0){printk(KERN_NOTICE "this is process %d -\n", my_current_task->pid);if(my_need_sched == 1){my_need_sched = 0;my_schedule();}printk(KERN_NOTICE "this is process %d +\n", my_current_task->pid);}}



 1 //Starting process 0
 2 pid = 0;
 3 my_current_task = &task[pid];
 4 asm volatile(
 5        "movl %1, %%esp\n\t"    //set task[pid].thread.sp to esp
 6        "pushl %1\n\t"          //push process 0's sp to stack
 7        //Redirect EIP to entry point of process 0
 8        "pushl %0\n\t"          //push task[pid].thread.ip
 9        "ret\n\t"               //Set actuall EIP via ret
10        "popl %%ebp\n\t"        //ebp is now process0's esp, aka the process is new
11        :
12        :"c"(task[pid].thread.ip),"d"(task[pid].thread.sp)
13 );




下面几行将程序执行流真正定向到了process 0

L8,L9,我们知道ret相当于popl %eip,所以现将进程0的eip入栈然后ret,不难理解,这是将0号进程的eip值实际注入到了cpu的eip寄存器中






 1     //Scheduler code below
 2     next = my_current_task->next;
 3     prev = my_current_task;
 5     //state 0 means next process is runnable
 6     if(next->state == 0) // -1 unrunnable, 0 runnable, >0 stopped
 7     {
 8         asm volatile(
 9                 //saving current task scene
10                 "pushl %%ebp\n\t"   //save ebp, aka current scene
11                 "movl %%esp, %0\n\t"//save esp, also part of current scene
12                 //changing to next task
13                 "movl %2, %%esp\n\t"//set esp to the very value of next task
14                 "movl $1f, %1\n\t"  //save current EIP to memory
15                 "pushl %3\n\t"      //next task's EIP is now in stack
16                 "ret\n\t"           //reset EIP to next task's EIP, same as 'popl %eip'
17                 "1:\t"              //flag, next process start here
18                 "popl %%ebp\n\t"    //
19                 :"=m"(prev->thread.sp), "=m"(prev->thread.ip)
20                 :"m"(next->thread.sp), "m"(next->thread.ip)
21         );
22         //The inline assembly did everything to cut the scene, now we are running 'next' task
23         my_current_task = next;
24         printk(KERN_NOTICE ">>>switch %d to %d<<<\n", prev->pid, next->pid);
25     }
26     else
27     {
28         next->state = 0;
29         my_current_task = next;
30         printk(KERN_NOTICE ">>>switch %d to %d<<<\n", prev->pid, next->pid);
31         //Switch to new process
32         asm volatile(
33                 //Saving current task scene
34                 "pushl %%ebp\n\t"   //save ebp, same as above
35                 "movl %%esp, %0\n\t"//save esp, same as above
36                 //Changing to next task
37                 "movl %2, %%esp\n\t"//reset esp, same as above
38                 "movl %2, %%ebp\n\t"//set ebp to next->thread.sp, since next task is totally new, so its stack should be empty. aka esp == ebp
39                 "movl $1f, %1\n\t"  //save EIP
40                 "pushl %3\n\t"      //enstack next task's EIP, same as above
41                 "ret\n\t"           //reset EIP, same as above
42                 :"=m"(prev->thread.sp), "=m"(prev->thread.ip)
43                 :"m"(next->thread.sp), "m"(next->thread.ip)
44         );
45     }

















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