本插件是关于VRayMtl Converter材质转换3dsmax插件V3.97版,大小:280 KB,支持3dsmax 2013 - 2020版软件,支持Win64位系统,语言:英语。

VRayMtl Converter是一个可以将标准材质和vray材质互相转换的插件,它能够将某些材质类型(目前支持标准材质、光线跟踪材质、巴西高级材质和fr高级材质)转换为VRay材质(VRayMtl和VRayLightMtl)。


视频预览:The professional tool for automating such a time-consuming process as converting of materials and other scene components (lights, cameras, proxy etc) from different renderer engines into V-Ray, as well as to reverse the conversion of V-Ray materials into Standard materials (which is very useful for game developers, 3d modelers, etc).V-RayMtl Converter 3 — is a new version of the maxscript known as “VRayMtl Converter”. This next generation version was launched after the version 2.5 and has new different features and improvements: support for more materials, maps and other scene components, additional selection of materials for conversion, as well as more flexible options for converting and fixing the scene and its components.V-RayMtl Converter converts the source materials to other specified material with the maximum possible preservation of the basic material properties, such as diffuse, specular, opacity (including filter), glossiness, roughness, bump, displacement, selfillumination (emission), translucency, reflection, refraction. Also, all the textures that are used for the above parameters were saved. As for the special procedural maps, they are converted only if there is an analogue. Otherwise, the procedural maps remain as they are or are deleted if the target materials do not support them.Concerning the accuracy of the conversion, we want to note that none of the existing converters can provide 100% accuracy of the conversion due to the fact that the principle of different rendering engines is different too, and sometimes even significantly. In this regard, the physical parameters of these materials are also significantly different. Therefore, some complex, multi-component materials after using our converter are recommended to be checked again and adjusted manually, although often that’s is not required. But despite these, we tried to achieve the maximum possible accuracy of the conversion, which the our plugin provides an average of 95-98% (and in some cases 100%) and without exaggeration we can say that this is the best result!

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