1.Papers collections
Note: the original name of the paper will be appended soonly!

Index Paper Year Brief Intro Note
1. [Collobert & Weston, ICML ’08] 2008 Multi-task learning. MTL: Win Test-of-time-award at ICML 2018
2. [Pennington et al., EMNLP ’14; Levy et al., NIPS ’14] 2014 Generate embeeidng by matrix factorization New method of embedding
3. [Levy et al., TACL ’15] 2015 Classic methods (eg. PMI and SVD) for embedding generation New method of embedding
4. [Le & Mikolov, ICML ’14; Kiros et al., NIPS ’15] 2016 Skip-gram for sentence representation Skip-gram
5. [Grover & Leskovec, KDD ’16] 2016 Skip-gram for Nueral Network modelling Skip-gram
6. [Luong et al., ’15] 2015 Difference embedding projection aids trasfer learning Embedding projection
7. [Hochreiter & Schmidhuber, NeuComp ’97] 1997 The original paper for LSTM LSTM
8. [Kalchbrenner et al., ’17] 2017 Dilated CNN CNN: To enable wider receptive field
9. [Wang et al., ACL ’16] 2016 Stacked LSTM and CNN Stacked model
10. [Bradbury et al., ICLR ’17] 2017 Use convolution to speed up LSTM CNN&LSTM combination
11. [Tai et al., ACL ’15] 2015 Extend Recursive nueral netword to LSTM Recursive neural network put forward
12. [Bastings et al., EMNLP ’17] 2017 graph convolutional neural network Cnn over graph(trees)
13. [Levy and Goldberg, ACL ’14] 2014 word embeddings generated form dependencies Embedding generation
14. [Wu et al., ’16] 2016 Deep LSTM New seq2seq model
15. [Kalchbrenner et al., arXiv ’16; Gehring et al., arXiv ’17] 2017 Convolutional encoders New seq2seq model
16. [Vaswani et al., NIPS ’17] 2017 Transformer: pure attention architecture New seq2seq model
17. [Chen et al., ACL ’18] 2018 combination of LSTM and Transformer New seq2seq model
18. [Vinyals et al., NIPS ’16] 2016 Attention in one-shot learning Attention & one-shot
19.0 [Graves et al., arXiv ’14] 2014 Neural Turing Machine Memory Network
19.1 [Weston et al., ICLR ’15] 2015 Memory Network Memory Network
19.2 [Sukhbaatar et al., NIPS ’15] 2015 End-to-end Memory Networks Memory Network
19.3 Dynamic Memory Networks [Kumar et al., ICML ’16] 2016 Dynamic Memory Networks Memory Network
19.4 [Graves et al., Nature ’16] 2016 Neural Differentiable Computer Memory Network
19.5 [Henaff et al., ICLR ’17] 2017 Recurrent Entity Network Memory Network
20. [Peters et al., NAACL ’18],之前看过一篇稍后补上 2018 Language model embedding used as feature Language model
21. [Howard & Ruder, ACL ’18] 2018 Language model fine tuned on task data Language model
22. [Jia & Liang, EMNLP ’17] 2017 Adversarial examples Adversarial
23. [Miyato et al., ICLR ’17; Yasunaga et al., NAACL’18] 2018 Adversarial training Form of regularization
24. [Ganin et al., JMLR ’16; Kim et al., ACL ’17] 2017 Domain adversarial loss Form of regularization
25. [Semeniuta et al., ’18] 2018 GANs’ application in NLG GAN for NLP
26. [Paulus et al., ICLR ’18] 2018 RL for summarization RL with ROUGE loss
27. [Ranzato et al., ICLR ’16] 2016 RL for Machine Translation RL with BLUE loss
28. [Conneau et al., ICLR’18] 2018 word translation without parallel data Low-resource scenarios

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