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Learn how to construct the converged networks of the future!

New technologies are re-writing the business cases and cost models upon which telephony has been based for years. The fast "always on" Broadband Internet is a key driver, pushing forward and enabling the delivery of multimedia applications in all types of networks.

Service Providers want to reduce costs by converging new IP Services, existing data services and traditional telephony services onto the same core network, placing expectations on network performance. Converged Multimedia Networks focuses on enabling the synergistic combination of voice, data and video on to one network and the new challenges this will present in telecommunications.

Converged Multimedia Networks:
*Demonstrates how to deploy converged networks to support mobile telephony, fixed telephony, data, and broadband multimedia services.
*Describes how call control enables peer-to-peer voice and multimedia communication.
*Overviews the security solutions available to the network operators.
*Covers the architectural and protocol developments needed to permit the NGN to interoperate with the PSTN, reviewing transmission, and signalling in depth.
*Introduces the IMS architecture, for all types of access.
*Illustrates how value Added Services are delivered and describes how the Session Initiation Protocol (SIP) has launched a new breed of native SIP applications.
*Explains Multi Protocol Label Switching (MPLS), showing its capabilities in the core and describes how IP traffic engineering can support end user QoS guarantees.
*Discusses how differentiated QoS can be implemented allowing multiple service offerings, avoiding over-provisioning, and maximising the operator's return on investment.

This text will be an invaluable resource for network planners, and network architects in the telecommunications industry. Advanced students and network engineers working for telecommunication operators and vendors will also find this to be an excellent technical guide to the topic


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