
As the COVID-19 pandemic continues to spread, Telemedicine platforms are attracting large amounts of investment: in China, the Miaoshou Doctor platform, which provides services in a health care + drugs + insurance model through an online hospital, an app, a drug purchase and distribution site and health insurance, has captured $84 million in a series D financing, in a valuation that exceeds $1 billion.

随着COVID-19大流行的继续蔓延, 远程医疗平台正吸引大量投资 :在中国,苗首医生平台通过在线医院,应用程序,药品购买提供医疗+药物+保险模式的服务以及分销网站和健康保险,已在D轮融资中筹集了8400万美元 ,其估值超过10亿美元。

In Russia, BestDoctor, a private health insurance platform that offers 24/7 medical assistance and consultations, preventive care recommendations and online support from its doctors, and which is enjoying strong growth, has also just raised $4.5 million.


And in the United States, Gyant, a health platform that works with twenty-four hospitals and health insurers to improve communication and engagement between doctors and patients through the use of artificial intelligence, has also closed a $13.6 million financing round.

在美国,医疗服务平台Gyant与24家医院和医疗保险公司合作,通过使用人工智能改善医生与患者之间的沟通和参与度,该公司还完成了1360万美元的融资 。

The combination of patient information, advanced algorithms and remote interaction platforms for communication with physicians is turning into one of the great opportunities of the moment. Overall, patient-doctor interaction is far from what it should or could be in most countries, and the pandemic has only made this evident.

患者信息,高级算法和与医生进行通信的远程交互平台的结合正在变成当前的巨大机遇之一。 总体而言, 在大多数国家 , 医患之间的互动远未达到应有的水平 , 这种流行病也仅表明了这一点 。

Those who have tried to provide a better service to their users through the use of telemedicine during a time of uncertainty like the present, have clearly succeeded, and in general, they have done so in the “traditional” way: remote consultation platforms with real people behind them. The problem with adding algorithms to optimize their operation is that, for the moment, few patients feel comfortable receiving medical advice from a machine. Nevertheless, this is is increasingly seen as the future, and far from replacing the doctors, will instead allow them to focus on tasks of real added value for patients.

那些试图在像现在这样的不确定时期通过使用远程医疗为用户提供更好服务的人,显然已经取得了成功,并且总的来说,他们以“传统”的方式取得了成功:具有真正意义的远程咨询平台他们背后的人。 目前,添加算法以优化操作的问题在于, 很少有患者会从机器上接受医疗建议而感到自在 。 但是 ,这越来越被视为未来 ,远没有取代医生,反而使他们能够专注于为患者带来真正增值的任务。

If we add managing medical information and test results and responding to emergencies, we are talking about an extremely important service area, where there is a huge amount yet to be done, and to which the recent crisis has given even greater importance. In a short time, given the dynamism of the ecosystem, much of what we considered to be normal in the provision of health services will cease to be so, and will give way to a completely different environment and habits. Does anyone see themselves going to an app as a first step to treating a medical problem, and managing interaction from there? If not, you might want to start thinking about it.

如果我们增加对医疗信息和测试结果的 管理以及对紧急情况的响应 ,那么我们所说的是一个极其重要的服务领域,还有很多工作要做,而最近的危机对该领域的重要性甚至更高 。 考虑到生态系统的活力,在很短的时间内,我们认为在提供卫生服务方面正常的许多事情将不再如此,而将被完全不同的环境和习惯所取代。 是否有人认为自己将应用程序作为治疗医疗问题并从那里管理互动的第一步? 如果没有,您可能要开始考虑它。

This article was previously published on Forbes.


(En español, aquí)

( Enespañol aquí )

翻译自: https://medium.com/enrique-dans/telemedicine-the-future-and-changing-habits-3cbf75240c5a




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