docker 注册表

Docker images generally provided by registries. Docker officially provide allready one public registry for all Docker users. In this tutorial we will look Docker Registry related information.

Docker映像通常由注册表提供。 Docker正式为所有Docker用户提供了一个现成的公共注册表。 在本教程中,我们将查看与Docker Registry相关的信息。

公共登记处 (Public Registry)

Public registries generally provide for general usage for Docker users for different purposes. Some popular companies or software vendors provides their public registries without any fee. For example Ubuntu images can be get from following public registry.

公共注册机构通常出于不同目的为Docker用户提供通用用法。 一些受欢迎的公司或软件供应商免费提供其公共注册表。 例如,可以从以下公共注册表获取Ubuntu映像。

官方公共存储库列表 (List Of Official Public Repositories)

In order to get all public repositories we will use following url where popular software images are listed.


List Of Official Public Repositories

私人注册(Private Registry)

Private registries generally use inside a group, company or organization. We can setup our own private registry where we can secure and manage images and repository according to our needs. This will be also helpful if we need modification of images and installation of priority software inside them. Private registry created with docker run command.

私人注册表通常在团体,公司或组织内部使用。 我们可以设置自己的私有注册表,在其中可以根据需要保护和管理映像和存储库。 如果我们需要修改映像并在其中安装优先软件,这也将很有帮助。 使用docker run命令创建的私有注册表。

认证方式 (Authentication)

Security is important factor for Docker images. One of the important step for security is authentication. We can set up authentication for our private registries or authentication while connecting remote registries. Important factor for authentication is TLS. In order to use authentication we must setup TLS for registry.

安全性是Docker映像的重要因素。 安全性的重要步骤之一是身份验证。 我们可以为我们的私有注册表设置身份验证,或者在连接远程注册表时进行身份验证。 身份验证的重要因素是TLS。 为了使用身份验证,我们必须为注册表设置TLS。

亚马逊S3 (Amazon S3)

We can use Amazon S3 in order to store registries. We provide some configuration to the Amazon S3 which is defined in the following link.

我们可以使用Amazon S3来存储注册表。 我们为以下链接中定义的Amazon S3提供了一些配置。

版本2 (Version 2)

Version 2 specifies the HTTP API version. API is used to manage Docker registries. We can use Version 2 HTTP API for the following issues

版本2指定HTTP API版本。 API用于管理Docker注册表。 我们可以使用版本2 HTTP API解决以下问题

  • Image Verification图片验证码
  • PULL Image拉图
  • PUSH Image推送图片
  • Resumable PUSH连续推
  • Resumable PULL可恢复拉
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了解更多如何在Ubuntu上设置Kubernetes 1.4

用户界面 (User Interface)

While working images for a private registry it may be complicated for newcomer. There are different User Interfaces for Docker Registry. Those are provides web interface to create, delete, modify, list images and related information. Here some of them

在为私人注册中心工作映像时,对于新手来说可能会很复杂。 Docker Registry有不同的用户界面。 这些提供了用于创建,删除,修改,列出图像和相关信息的Web界面。 这里有些





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