


题 目: 计算机病毒

系 别: 计算机工程系

专业班级: 计软082班

姓 名: 周政

学 号:

指导教师: 崔亚楠

职 称:

二〇 一二 年 四 月 十一 日

Computer VirusComputer viruses are a destructive program that can replicate itself and proliferation through the network, transmission. Virus code is very small, usually attached to other documents or procedures at the end, so they can easily hide in the system. Ability to self-replicating virus on the network so that it can spread infection to other documents and procedures, once the virus spread to the network very difficult to track down.In 1987, computer viruses spread in the United States, and the first computer virus "small ball" at the end of the year spread to our country. Since then, has found a virus imported and domestic. So far, computer viruses has risen to more than 20,000 kinds; which can attack more than 90% of micro-computer.1. The characteristics of computer viruses(1) the basic characteristics of(a) infection: a computer virus as a program that can replicate itself to other normal procedures or systems of certain components, such as the disk part of the guide. This is the basic characteristic of the virus program. With the increasingly extensive network development, computer viruses can be widely disseminated through the network in a short time.(b) latent: hidden in the infected system the virus does not immediately attack; the contrary, in its pre-attack, the need for a certain period of time or have certain conditions. Within the incubation period, it does not show any disruption of operations, making it difficult to find the virus and the virus can continue to spread. Once a virus outbreak, it can cause serious damage.(c) can be triggered: Once certain conditions, the virus began to attack. This feature can be triggered is called. Take advantage of this char


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