

try:<statements>        #运行try语句块,并试图捕获异常
except <name1>:<statements>        #如果name1异常发现,那么执行该语句块。
except (name2, name3):<statements>        #如果元组内的任意异常发生,那么捕获它
except <name4> as <variable>:<statements>        #如果name4异常发生,那么进入该语句块,并把异常实例命名为variable
except:<statements>        #发生了以上所有列出的异常之外的异常
<statements>            #如果没有异常发生,那么执行该语句块
finally:<statement>         #无论是否有异常发生,均会执行该语句块。


  • else和finally是可选的,可能会有0个或多个except,但是,如果出现一个else的话,必须有至少一个except。
  • 不管你如何指定异常,异常总是通过实例对象来识别,并且大多数时候在任意给定的时刻激活。一旦异常在程序中某处由一条except子句捕获,它就死掉了,除非由另一个raise语句或错误重新引发它。



  • raise #可以在raise语句之前创建该实例或者在raise语句中创建。
  • raise #Python会隐式地创建类的实例
  • raise name(value) #抛出异常的同时,提供额外信息value
  • raise # 把最近一次产生的异常重新抛出来
  • raise exception from E
    抛出带有额外信息的ValueError: raise ValueError('we can only accept positive values')


except Exception as E:raise TypeError('bad input') from E


Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 2, in <module>1/0
ZeroDivisionError: division by zeroThe above exception was the direct cause of the following exception:Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 4, in <module>raise TypeError('bad input') from E
TypeError: bad input





  • 环境管理器必须有__enter____exit__方法。
    如果with代码块引发异常,__exit__(type,value,traceback)方法就会被调用(带有异常细节)。这些也是由 sys.exc_info返回的相同值.如果此方法返回值为假,则异常会重新引发。否则,异常会终止。正常 情况下异常是应该被重新引发,这样的话才能传递到with语句之外。


class Block:def __enter__(self):print('entering to the block')return selfdef prt(self, args):print('this is the block we do %s' % args)def __exit__(self,exc_type, exc_value, exc_tb):if exc_type is None:print('exit normally without exception')else:print('found exception: %s, and detailed info is %s' % (exc_type, exc_value))return Falsewith Block() as b:b.prt('actual work!')raise ValueError('wrong')


entering to the block
this is the block we do actual work!
found exception: <class 'ValueError'>, and detailed info is wrong
Traceback (most recent call last):File "", line 18, in <module>raise ValueError('wrong')
ValueError: wrong


如果发生异常,那么通过调用sys.exc_info()函数,可以返回包含3个元素的元组。 第一个元素就是引发异常类,而第二个是实际引发的实例,第三个元素traceback对象,代表异常最初发生时调用的堆栈。如果一切正常,那么会返回3个None。


|Exception Name|Description|
|BaseException|Root class for all exceptions|
|   SystemExit|Request termination of Python interpreter|
|KeyboardInterrupt|User interrupted execution (usually by pressing Ctrl+C)|
|Exception|Root class for regular exceptions|
|   StopIteration|Iteration has no further values|
|   GeneratorExit|Exception sent to generator to tell it to quit|
|   SystemExit|Request termination of Python interpreter|
|   StandardError|Base class for all standard built-in exceptions|
|       ArithmeticError|Base class for all numeric calculation errors|
|           FloatingPointError|Error in floating point calculation|
|           OverflowError|Calculation exceeded maximum limit for numerical type|
|           ZeroDivisionError|Division (or modulus) by zero error (all numeric types)|
|       AssertionError|Failure of assert statement|
|       AttributeError|No such object attribute|
|       EOFError|End-of-file marker reached without input from built-in|
|       EnvironmentError|Base class for operating system environment errors|
|           IOError|Failure of input/output operation|
|           OSError|Operating system error|
|               WindowsError|MS Windows system call failure|
|               ImportError|Failure to import module or object|
|               KeyboardInterrupt|User interrupted execution (usually by pressing Ctrl+C)|
|           LookupError|Base class for invalid data lookup errors|
|               IndexError|No such index in sequence|
|               KeyError|No such key in mapping|
|           MemoryError|Out-of-memory error (non-fatal to Python interpreter)|
|           NameError|Undeclared/uninitialized object(non-attribute)|
|               UnboundLocalError|Access of an uninitialized local variable|
|           ReferenceError|Weak reference tried to access a garbage collected object|
|           RuntimeError|Generic default error during execution|
|               NotImplementedError|Unimplemented method|
|           SyntaxError|Error in Python syntax|
|               IndentationError|Improper indentation|
|                   TabErrorg|Improper mixture of TABs and spaces|
|           SystemError|Generic interpreter system error|
|           TypeError|Invalid operation for type|
|           ValueError|Invalid argument given|
|               UnicodeError|Unicode-related error|
|                   UnicodeDecodeError|Unicode error during decoding|
|                   UnicodeEncodeError|Unicode error during encoding|
|                   UnicodeTranslate Error|Unicode error during translation|
|       Warning|Root class for all warnings|
|           DeprecationWarning|Warning about deprecated features|
|           FutureWarning|Warning about constructs that will change semantically in the future|
|           OverflowWarning|Old warning for auto-long upgrade|
|           PendingDeprecation Warning|Warning about features that will be deprecated in the future|
|           RuntimeWarning|Warning about dubious runtime behavior|
|           SyntaxWarning|Warning about dubious syntax|
|           UserWarning|Warning generated by user code|


异常名称 描述
BaseException 所有异常的基类
SystemExit 解释器请求退出
KeyboardInterrupt 用户中断执行(通常是输入^C)
Exception 常规错误的基类
StopIteration 迭代器没有更多的值
GeneratorExit 生成器(generator)发生异常来通知退出
StandardError 所有的内建标准异常的基类
ArithmeticError 所有数值计算错误的基类
FloatingPointError 浮点计算错误
OverflowError 数值运算超出最大限制
ZeroDivisionError 除(或取模)零 (所有数据类型)
AssertionError 断言语句失败
AttributeError 对象没有这个属性
EOFError 没有内建输入,到达EOF 标记
EnvironmentError 操作系统错误的基类
IOError 输入/输出操作失败
OSError 操作系统错误
WindowsError 系统调用失败
ImportError 导入模块/对象失败
LookupError 无效数据查询的基类
IndexError 序列中没有此索引(index)
KeyError 映射中没有这个键
MemoryError 内存溢出错误(对于Python 解释器不是致命的)
NameError 未声明/初始化对象 (没有属性)
UnboundLocalError 访问未初始化的本地变量
ReferenceError 弱引用(Weak reference)试图访问已经垃圾回收了的对象
RuntimeError 一般的运行时错误
NotImplementedError 尚未实现的方法
SyntaxError Python 语法错误
IndentationError 缩进错误
TabError Tab 和空格混用
SystemError 一般的解释器系统错误
TypeError 对类型无效的操作
ValueError 传入无效的参数
UnicodeError Unicode 相关的错误
UnicodeDecodeError Unicode 解码时的错误
UnicodeEncodeError Unicode 编码时错误
UnicodeTranslateError Unicode 转换时错误
Warning 警告的基类
DeprecationWarning 关于被弃用的特征的警告
FutureWarning 关于构造将来语义会有改变的警告
OverflowWarning 旧的关于自动提升为长整型(long)的警告
PendingDeprecationWarning 关于特性将会被废弃的警告
RuntimeWarning 可疑的运行时行为(runtime behavior)的警告
SyntaxWarning 可疑的语法的警告
UserWarning 用户代码生成的警告


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