

@@ -1211,8 +1211,17 @@ public final class ActivityManagerService extends ActivityManagerNativeif (mShowDialogs && !mSleeping && !mShuttingDown) {Dialog d = new AppErrorDialog(mContext,ActivityManagerService.this, res, proc);
+                       if(d != null){+                       if(proc != null && (""))){+                               d = null;
+                             }
+                        }
+                       if(d != null){ // modify by sqx;proc.crashDialog = d;
+                       } // modify by sqx  s} else {// The device is asleep, so just pretend that the user// saw a crash dialog and hit "force quit".
@@ -1246,8 +1255,17 @@ public final class ActivityManagerService extends ActivityManagerNativeDialog d = new AppNotRespondingDialog(ActivityManagerService.this,mContext, proc, (ActivityRecord)data.get("activity"),msg.arg1 != 0);+                          if(d != null){+                          if(proc != null && (""))){+                                  d = null;
+                              }
+                         }
+                       if(null != d) { // modify by sqx;proc.anrDialog = d;
+                       } } else {// Just kill the app if there is no dialog to be shown.killAppAtUsersRequest(proc, null);
@@ -14315,11 +14333,11 @@ public final class ActivityManagerService extends ActivityManagerNativeintent.addFlags(Intent.FLAG_EXCLUDE_STOPPED_PACKAGES);/// M: ALPS00601880, Fix Settings and RemoteView ANR, Avoid send broadcast to FG queue. @{-        if (intent.getCategories() != null) {+        /*if (intent.getCategories() != null) {if (intent.getCategories().contains("android.intent.category.ALTERNATIVE")) {intent.setFlags(intent.getFlags()&~(Intent.FLAG_RECEIVER_FOREGROUND));}
-        }
+        }*//// @}if (FeatureOption.MTK_LCA_RAM_OPTIMIZE) {


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