
2018 is with us already and it’s important in the current competitive market that eCommerce businesses don’t stand still. In this post, we’re going to take a close look at five eCommerce predictions for 2018 and explain why online businesses need to take heed of these shifting trends in order to stay ahead of their competitors.

2018年已经到来,在当今竞争激烈的市场中,电子商务业务不要停滞不前是很重要的。 在这篇文章中,我们将仔细研究2018年的五个电子商务预测,并解释为什么在线业务需要注意这些变化趋势才能保持领先地位。

1. Mobile sales will begin to dominate


We’ve been talking a lot about the shift towards mobile shopping over the last few years. In the UK, we already spend twice as much time surfing on a mobile as we do on computers and now we are set to see mobile sales forging ahead too. It is predicted that mobile purchases will massively increase during 2018, accounting for almost 50% of all e-commerce revenue by the end of the year.

在过去的几年中,我们一直在谈论向移动购物的转变。 在英国,我们在移动设备上的浏览时间已经是在计算机上花费的时间的两倍,而现在,我们预计移动设备的销售也将向前发展。 预计到2018年,移动设备购买量将大量增加,到年底将占到所有电子商务收入的近50%。

There are several reasons which have contributed towards this shift. Mobile technology continues to improve: we have better phones and better networks, both of which make it easier to shop whilst we’re out and about. For many, it’s also more convenient to use a phone at home than it is to use a laptop.

有几种原因促成这一转变。 移动技术在不断改进:我们拥有更好的电话和更好的网络,这两者使我们出门在外时更容易购物。 对于许多人来说,在家中使用电话比使用笔记本电脑更方便。

In addition to phone technology, we have also seen an increasing effort by online businesses to give customers a better mobile shopping experience. Businesses are creating websites and apps which make it far easier to search for, find, look at and order products on the small screen. Improved website design and navigation have removed many of the barriers that used to make us switch to a computer when making a purchase.

除了电话技术外,我们还看到在线业务正在不断努力,以为客户提供更好的移动购物体验。 企业正在创建网站和应用程序,从而使在小屏幕上搜索,查找,查看和订购产品变得更加容易。 改进的网站设计和导航消除了许多使我们在购买时切换到计算机的障碍。

Improved payment options also make mobile more attractive. Mobile phones are seen as very secure; with apps such as Apple Pay, we can even use them to pay for goods instead of a bankcard. This means customers now trust mobile payments much more than they once did.

改进的付款方式也使手机更具吸引力。 人们认为手机非常安全。 使用Apple Pay等应用程序,我们甚至可以用它们代替银行卡来支付商品。 这意味着客户现在比以往更信任移动支付。

To take advantage of the shift towards mobile, try to do the following:


  • Use a website theme that makes it simple and easy for customers to find your products when using a mobile phone.使用网站主题,使客户在使用手机时可以轻松便捷地找到您的产品。
  • Make sure your site loads quickly. You can do this by optimising your site and ensuring your web host provides the performance you need.确保您的网站快速加载。 您可以通过优化站点并确保Web主机提供所需的性能来做到这一点。
  • Start using accelerated mobile pages so even those with older phones or poor connections can access your shop quickly.开始使用加速的移动页面,因此即使手机较旧或连接不良的人也可以快速访问您的商店。
  • Offer a wider range of payment options that make online purchasing simpler for customers.提供多种付款方式,使客户的在线购买更加简单。

2. Sites that offer personalised shopping will grow more


Online retailers have realised that they make a lot more money when they are able to offer customers a personalised shopping experience. Indeed, sites which use personalisation techniques typically see a 5-10% resulting growth in sales.

在线零售商已经意识到,当他们能够为客户提供个性化的购物体验时,他们赚了很多钱。 实际上,使用个性化技术的网站通常会看到5-10%的销售额增长。

These stores use a range of ways to give a customer-centric shopping experience. By employing data analysis and automation, they can provide suggested items based on a shopper’s wish lists, recent searches or purchase histories. These suggestions can be provided on screen during browsing, as upsells during checkout or be remarketed using emails.

这些商店使用多种方式提供以客户为中心的购物体验。 通过使用数据分析和自动化,他们可以根据购物者的愿望清单,近期搜索或购买记录提供建议的商品。 这些建议可以在浏览过程中在屏幕上提供,在结帐时可以加售,也可以通过电子邮件进行再营销。

The technology needed to provide these services to customers can often be acquired through simple plugins and extensions.


3. Augmented reality shopping is the future


One of the major problems with online shopping is that customers only get to view a picture of a product before buying. This means a significant proportion of products sold online get sent back because, once opened, the customer doesn’t like them. This is frustrating for the customer and costly for the retailer.

在线购物的主要问题之一是,顾客只能在购买前查看产品图片。 这意味着很大一部分在线销售的产品会被退回,因为一旦打开,客户就会不喜欢它们。 这对于客户而言是令人沮丧的,对于零售商而言是昂贵的。

Over the years, online stores have done their utmost to provide the best shopping experience they can: image galleries, large images, videos, customer reviews, etc, have all been helpful. Now, however, retailers are beginning to use augmented reality to give users a much better understanding of how their products will look.

多年来,在线商店已竭尽所能提供最佳购物体验:图像库,大图像,视频,客户评论等都对您有所帮助。 但是,现在零售商开始使用增强现实来使用户更好地了解其产品外观。

Augmented reality apps can be used to show customers what clothes will look like when worn or how furniture or decorations will appear in their homes. This year will see augmented reality becoming an integral element of many online stores.

增强现实应用程序可用于向客户显示穿衣服的样子,或家具或装饰品在其房屋中的外观。 今年,增强现实将成为许多在线商店的组成部分。

Take a look at how Ikea is using it below.


4. Packaging to have increased impact on purchasing


Packaging has a number of effects on eCommerce customers. Firstly, it needs to protect your product as it is shipped to the customer. This is important as over half of all customers who receive a product damaged because of poor packaging would be reluctant to use that store again.

包装对电子商务客户有很多影响。 首先,它需要在产品发货给客户时保护您的产品。 这一点很重要,因为超过一半的因包装不佳而收到产品损坏的客户都不愿再次使用该商店。

The way you package your goods also has an effect on your brand. Those selling ‘high-end’ goods need to make sure that the presentation of their packages meets the high standards that customers expect. Even with less valuable products, a well-presented package shows you have a respect for your customers.

包装商品的方式也会影响您的品牌。 那些销售“高端”商品的人需要确保其包装的外观符合客户期望的高标准。 即使价值较低的产品,精心设计的包装也表明您对客户有尊重。

The other consideration you need to think about is the eco-friendliness of your packaging. Do you use recycled and recyclable materials? Do you use overlarge containers when smaller ones will do? Do you overfill your packages with protective materials (bubble-wrap, polystyrene, tissue paper, etc)?  Many customers are increasingly concerned with the environmental waste produced in eCommerce shipping and are also annoyed at the amount of recycling it forces them to do.

您需要考虑的另一个考虑因素是包装的环保性。 您是否使用回收和可回收材料? 当较小的容器可以使用时,您是否使用超大型容器? 您是否用保护材料(气泡包装纸,聚苯乙烯,薄纸等)过度填充了包装? 许多客户越来越关注电子商务运输过程中产生的环境浪费,并且也对迫使他们这样做的回收量感到恼火。

Getting your packaging right can lead to increased customer satisfaction and this can help with developing long-term relationships with customers.


5. 2018 will see a need to improve shipping

5. 2018年将需要改善运输

Shipping is a big deal in eCommerce and can often be the reason why a customer chooses one retailer over another. Thanks to the lead taken by Amazon and eBay, online buyers have much higher expectations about how they want their products delivered and now expect other eCommerce sites to provide similar levels of service.

运输是电子商务中的大事,通常可能是客户选择一家零售商而不是另一家零售商的原因。 得益于Amazon和eBay的带头作用,在线购买者对他们希望如何交付产品的期望更高,现在希望其他电子商务站点提供类似水平的服务。

In general, customers want their products delivered for free, to arrive quickly and at a time and place which is convenient for them. This means companies need to provide a range of different shipping options, for example, you could offer a free delivery within two days or a charged for, next day delivery. For customers who work, you may need to offer convenient delivery times or enable them to collect the package from another location, such as a post office.

通常,客户希望免费交付其产品,并在方便的时间和地点快速到达。 这意味着公司需要提供一系列不同的运输选项,例如,您可以在两天内提供免费送货,也可以在第二天收取费用。 对于工作的客户,您可能需要提供方便的交货时间或使他们能够从其他位置(例如邮局)收集包裹。

Whilst customers like to be able to track delivery of their products, they also hate signing for them. If they are not in when the delivery arrives, they often have to go through the hassle of rearranging the delivery themselves or having to collect it from a depot – all of which can put them off using your services again.

尽管客户希望能够跟踪其产品的交付,但他们也讨厌为其签名。 如果交付时他们不在,他们通常不得不自己重新安排交付货物或不得不从仓库取货的麻烦–所有这些都可能使他们再次无法使用您的服务。

In 2018, delivery options will continue to impact upon your business. The more options you can offer, the better placed you will be to serve the differing needs of your customers.

在2018年,交付方式将继续影响您的业务。 您可以提供的选择越多,就可以更好地满足客户的不同需求。



As you can see, there are some surprising predictions for eCommerce in 2018 and not in the areas that most online retailers would expect. Whilst increased mobile shopping and personalisation have been promising to have an impact for some time, the effects of packaging, the way we ship our products and the rise of augmented reality are, perhaps, less expected.

如您所见,2018年对电子商务有一些令人惊讶的预测,而不是大多数在线零售商所期望的领域。 尽管移动购物和个性化的增加有望在一段时间内产生影响,但是包装的影响,我们产品的运输方式以及增强现实的兴起,人们对此的期望却不高。

If you run an eCommerce business and need hosting that improves the speed of your website, visit our homepage to check out our wide range of hosting solutions.

如果您经营电子商务业务,并且需要托管来提高网站速度, 请访问我们的主页,以查看我们广泛的托管解决方案。

翻译自: https://www.eukhost.com/blog/webhosting/5-ecommerce-predictions-for-2018/



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