
.\Objects\1_16Thermopile.axf: Error: L6366E: tpil16t_lib.o attributes are not compatible with the provided attributes .

Object tpil16t_lib.o contains Build Attributes that are incompatible with the provided attributes.

Tag_CPU_arch = ARM v7 (=10)

Tag_CPU_arch_profile = The microcontroller profile 'M' (e.g. for Cortex M3) (=77)

Tag_THUMB_ISA_use = Thumb2 instructions were permitted (implies Thumb instructions permitted) (=2)

报错原因:Cortex M0内核的芯片,调用Cortex M3内核芯片生成的Lib库,导致不兼容。

解决办法:重新生成Cortex M0内核的Lib库。或者更换为M3内核的芯片^_^

如:使用keil生成lib库时,选择芯片是stm32f103系列的Cortex M3内核芯片。调用lib库时,芯片使用的是stm32f030系列的Cortex M0内核芯片。则会报错。





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