安装 psycopg2 的时候,需要添加 PostgreSQL 的 bin 位置到 PATH 中,否则使用 pip 安装 psycopg2 的时候会报错,因为 psycopg2 需要根据 pg_config 获取 PostgreSQL 程序和库的位置:

export PATH=$PATH:/opt/common/postgresql/bin
pip install psycopg2 -i https://pypi.douban.com/simple/

使用 pg_config 可以获取的信息例如:

(venv) [root@hostname pdf]$ pg_config --libdir
(venv) [root@hostname pdf]$ pg_config --bindir
(venv) [root@hostname pdf]$ pg_config --cc
(venv) [root@hostname pdf]$ pg_config --libs
-lpgcommon -lpgport -lpthread -lz -lreadline -lrt -lcrypt -ldl -lm

pg_config 命令的全部选项如下:

(venv) [root@hostname pdf]$ pg_config --helppg_config provides information about the installed version of PostgreSQL.Usage:pg_config [OPTION]...Options:--bindir              show location of user executables--docdir              show location of documentation files--htmldir             show location of HTML documentation files--includedir          show location of C header files of the clientinterfaces--pkgincludedir       show location of other C header files--includedir-server   show location of C header files for the server--libdir              show location of object code libraries--pkglibdir           show location of dynamically loadable modules--localedir           show location of locale support files--mandir              show location of manual pages--sharedir            show location of architecture-independent support files--sysconfdir          show location of system-wide configuration files--pgxs                show location of extension makefile--configure           show options given to "configure" script whenPostgreSQL was built--cc                  show CC value used when PostgreSQL was built--cppflags            show CPPFLAGS value used when PostgreSQL was built--cflags              show CFLAGS value used when PostgreSQL was built--cflags_sl           show CFLAGS_SL value used when PostgreSQL was built--ldflags             show LDFLAGS value used when PostgreSQL was built--ldflags_ex          show LDFLAGS_EX value used when PostgreSQL was built--ldflags_sl          show LDFLAGS_SL value used when PostgreSQL was built--libs                show LIBS value used when PostgreSQL was built--version             show the PostgreSQL version-?, --help            show this help, then exitWith no arguments, all known items are shown.Report bugs to <pgsql-bugs@postgresql.org>.

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