
过去式:bulked;   过去分词:bulked;

现在分词:bulking;   复数形式:bulks;

bulk 基本解释

名词(大)体积; 大块,大量; 大多数,大部分; 主体


不及物动词显得庞大; 形成大块; 堆积起来


形容词散装的; 大批的,大量的

bulkbulk 相关词组

1. in bulk : 散装;

2. bulk up : 形成大数目, 胀大;bulk 相关例句


1. The whole dam bulks about 4,400,000 cubic yards.



1. bulk的意思

1. This test bulks large in his mind.



1. The bulk of the railroad workers voted to go back to work.



2. The bulk of the people voted.



3. The bulk of the work has been done.

工作大部份已经完成。bulk 网络解释

1. 批量:当USB设备收到这些数据和命令后,将依据先进先出的原则按队列方式处理到达的数据;(4) 批量(bulk)传输方式. 该方式用来传输要求正确无误的数据. 通常打印机、扫描仪和数码相机以这种方式与主机连接.

2. 大批:EJB客户端怎样才能在一个事务(transaction)和一个大批 (bulk)网络调用中执行一个用例的商业逻辑呢?为了执行一个典型的用例的商业逻辑,多个服务器端对象 (如session或entity bean)通常需要被存取和可能的修 改.


3. 体积:绝缘常量确实是大体积(bulk)溶液的性质, 无论如何人们可能会讨论配合基绑定场所的环境,似乎肯定的是在大多数方面它并不是类似于大体积(bulk)溶液. 在此没有一致的认同的方法,即计算溶液和蛋白质原子筛选效果,bulk 双语例句

1. Main business: 0 # light diesel oil, industrial lubricants, oil bulk wholesale distribution.


2. After years of operating, we have gained rich experience in bulk cargo transportation and chartering as well the trust of the shipping companies and factories. In the mean time we calculate a high qualify working team with high efficiency, good at managing and operating, and responsible.


3. The good news is that the bulk of the profile wont take long to complete.


4. The forms of transaction are more flexible and it is more applicable for the negotiated transaction of the bulk sale


5. Carry out the requirement of the sale of bulk products and in charge of the supervision.


6. bulk在线翻译

6. The total volume of wine in bulk actively for sale today is about the same as last year.


7. Of course, we note that the management is through a variety of measures to alleviate the pressure on the size of the non-lifting of the ban, from the initial bulk sale transaction to study the feasibility of the second, and then last weekend raised exchangeable debt.


8. bulk是什么意思

8. In the bulk simulated acid rain solution with pH value 2.4--3.8, the electrochemical impedance spectroscopy of zinc consists of a capacitive loop in high frequency and an inductive loop in low frequency, the control step for corrosion of zinc is charge transfer process.



9. Bulk density— Use a volumeter that has been fitted with a 10-mesh screen.


10. To cover risk of shortage occurring during the course of transit due to breakage of outer packing, or loss of quantity and actual shortage in weight in the case of bulk cargo, but excluding ullage.


11. Small a honeycomb-like thing base station NB420 bulk small, capacity is high, belong to compact model product, its are had cover an area of small, application the characteristic with agile, practical economy, held grand a honeycomb-like thing at the same time base all advantages of the station, apply to low cost to build a network especially.


12. The results show that the diameter of nanosphere is about 20 nm, and it has obviously blue shif compared with the conventional bulk material zinc selenium, which indicate that the synthesis of zinc selenide nanoparticles has excellent optical properties.


13. A model is proposed for the bulk crushing strength of spherical catalysts.


14. The determination methods of abrasion and bulk crushing strength are applied in this thesis.


15. For extrudates there are side crushing strength tests, bulk crushing strength tests, abrasion tests


16. bulk的近义词

16. The Three Gorges project is the first hydroelectric project using bulk cargo container s in our country.


17. And millions of people must somehow be transported out of the slag-heap landscapes and lung-stinging air lower down to see pristine, glistening water and rainbow-feathered birds darting in sweet mountain breezes under the Tibetan Plateau's cosmic skies to bulk up a national policy of trying to save something of creation before it's destroyed.


18. The bulk of the ruby rubbis h on the pebble bubbles when sti rred by bulbed rubber club.


19. The reason is that the application of the high frequency bias of 13.56 MHz not only strengthens ion bombardment on the material surface, but also induces the variations of the bulk plasmas including the increase of O atom density, while the main effect of the bias of 400 kHz is only to strengthen ion bombardment.


20. It avoids the bulk capacitor of the auxiliary resonant commutated pole inverter and no center tap potential variation problem of ARCPI, unlike the delta or wye configured resonant snubber inverter, the inverter possesses the advantages of the decoupled resonation of each phase, it is easy to implement the various control schemes.

该文提出一种新型的三相谐振极逆变器,它可以实现逆变器主开关的零电压开通,辅助开关管的零电流开关,谐振电路功率小,与传统的辅助谐振变换极逆变器不同,它避免了ARCPI使用的2个大电容,也没有中性点电位的变化问题。bulk 词典解释

1. (大)体积;(大)量

You can refer to something's bulk when you want to emphasize that it is very large.

e.g. The truck pulled out of the lot, its bulk unnerving against the dawn.


e.g. ...the shadowy bulk of an ancient barn.


2. 庞大的身躯;巨大的体重;肥硕的体形

You can refer to a large person's body or to their weight or size as their bulk .

e.g. Bannol lowered his bulk carefully into the chair...


e.g. Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet.


3. 主体;大部分

The bulk of something is most of it.

e.g. The bulk of the text is essentially a review of these original documents...


e.g. The vast bulk of imports and exports are carried by sea.


4. 大宗,大批(买卖)

If you buy or sell something in bulk, you buy or sell it in large quantities.


e.g. Buying in bulk is more economical than shopping for small quantities.


e.g. ...bulk purchasing.


相关词组:bulk upbulk 单语例句

1. " The agreement preserves the bulk of The Outdoor Channel's distribution, " Outdoor Channel said in a statement.

2. Most of these companies are bulk producers and manufacturers that churn out preliminary industrial products such as steel.

3. The bulk of those licenses came over the Valentine's Day weekend when City Hall remained open so that more couples could exchange wedding vows.

4. The adjacent area along False Creek hosted the bulk of Expo 86 where the British Columbia Pavilion and the geodesic Expo Center still stand.

5. But it is bulk exports of high quality and reasonably priced products that have helped Yiwu flourish and become a major trading center for commodities.

6. The statement from Maliki's office did not specifically refer to American troops, but US forces comprise the vast bulk of foreign forces in Iraq.

7. The bulk of China's listed machinery makers have infrastructure and construction equipment manufacturing businesses.

8. Thanks to economic globalization and development of the financial industry, the prices of bulk commodities become increasingly correlated.

9. Meanwhile, the great bulk of forex reserve will help China to counterbalance external risks.

10. The UN blames the Sudanese government's counterinsurgency for the bulk of the atrocities. bulk 英英释义



1. the property possessed by a large mass

2. the property of something that is great in magnitude

e.g. it is cheaper to buy it in bulk

he received a mass of correspondence

the volume of exports

Synonym: massvolume

3. the property resulting from being or relating to the greater in number of two parts

the main part

e.g. the majority of his customers prefer it

the bulk of the work is finished

Synonym: majority



1. cause to bulge or swell outwards

Synonym: bulge

2. stick out or up

e.g. The parcel bulked in the sack


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