
core: Lucene core library

analyzers-common: Analyzers for indexing content in different languages and domains.
analyzers-icu: Analysis integration with ICU (International Components for Unicode).
analyzers-kuromoji: Japanese Morphological Analyzer
analyzers-morfologik: Analyzer for dictionary stemming, built-in Polish dictionary
analyzers-nori: Korean Morphological Analyzer
analyzers-opennlp: OpenNLP Library Integration
analyzers-phonetic: Analyzer for indexing phonetic signatures (for sounds-alike search)
analyzers-smartcn: Analyzer for indexing Chinese
analyzers-stempel: Analyzer for indexing Polish
backward-codecs: Codecs for older versions of Lucene.
benchmark: System for benchmarking Lucene
classification: Classification module for Lucene
codecs: Lucene codecs and postings formats.
demo: Simple example code
expressions: Dynamically computed values to sort/facet/search on based on a pluggable grammar.
facet: Faceted indexing and search capabilities
grouping: Collectors for grouping search results.
highlighter: Highlights search keywords in results
join: Index-time and Query-time joins for normalized content
memory: Single-document in-memory index implementation
misc: Index tools and other miscellaneous code
queries: Filters and Queries that add to core Lucene
queryparser: Query parsers and parsing framework
replicator: Files replication utility
sandbox: Various third party contributions and new ideas
spatial: Geospatial search
spatial3d: 3D spatial planar geometry APIs
spatial-extras: Geospatial search
suggest: Auto-suggest and Spellchecking support
test-framework: Framework for testing Lucene-based applications


Top-level package.
Text analysis.
Fast, general-purpose grammar-based tokenizer StandardTokenizer implements the Word Break rules from the Unicode Text Segmentation algorithm, as specified in Unicode Standard Annex #29.
General-purpose attributes for text analysis.
Codecs API: API for customization of the encoding and structure of the index.
BlockTree terms dictionary.
StoredFieldsFormat that allows cross-document and cross-field compression of stored fields.
Components from the Lucene 5.0 index format See org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene50 for an overview of the index format.
Components from the Lucene 6.0 index format.
Components from the Lucene 6.2 index format See org.apache.lucene.codecs.lucene70 for an overview of the current index format.
Lucene 7.0 file format.
Postings format that can delegate to different formats per-field.
The logical representation of a Document for indexing and searching.
Geospatial Utility Implementations for Lucene Core
Code to maintain and access indices.
Code to search indices.
This package contains the various ranking models that can be used in Lucene.
The calculus of spans.
Binary i/o API, used for all index data.
Some utility classes.
Finite-state automaton for regular expressions.
Block KD-tree, implementing the generic spatial data structure described in this paper.
Finite state transducers
Utility classes for working with token streams as graphs.
Comparable object wrappers
Packed integer arrays and streams.




/**A Term represents a word from text.  This is the unit of search.  It iscomposed of two elements, the text of the word, as a string, and the name ofthe field that the text occurred in.Note that terms may represent more than words from text fields, but alsothings like dates, email addresses, urls, etc.  */

2.2 Field


/*** Expert: directly create a field for a document.  Most* users should use one of the sugar subclasses: * <ul>*    <li>{@link TextField}: {@link Reader} or {@link String} indexed for full-text search*    <li>{@link StringField}: {@link String} indexed verbatim as a single token*    <li>{@link IntPoint}: {@code int} indexed for exact/range queries.*    <li>{@link LongPoint}: {@code long} indexed for exact/range queries.*    <li>{@link FloatPoint}: {@code float} indexed for exact/range queries.*    <li>{@link DoublePoint}: {@code double} indexed for exact/range queries.*    <li>{@link SortedDocValuesField}: {@code byte[]} indexed column-wise for sorting/faceting*    <li>{@link SortedSetDocValuesField}: {@code SortedSet<byte[]>} indexed column-wise for sorting/faceting*    <li>{@link NumericDocValuesField}: {@code long} indexed column-wise for sorting/faceting*    <li>{@link SortedNumericDocValuesField}: {@code SortedSet<long>} indexed column-wise for sorting/faceting*    <li>{@link StoredField}: Stored-only value for retrieving in summary results* </ul>** <p> A field is a section of a Document. Each field has three* parts: name, type and value. Values may be text* (String, Reader or pre-analyzed TokenStream), binary* (byte[]), or numeric (a Number).  Fields are optionally stored in the* index, so that they may be returned with hits on the document.** <p>* NOTE: the field type is an {@link IndexableFieldType}.  Making changes* to the state of the IndexableFieldType will impact any* Field it is used in.  It is strongly recommended that no* changes be made after Field instantiation.*/

 2.3 Document


/** Documents are the unit of indexing and search.** A Document is a set of fields.  Each field has a name and a textual value.* A field may be {@link org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableFieldType#stored() stored} with the document, in which* case it is returned with search hits on the document.  Thus each document* should typically contain one or more stored fields which uniquely identify* it.** <p>Note that fields which are <i>not</i> {@link org.apache.lucene.index.IndexableFieldType#stored() stored} are* <i>not</i> available in documents retrieved from the index, e.g. with {@link* ScoreDoc#doc} or {@link IndexReader#document(int)}.*/

2.4 segment


/*** Information about a segment such as its name, directory, and files related* to the segment.** @lucene.experimental*/

2.5 FSDirectory

/*** Base class for Directory implementations that store index* files in the file system.  * <a name="subclasses"></a>* There are currently three core* subclasses:** <ul>**  <li>{@link SimpleFSDirectory} is a straightforward*       implementation using Files.newByteChannel.*       However, it has poor concurrent performance*       (multiple threads will bottleneck) as it*       synchronizes when multiple threads read from the*       same file.**  <li>{@link NIOFSDirectory} uses java.nio's*       FileChannel's positional io when reading to avoid*       synchronization when reading from the same file.*       Unfortunately, due to a Windows-only <a*       href="http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=6265734">Sun*       JRE bug</a> this is a poor choice for Windows, but*       on all other platforms this is the preferred*       choice. Applications using {@link Thread#interrupt()} or*       {@link Future#cancel(boolean)} should use*       {@code RAFDirectory} instead. See {@link NIOFSDirectory} java doc*       for details.*        *  <li>{@link MMapDirectory} uses memory-mapped IO when*       reading. This is a good choice if you have plenty*       of virtual memory relative to your index size, eg*       if you are running on a 64 bit JRE, or you are*       running on a 32 bit JRE but your index sizes are*       small enough to fit into the virtual memory space.*       Java has currently the limitation of not being able to*       unmap files from user code. The files are unmapped, when GC*       releases the byte buffers. Due to*       <a href="http://bugs.sun.com/bugdatabase/view_bug.do?bug_id=4724038">*       this bug</a> in Sun's JRE, MMapDirectory's {@link IndexInput#close}*       is unable to close the underlying OS file handle. Only when*       GC finally collects the underlying objects, which could be*       quite some time later, will the file handle be closed.*       This will consume additional transient disk usage: on Windows,*       attempts to delete or overwrite the files will result in an*       exception; on other platforms, which typically have a &quot;delete on*       last close&quot; semantics, while such operations will succeed, the bytes
 *       are still consuming space on disk.  For many applications this*       limitation is not a problem (e.g. if you have plenty of disk space,*       and you don't rely on overwriting files on Windows) but it's still*       an important limitation to be aware of. This class supplies a*       (possibly dangerous) workaround mentioned in the bug report,*       which may fail on non-Sun JVMs.* </ul>** <p>Unfortunately, because of system peculiarities, there is* no single overall best implementation.  Therefore, we've* added the {@link #open} method, to allow Lucene to choose* the best FSDirectory implementation given your* environment, and the known limitations of each* implementation.  For users who have no reason to prefer a* specific implementation, it's best to simply use {@link* #open}.  For all others, you should instantiate the* desired implementation directly.** <p><b>NOTE:</b> Accessing one of the above subclasses either directly or* indirectly from a thread while it's interrupted can close the* underlying channel immediately if at the same time the thread is* blocked on IO. The channel will remain closed and subsequent access* to the index will throw a {@link ClosedChannelException}.* Applications using {@link Thread#interrupt()} or* {@link Future#cancel(boolean)} should use the slower legacy* {@code RAFDirectory} from the {@code misc} Lucene module instead.** <p>The locking implementation is by default {@link* NativeFSLockFactory}, but can be changed by* passing in a custom {@link LockFactory} instance.** @see Directory*/


    Analyzer analyzer = new StandardAnalyzer();// Store the index in memory:Directory directory = new RAMDirectory();// To store an index on disk, use this instead://Directory directory = FSDirectory.open("/tmp/testindex");IndexWriterConfig config = new IndexWriterConfig(analyzer);IndexWriter iwriter = new IndexWriter(directory, config);Document doc = new Document();String text = "This is the text to be indexed.";doc.add(new Field("fieldname", text, TextField.TYPE_STORED));iwriter.addDocument(doc);iwriter.close();// Now search the index:DirectoryReader ireader = DirectoryReader.open(directory);IndexSearcher isearcher = new IndexSearcher(ireader);// Parse a simple query that searches for "text":QueryParser parser = new QueryParser("fieldname", analyzer);Query query = parser.parse("text");ScoreDoc[] hits = isearcher.search(query, null, 1000).scoreDocs;assertEquals(1, hits.length);// Iterate through the results:for (int i = 0; i < hits.length; i++) {Document hitDoc = isearcher.doc(hits[i].doc);assertEquals("This is the text to be indexed.", hitDoc.get("fieldname"));}ireader.close();directory.close();






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