

javadoc工具能从java源文件中读取第三种注释,并能识别注释中用@标识的一些特殊变量(见表),制作成Html格式的类说明文档。 javadoc不但能对一个java源文件生成注释文档,而且能对目录和包生成交叉链接的html格式的类说明文档,十分方便。


@author 作者名

@version 版本标识

@parameter 参数名及其意义

@since 最早出现的JDK版本



@deprecated 引起不推荐使用的警告

@see 交叉参考


C:\java>javadoc -help

C:\java>javadoc -help

usage: javadoc [options] [packagenames] [sourcefiles] [classnames] [@files]-overview Read overview documentation from HTML file-public Show only publicclasses and members-protected Show protected/public classes and members (default)-package Show package/protected/publicclasses and members-privateShow all classes and members-help Display command line options and exit-doclet Generate output via alternate doclet-docletpath Specify where to find doclet classfiles-sourcepath Specify where to find source files-classpath Specify where to find user classfiles-exclude Specify a list of packages to exclude-subpackages Specify subpackages to recursively load-breakiterator Compute 1st sentence with BreakIterator-bootclasspath Override location of class files loaded by the bootstrap classloader-source Provide source compatibility with specified release-extdirs Override location of installed extensions-verbose Output messages about what Javadoc is doing-locale Locale to be used, e.g. en_US or en_US_WIN-encoding Source file encoding name-J Pass directly to the runtime system

Provided by Standard doclet:-d Destination directory foroutput files-use Create class and packageusage pages-version Include @version paragraphs-author Include @author paragraphs-docfilessubdirs Recursively copy doc-file subdirectories-splitindex Split index into one file per letter-windowtitle Browser window title forthe documenation-doctitle Include title forthe overview page-header Include header text foreach page-footer Include footer text foreach page-bottom Include bottom text foreach page-link Create links to javadoc output at

-linkoffline Link to docs at using package list at

-excludedocfilessubdir :.. Exclude any doc-files subdirectories with given name.-group :.. Group specified packages together in overviewpage-nocomment Supress description and tags, generate only declarations.-nodeprecated Do not include @deprecated information-noqualifier ::... Exclude the list of qualifiers from the output.-nosince Do not include @since information-nodeprecatedlist Do not generate deprecated list-notree Do not generate classhierarchy-noindex Do not generate index-nohelp Do not generate help link-nonavbar Do not generate navigation bar-quiet Do not display status messages to screen-serialwarn Generate warning about @serial tag-tag ::Specify single argument custom tags-taglet The fully qualified name of Taglet to register-tagletpath The path to Taglets-charset Charset for cross-platform viewing of generated documentation.-helpfile Include file that help link links to-linksource Generate source in HTML-stylesheetfile File to change style of the generated documentation-docencoding Output encoding name



C:\java>javadoc JavadocDemo.java

Loading source file JavadocDemo.java...

Constructing Javadoc information...

Standard Doclet version1.4.2_03

Generating constant-values.html...

Building treeforall the packages and classes...

Building indexforall the packages and classes...

Generating overview-tree.html...

Generating index-all.html...

Generating deprecated-list.html...

Building indexforall classes...

Generating allclasses-frame.html...

Generating allclasses-noframe.html...

Generating index.html...

Generating packages.html...

Generating JavadocDemo.html...

JavadocDemo.java:11: warning -Tag @see: reference not found: javax.swing.Japplet

Generating serialized-form.html...


Generating help-doc.html...

Generating stylesheet.css...1warning

C:\java>附源文件:import java.applet.*;import java.awt.*;import java.awt.event.*;/***JavadocDemo.java,一个显示JavaDoc注释的Applet





public class JavadocDemo extendsApplet{/**init()是一个Applet方法,由浏览器调用进行初始化

* 只调用一次


public voidinit(){//创建并添加一个按钮//其它什么也不做

Button b;

b=new Button("Hello");



}/**paint() 是一个AWT组件方法,在组件要绘制时调用,只

* 是在Applet的窗口中画带色的方框。

* 参数 g一个java.awt.Graphics

* 用在所有绘制方法中*/

public voidpaint(Graphics g){int w=getSize().width,h=getSize().height;






g.drawString("Welcome to Java",50,50);


* JDK1.1中被归入不推荐使用



public voidshow(){//由于覆盖了show(),此applet 不能显示



publicJavadocDemo(){if(new java.util.Date().getDay()==0){throw new IllegalArgumentException("Never on a Sunday");




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