
float a = 0.0001;

float b = 1e-4;

The e can be thought of as representing “times 10 to the power of.”

On the iPhone,as with most modern platforms,floating-point values are stored in a format called the IEEE 754 standard.

With only a restricted set of values you can use for the mantissa , you can’t represent every value in the

extended range enabled by the exponent.This leads to the interesting discovery that certain decimal values

can't be stored precisely.举个例子,下面代码片段的输出,可能会让你感到惊讶:

float f = 0.6f;

NSLog(@"0.6 = %0.10f", f);

The %0.10f bit in the call to NSLog requests that the value be printed to 10 decimal places,

but instead of the value 0.6000000000,the value 0.6000000238 gets printed

Filling in the gaps—floating-point numbers相关推荐

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