delphi组件源码:HTML Component Library 3.9
HTML Component Library is a cross-patform and 100% native HTML rendering library for Delphi and Lazarus that brings all the power of HTML/CSS into desktop and mobile Delphi applications.

Unlike other «HTML-like» libraries it is based on powerful HTML/CSS rendering core with full support of HTML 4.1 and CSS 3 (some of HTML 5 tags are also supported). Tables, shadows, transitions, animations, SVG images, tranforms and much more.

No DLL’s, no ActiveX, no third party libraries dependencies, only pure native Delphi code.

Library is used by thousands of developers from 50 countries, and even by Delphi IDE (from version 11.2).

Library supports all Delphi versions from ancient Delphi 5 to Delphi 11 Alexandria. For Delphi XE4 - Delphi 11 Alexandria all FMX platforms are supported - Win32/64, OSX, Android, iOS and Linux.

Linux GUI is supported with FMXLinux library and in Lazarus

Unicode (including Right-to-Left) is supported even for non-unicode Delphi 5 - 2007 using widestrings and TNT Unicode library.

Updates for new Delphi versions are released in one week (max) after Delphi release.

Library core contains:

HTML parser with full support of HTML standard and ability to handle incorrect markup. It was tested on thousands of real-world emails so missed closed tags and incorrect tag order is not a problem. Also it is currently fastest native HTML parser for Delphi.
XML Parser with XPath support.
CSS parser with CSS 3 support.
DOM classes with JQuery support.
SVG rendering library.
HTTP client with native implementation for Windows and OSX and https support.  
HTML rendering core.
Set of rendering canvases (GDI, GDI+, Direct2D, FMX, Android, iOS, OSX, Linux (Lazarus), Meta, Plain Text)
Set of HTML-enabled VCL controls including Label, Panel, ListBox, ComboBox, Tabs, CheckBox, RadioButton, SpeedButton, PopupMenu, ComboListBox, Virtual Tree, CategoryButtons, BalloonHint. 
Powerful cross-platform scripting engine
Bundle also contains
Email framework
SQL framework
HTML rendering class is separated from drawing class so you can choose between available drawing classes or write your own. Currently library contains GDI, GDI+ and Direct2D canvases for VCL (All Delphi versions and Lazarus), FMX canvas for FMX Win32/64, iOS, Android and OSX and also native Android, iOS and OSX canvases.

Following format conversions can be performed using the library on all platforms including mobiles and without external dependencies:

Convert HTML to PDF
Convert HTML to plain text
Convert HTML to images (JPEG, PNG, etc.).
Convert HTML to SVG
Convert RTF to HTML, PDF, images, SVG, plain text
Convert MS Word .DOCX to HTML, PDF, Images, SVG, plain text
Library core is heavily optimized and extremely fast. Parsing speed is about 100Mb/s so parsing of typical 100Kb document takes only 1ms. Style and layout calculations takes additional 20ms for 100Kb document.

Using of native canvas on Android provides smooth scrolling and zoom similar to native Android applications (much better than FMX controls) and correct text rendering with full RTL support, kerning pairs and baseline alignment.

How to use
Drop THtPanel on form and set it’s HTML property. That’s all you have to do to get HTML viewer with automatic scrollbars, build-in zoom support (Ctrl+Wheel or zoom gesture), gestures support for both VCL and FMX, picture loading (from file or internet) with BMP, JPEG, PNG, ICO and GIF support, hints (HTML title attribute) animations and transitons (for elements with :hover or :active styles).

To simply draw HTML on Canvas write

Doc := THtDocument.Create;
  Doc.Draw(Canvas, Rect); 
Why do I need it?
VCL and FMX contains a lot of powerful controls with many features. But what if you need something non-standard, for example put an image into listbox item?

Of course writing OnDraw event handler and using canvas methods is a simplest way... as long as image is not placed inside the text and text not contains several lines and some formatting. With HTML enabled list box you can just add Some text with <b>formatting</b> and <img src="myimage.png"/>image </p>

How many lines of code is neccesary to draw simple rounded rectangle with shadow and gradient? Or tiled background image Or symbol table Changing HTML property could turn simple Panel into this

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