


解决操作:右键项目,team->show tree conflicts->右键出错文件,点reslove



SVN报错working copy is not uptodate相关推荐

  1. 【svn】svn报错:“Previous operation has not finished; run ‘cleanup‘ if it was interrupted“ 的解决方法

    [svn]svn报错:"Previous operation has not finished; run 'cleanup' if it was interrupted" 的解决方 ...

  2. SVN报错:can‘t open file db/txn-current-lock:permission denied 解决方法

    SVN报错:can't open file db/txn-current-lock:permission denied 解决方法 参考文章: (1)SVN报错:can't open file db/t ...

  3. 开发避坑2——大鸟 pk Bug2(SVN报错:database disk image is malformed

    开发避坑2--大鸟 pk Bug2(SVN报错:database disk image is malformed) 报错信息 svn报错database disk image is malformed ...

  4. SVN报错之“Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with...“的解决方法

    SVN报错之"Failed to run the WC DB work queue associated with-"的解决方法 文章目录 SVN报错之"Failed t ...

  5. 【svn】svn报错refers to a file, not a directory和File out of date解决办法

    1.svn报错 refers to a file, not a directory svn co http://server.com/svn/trunk/test.file test.file svn ...

  6. svn报错refers to a file, not a directory

    svn报错 refers to a file, not a directory svn co http://server.com/svn/trunk/test.file test.file svn: ...

  7. svn报错:浠ュ墠鐨勬搷浣滄病鏈夊畬鎴愶紱濡傛灉瀹冭涓柇锛岃鎵ц鈥渟vn cleanup鈥?

    提交svn时遇到两个错,这里记录一下: 问题:浠ュ墠鐨勬搷浣滄病鏈夊畬鎴愶紱濡傛灉瀹冭涓柇锛岃鎵ц鈥渟vn cleanup鈥? 按照提示使用右键->cleanup, 默认的选项是 点击确 ...

  8. macOS系统升级后idea使用svn报错

    昨天升级了 macOS Monterey 更新完后IntelliJ IDEA无法正常使用SVN 报Cannot run program "svn" (in directory &q ...

  9. SVN提交错误:working copy is not up-to-date解决方法

    我在项目中删了2个jar,然后SVN提交,一直提交不成功 svn在提交时报错如下图: working copy is not up-to-date svn:commit failed(details ...


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