
  • 前言
  • dispatchGesture `api>=24`
    • GestureDescription
    • GestureResultCallback
    • 执行手势
  • DslAccessibilityGesture
    • click 点击
    • double 双击
    • move 移动
    • fling 快速移动
  • 系列文章
  • 联系作者






dispatchGesture api>=24



  • 声明一个构造器
val gestureBuilder = GestureDescription.Builder()
  • 创建一个手势
val path = Path()//如果是点击/双击手势
path.moveTo(x, y)//如果是移动/快速手势
path.moveTo(fromX, formY)
path.lineTo(toX, toY)
val stroke = GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(path,startTime,duration)//startTime 手势开始的时间延迟, 毫秒
//duration 手势持续的时间, 毫秒//如果需要快速滑动效果 duration 设置成一个小值
  • 添加手势
val stroke1 = GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(path,startTime,duration)
val stroke2 = GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(path,startTime+60,duration)gestureBuilder.addStroke(stroke1)



val gestureResultCallback = object : AccessibilityService.GestureResultCallback() {override fun onCancelled(gestureDescription: GestureDescription?) {super.onCancelled(gestureDescription)//手势取消}override fun onCompleted(gestureDescription: GestureDescription?) {super.onCompleted(gestureDescription)//手势完成}



如果未指定Handler, gestureResultCallback默认在主线程回调.

如果上一个手势还未执行完成, 下一个手势就触发了, 则上一个手势会被中断.

如果用户干预了手势执行, 手势也会被中断.

如果在主线程执行手势, 那么主线程卡顿时, 也会影响手势执行的结果.



这里有一份我封装的手势操作类, kotlin语言编写.

typealias GestureResult = (gestureDescription: GestureDescription? /*执行的手势*/, dispatched: Boolean /*是否发送*/, canceled: Boolean /*是否被取消*/) -> Unit@TargetApi(Build.VERSION_CODES.N)
class DslAccessibilityGesture {companion object {//开始时间const val DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME = 16L//点击时长const val DEFAULT_GESTURE_CLICK_DURATION = 16L//双击间隔时长const val DEFAULT_GESTURE_DOUBLE_DURATION = 60L//如果Duration时间太短, 将会产生flingconst val DEFAULT_GESTURE_MOVE_DURATION = 600Lconst val DEFAULT_GESTURE_FLING_DURATION = 30L //值太大, 将没有fling效果}/**执行回调*/var gestureResult: GestureResult? = nullvar startTime: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIMEvar duration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_MOVE_DURATIONvar clickDuration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_CLICK_DURATIONvar doubleDuration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_DOUBLE_DURATIONvar willContinue: Boolean = false/**无障碍服务, 用于执行手势*/var service: AccessibilityService? = null/*** 用于构建手势, 支持多指触控* [android.accessibilityservice.GestureDescription.getMaxStrokeCount]* */var _gestureBuilder: GestureDescription.Builder? = nullvar _gestureResultCallback: AccessibilityService.GestureResultCallback? = null//是否发送了事件var _isDispatched: Boolean = false/**是否执行完成*/var _isCompleted: Boolean = falsevar _countDownLatch: CountDownLatch? = null//是否已经有手势在执行var _isDo: Boolean = falseinit {if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {_gestureResultCallback = object : AccessibilityService.GestureResultCallback() {override fun onCancelled(gestureDescription: GestureDescription?) {super.onCancelled(gestureDescription)L.d("手势取消:$gestureDescription ${gestureDescription?.strokeCount ?: 0}".apply {//AutoParseInterceptor.log(this)})_isCompleted = falsegestureResult?.invoke(gestureDescription, true, true)clear()}override fun onCompleted(gestureDescription: GestureDescription?) {super.onCompleted(gestureDescription)L.d("手势完成:$gestureDescription ${gestureDescription?.strokeCount ?: 0}".apply {//AutoParseInterceptor.log(this)})_isCompleted = truegestureResult?.invoke(gestureDescription, true, false)clear()}}}}fun clear() {_isDo = false_isDispatched = false_gestureBuilder = nullgestureResult = null_countDownLatch?.countDown()_countDownLatch = null}/**开始执行手势*/fun doIt(): Boolean {if (_isDo) {return false}_isDispatched = false_isCompleted = falseval service = serviceval builder = _gestureBuildertry {if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N && service != null && builder != null) {//设备支持手势_isDo = truereturn if (isMain()) {_isDispatched = service.dispatchGesture(builder.build(),_gestureResultCallback,null)L.w("派发手势:$_isDispatched")_isDispatched} else {MainExecutor.execute {_isDispatched = service.dispatchGesture(builder.build(),_gestureResultCallback,null)L.w("派发手势:$_isDispatched")}_countDownLatch = CountDownLatch(1)_countDownLatch?.await()_isCompleted}//AutoParseInterceptor.log("派发手势:$_isDispatched")} else {//设备不支持手势gestureResult?.invoke(null, false, true)//AutoParseInterceptor.log("设备不支持手势")L.w("设备不支持手势")return true}} catch (e: Exception) {clear()e.printStackTrace()L.w("手势异常${e.stackTraceToString()}")return false}}fun ensureBuilder(action: GestureDescription.Builder.() -> Unit) {if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {if (_gestureBuilder == null) {_gestureBuilder = GestureDescription.Builder()}_gestureBuilder?.action()}}//<editor-fold desc="操作方法">fun moveDuration(startTime: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME,duration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_MOVE_DURATION) {this.startTime = startTimethis.duration = duration}fun flingDuration(startTime: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME,duration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_FLING_DURATION) {this.startTime = startTimethis.duration = duration}fun doubleDuration(startTime: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME,duration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_CLICK_DURATION,doubleDuration: Long = DEFAULT_GESTURE_DOUBLE_DURATION) {this.startTime = startTimethis.duration = durationthis.doubleDuration = doubleDuration}/**点击*/fun touch(fromX: Float, fromY: Float,startTime: Long = this.startTime,duration: Long = this.clickDuration) {touch(PointF(fromX, fromY), startTime, duration)}/**点击*/fun touch(fromX: Int, fromY: Int) {touch(Point(fromX, fromY))}/**点击*/fun touch(point: PointF,startTime: Long = this.startTime,duration: Long = this.clickDuration) {touch(Path().apply {moveTo(point.x, point.y)}, startTime, duration)}/**点击*/fun touch(point: Point) {touch(PointF(point))}/**移动*/fun touch(fromX: Float,fromY: Float,toX: Float,toY: Float,startTime: Long = this.startTime,duration: Long = this.clickDuration) {touch(Path().apply { moveTo(fromX, fromY);lineTo(toX, toY) }, startTime, duration)}/**移动*/fun touch(fromX: Int, fromY: Int, toX: Int, toY: Int) {touch(fromX.toFloat(), fromY.toFloat(), toX.toFloat(), toY.toFloat())}/**双击*/fun double(fromX: Float, fromY: Float) {double(PointF(fromX, fromY))}/**双击*/fun double(fromX: Int, fromY: Int) {double(fromX.toFloat(), fromY.toFloat())}/**双击*/fun double(point: PointF) {//双击, 需要伴随MOVE事件, 才能生效touch(point.x,point.y,point.x - nextInt(5, 10),point.y + nextInt(5, 10))startTime += duration + doubleDurationtouch(point.x,point.y,point.x + nextInt(5, 10),point.y - nextInt(5, 10))}/**手势操作核心*/fun touch(path: Path,startTime: Long = this.startTime,duration: Long = this.duration,willContinue: Boolean = this.willContinue) {if (_isDo) {L.w("$path ignore touch stroke.".apply {//AutoParseInterceptor.log(this)})return}ensureBuilder {try {//AutoParseInterceptor.log("添加手势:$startTime ms,$duration ms")if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.O) {addStroke(GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(path,startTime,duration,willContinue))} else {addStroke(GestureDescription.StrokeDescription(path,startTime,duration))}} catch (e: Exception) {e.printStackTrace()}}}//</editor-fold desc="操作方法">
fun AccessibilityService.dslGesture(action: DslAccessibilityGesture.() -> Unit = {}): Boolean {val gesture = DslAccessibilityGesture().apply {service = this@dslGestureaction()doIt()}return gesture._isDispatched
}fun AccessibilityService.gesture(): DslAccessibilityGesture? =if (Build.VERSION.SDK_INT >= Build.VERSION_CODES.N) {DslAccessibilityGesture().apply {service = this@gesture}} else {null}//<editor-fold desc="move">fun DslAccessibilityGesture.move(fromX: Int,fromY: Int,toX: Int,toY: Int,startTime: Long = this.startTime,duration: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_MOVE_DURATION,result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {return touch(fromX.toFloat(),fromY.toFloat(),toX.toFloat(),toY.toFloat(),startTime,duration,result)
}fun DslAccessibilityGesture.move(fromX: Float,fromY: Float,toX: Float,toY: Float,startTime: Long = this.startTime,duration: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_MOVE_DURATION,result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {moveDuration()return touch(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, startTime, duration, result = result)
}fun DslAccessibilityGesture.moveUp(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {val screenWidth = _screenWidthval screenHeight = _screenHeightval fX = screenWidth / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val fY = screenHeight * 3 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)val tY = screenHeight * 2 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)return move(fX, fY, fX, tY, result = result)
}fun DslAccessibilityGesture.moveDown(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {val screenWidth = _screenWidthval screenHeight = _screenHeightval fX = screenWidth / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val fY = screenHeight * 3 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)val tY = screenHeight * 2 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)return move(fX, tY, fX, fY, result = result)
}fun DslAccessibilityGesture.moveLeft(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {val screenWidth = _screenWidthval screenHeight = _screenHeightval fY = screenHeight / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val fX = screenWidth * 3 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val tX = screenWidth * 2 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)return move(fX, fY, tX, fY, result = result)
}fun DslAccessibilityGesture.moveRight(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {val screenWidth = _screenWidthval screenHeight = _screenHeightval fY = screenHeight / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val fX = screenWidth * 3 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val tX = screenWidth * 2 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)return move(tX, fY, fX, fY, result = result)
}//</editor-fold desc="move">//<editor-fold desc="fling">fun DslAccessibilityGesture.fling(fromX: Float,fromY: Float,toX: Float,toY: Float,startTime: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME,duration: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_FLING_DURATION,result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {flingDuration(startTime, duration)return touch(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, startTime, duration, result)
}/**手指往上[fling] ↑*/
fun DslAccessibilityGesture.flingUp(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {val screenWidth = _screenWidthval screenHeight = _screenHeightval fX = screenWidth / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val fY = screenHeight * 3 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)val tY = screenHeight * 2 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)return fling(fX, fY, fX, tY, result = result)
}/**手指往下[fling] ↓*/
fun DslAccessibilityGesture.flingDown(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {val screenWidth = _screenWidthval screenHeight = _screenHeightval fX = screenWidth / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val fY = screenHeight * 3 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)val tY = screenHeight * 2 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)return fling(fX, tY, fX, fY, result = result)
}fun DslAccessibilityGesture.flingLeft(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {val screenWidth = _screenWidthval screenHeight = _screenHeightval fY = screenHeight / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val fX = screenWidth * 3 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val tX = screenWidth * 2 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)return fling(fX, fY, tX, fY, result = result)
}fun DslAccessibilityGesture.flingRight(result: GestureResult? = null): Boolean {val screenWidth = _screenWidthval screenHeight = _screenHeightval fY = screenHeight / 2 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val fX = screenWidth * 3 / 5 * 1f + nextInt(5, 10)val tX = screenWidth * 2 / 5 * 1f - nextInt(5, 10)return fling(tX, fY, fX, fY, result = result)
}//</editor-fold desc="fling">//<editor-fold desc="other">fun DslAccessibilityGesture.touch(fromX: Float,fromY: Float,toX: Float,toY: Float,startTime: Long = this.startTime,duration: Long = this.clickDuration,result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {gestureResult = resulttouch(fromX, fromY, toX, toY, startTime, duration)return doIt()
}fun DslAccessibilityGesture.click(x: Float = _screenWidth / 2f,y: Float = _screenHeight / 2f,startTime: Long = this.startTime,duration: Long = this.clickDuration,result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {gestureResult = resulttouch(x, y, startTime, duration)return doIt()
}fun DslAccessibilityGesture.double(x: Float = _screenWidth / 2f,y: Float = _screenHeight / 2f,startTime: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_START_TIME,duration: Long = DslAccessibilityGesture.DEFAULT_GESTURE_DOUBLE_DURATION,result: GestureResult? = null
): Boolean {gestureResult = resultdoubleDuration(startTime, duration)double(x, y)return doIt()
fun randomPoint(offsetLeft: Int = 10 * dpi,offsetTop: Int = _satusBarHeight,offsetRight: Int = 10 * dpi,offsetBottom: Int = _navBarHeight
): Point {val screenWidth = _screenWidthval screenHeight = _screenHeightval x: Int = nextInt(offsetLeft, screenWidth - offsetRight)val y: Int = nextInt(offsetTop, screenHeight - offsetBottom)return Point(x, y)
}fun nextDp(from: Int, until: Int) = nextInt(from * dpi, until * dpi)//</editor-fold desc="other">/**随机操作, 返回随机操作名称*/
fun DslAccessibilityGesture.randomization(): Pair<Boolean, String> {val p1 = PointF(randomPoint())val p2 = PointF(randomPoint())return when (nextInt(10)) {0 -> fling(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "fling ${p1}->${p2}"1 -> move(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "move ${p1}->${p2}"2 -> click(p1.x, p1.y) to "click $p1"3 -> double(p1.x, p1.y, result = null) to "double $p1"4 -> fling(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "fling ${p1}->${p2}"5 -> fling(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "fling ${p1}->${p2}"6 -> fling(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "fling ${p1}->${p2}"7 -> fling(p1.x, p1.y, p2.x, p2.y) to "fling ${p1}->${p2}"8 -> click(p1.x, p1.y) to "click $p1"9 -> double(p1.x, p1.y, result = null) to "double $p1"else -> true to "pass"}

有了这个工具类, 可以很快速的执行常规的手势操作, 如下:

click 点击


double 双击


move 移动

DslAccessibilityGesture.move(x1,y1, x2,y2)

fling 快速移动

DslAccessibilityGesture.fling(x1,y1, x2,y2)


  • acc–›Android无障碍开发入门
  • acc–›Android无障碍开发常用操作
  • acc–›Android无障碍开发手势操作
  • acc–›Android无障碍开发框架



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