
template <typename T>
inline T const& max (T const& a, T const& b)
{// if a < b then use b else use areturn  a < b ? b : a;


#include <iostream>
#include <string>
#include "max.hpp"int main()
{int i = 42;std::cout << "max(7,i):   " << ::max(7,i) << std::endl;double f1 = 3.4;double f2 = -6.7;std::cout << "max(f1,f2): " << ::max(f1,f2) << std::endl;std::string s1 = "mathematics";std::string s2 = "math";std::cout << "max(s1,s2): " << ::max(s1,s2) << std::endl;



    ::max<double>(1,2); //ok//::max(1,1.2);//wrong::max(static_cast<double>(4),4.1);//ok



template <typename T1,typename T2>
inline T1 const& max (T1 const& a, T2 const& b)
{// if a < b then use b else use areturn  a < b ? b : a;


double i = 42.1;
std::cout << "max(7,i):   " << ::max(7,i) << std::endl;



template <typename T1,typename T2,typename T3>
inline T3 const& max (T1 const& a, T2 const& b)
{// if a < b then use b else use areturn  a < b ? b : a;


double i = 42.1;
std::cout << "max(7,i):   " << ::max<int,double,double>(7,i) << std::endl;



// maximum of two int values
inline int const& max (int const& a, int const& b)
{return  a < b ? b : a;
}// maximum of two values of any type
template <typename T>
inline T const& max (T const& a, T const& b)
{return  a < b ? b : a;
}// maximum of three values of any type
template <typename T>
inline T const& max (T const& a, T const& b, T const& c)
{return ::max (::max(a,b), c);
}int main()
{::max(7, 42, 68);     // calls the template for three arguments::max(7.0, 42.0);     // calls max<double> (by argument deduction)::max('a', 'b');      // calls max<char> (by argument deduction)::max(7, 42);         // calls the nontemplate for two ints::max<>(7, 42);       // calls max<int> (by argument deduction)::max<double>(7, 42); // calls max<double> (no argument deduction)::max('a', 42.7);     // calls the nontemplate for two ints

特别注意::max<>(7, 42);这句的写法 

::max('a', 42.7); 只适用于常规函数,'a’会完成自动类型转换


#include <iostream>
#include <cstring>
#include <string>// maximum of two values of any type
template <typename T>
inline T const& max (T const& a, T const& b)
{return  a < b  ?  b : a;
}// maximum of two pointers
template <typename T>
inline T* const& max (T* const& a, T* const& b)
{return  *a < *b  ?  b : a;
}// maximum of two C-strings
inline char const* const& max (char const* const& a,char const* const& b)
{ return  std::strcmp(a,b) < 0  ?  b : a;
}int main ()
{int a=7;int b=42;::max(a,b);      // max() for two values of type intstd::string s="hey";std::string t="you";::max(s,t);      // max() for two values of type std::stringint* p1 = &b;int* p2 = &a;::max(p1,p2);    // max() for two pointerschar const* s1 = "David";char const* s2 = "Nico";::max(s1,s2);    // max() for two C-strings



// maximum of two values of any type
template <typename T>
inline T const& max (T const& a, T const& b)
{return  a < b ? b : a;
}// maximum of three values of any type
template <typename T>
inline T const& max (T const& a, T const& b, T const& c)
{return max (max(a,b), c);  // uses the template version even for ints
}                              // because the following declaration comes// too late:
// maximum of two int values
inline int const& max (int const& a, int const& b)
{return  a < b ? b : a;



#include <string>// note: reference parameters
template <typename T>
inline T const& max (T const& a, T const& b)
{return  a < b  ?  b : a;
}int main()
{std::string s;::max("apple","peach");   // OK: same type::max("apple","tomato");  // ERROR: different types::max("apple",s);         // ERROR: different types

“apple”会被转成 char[6]数组,所以比较要求数组维度长度相同,第二条”tomato”与”apple”长度不符合,即出错.

s是std:: string类型,而非char数组,所以也出错


#include <string>// note: nonreference parameters
template <typename T>
inline T max (T a, T b)
{return  a < b  ?  b : a;
}int main()
{std::string s;::max("apple","peach");   // OK: same type::max("apple","tomato");  // OK: decays to same type::max("apple",s);         // ERROR: different types


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