
  • 前置知识
    • PNG格式
    • zlib文件格式
    • deflate文件格式
    • LZ77压缩算法
    • 霍夫曼编码
    • 字典树
  • 综述
  • 过程
    • 获取文件信息
    • 获取调色板信息
    • 对IDAT数据块进行解码
      • 编写位处理工具
      • 解码zlib和Defalte格式的文件头
      • 构建霍夫曼树
      • 获取霍夫曼码表
      • 进行解码
    • 格式转换
  • 实验结果
  • 完整代码












struct fileHeader
{unsigned char head[8];void GetHead(ifstream& in) { in.read((char*)head, 8); }
struct iHDR
{unsigned int width, height;unsigned char bit_depth, color_type, compression_method, filter_method, interlace_method;void GetIHDR(unsigned char* buffer);void Print();
struct chunks
{unsigned int length;char type[4];string s_type = "";unsigned char* data;unsigned char CRC[4];chunks();void GetChunk(ifstream& in);


#include "header.h"void iHDR::Print()
{cout << "width: " << (int)width << " height: " << height << endl;cout << "bit depth: " << (int)bit_depth << endl;cout << "color type: " << (int)color_type << endl;cout << "compression method: " << (int)compression_method << endl;cout << "interlace method : " << (int)interlace_method << endl;
void iHDR::GetIHDR(unsigned char* buffer)
{for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { width = (width << 8) + buffer[i]; }for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { height = (height << 8) + buffer[i + 4]; }int pos = 8;for (auto i : { &bit_depth, &color_type, &compression_method, &filter_method, &interlace_method })*i = buffer[pos++];
{length = 0;memset(type, 0, sizeof(type));data = nullptr;s_type = "";memset(CRC, 0, sizeof(CRC));
void chunks::GetChunk(ifstream& in)
{unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[4];in.read((char*)buffer, 4);for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { length = (length << 8) + buffer[i]; }in.read(type, 4);if (length != 0) {data = new unsigned char[length];in.read((char*)data, length);}in.read((char*)CRC, 4);for (auto i : type) s_type += (int)i;return;


int main()
{ifstream in(in_path, ios::binary);if (!in.is_open()){cout << in_path << " open failed." << endl;exit(1);}fileHeader file_header;file_header.GetHead(in);int pos = 0;while(true){chunks tmp;tmp.GetChunk(in);chunks_vector.push_back(tmp);mp[tmp.s_type].push_back(pos++);if (tmp.s_type == "IEND") break;}for (auto &i : mp){cout << i.first << ": ";for (auto& j : i.second)cout << j << " ";cout << endl;}int position = mp["IHDR"][0];iHDR ihdr; ihdr.GetIHDR(chunks_vector[position].data);cout << endl;  ihdr.Print();



名称 取值
Width 80
Height 80
Bit depth 8位
ColorType 3,带有调色板
Compression method 0 ,deflate压缩算法
Filter method 0,即滤波方法 0
Interlace method 0,非隔行扫描



struct pLTE
{int r, g, b;static pLTE* GetPLTE(unsigned char* buffer, iHDR ihdr);


pLTE* pLTE::GetPLTE(unsigned char* buffer, iHDR ihdr)
{int plte_size = 1 << ihdr.bit_depth;pLTE* plte = new pLTE[plte_size];int pos = 0;for (int i = 0; i < plte_size; ++i){for (auto j : { &plte[i].r, &plte[i].g, &plte[i].b })*j = buffer[pos++];}return plte;


    position = mp["PLTE"][0];pLTE* plte = pLTE::GetPLTE(chunks_vector[position].data, ihdr);




class dataReader
{private:unsigned char* buffer;unsigned int bit_pos, byte_pos, pos_in_byte, length;
public:dataReader();void GetData(ifstream& in);void GetData(unsigned char* in_buffer, int length);unsigned int ReadNextBit();unsigned int ReadBits(int n);unsigned int ReadBitsR(int n);unsigned int ReadBytes(int n);void ReadBytes(unsigned char* buffer, int length);void GetPos();


#include "header.h"void dataReader::GetPos()
{cout << "Byte pos: " << byte_pos << endl;cout << "Bit pos: " << bit_pos << endl;cout << "Pos in Byte: " << pos_in_byte << endl;cout << "total length: " << length << endl;
{buffer = nullptr;bit_pos = byte_pos = pos_in_byte = length = 0;
}void dataReader::GetData(ifstream& in)
{in.seekg(0, ios::end);length = in.tellg();in.seekg(0, ios::beg);buffer = new unsigned char[length];in.read((char*)buffer, length);
void dataReader::GetData( unsigned char* in_buffer, int length )
{ buffer = in_buffer; this->length = length;
}unsigned int dataReader::ReadNextBit()
{if (byte_pos >= length){cout << "Out of boundary." << endl;exit(1);}unsigned int ans = 0;ans = (buffer[byte_pos] & (1 << pos_in_byte)) >> pos_in_byte;bit_pos++; pos_in_byte++;if (pos_in_byte == 8){pos_in_byte = 0;byte_pos++;}return ans;
unsigned int dataReader::ReadBits(int n)
{unsigned int ans = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)ans = ans | (ReadNextBit() << i);return ans;
unsigned int dataReader::ReadBitsR(int n)
{unsigned int ans = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)ans = (ans << 1) | ReadNextBit();return ans;
unsigned int dataReader::ReadBytes(int n)
{unsigned int ans = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ans = (ans << 8) | ReadBits(8);}return ans;
void dataReader::ReadBytes(unsigned char* buffer, int length)
{for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)buffer[i] = this->buffer[byte_pos++];



struct IDATheader
{unsigned int CM, CINFO, FCHECK, FDICT, FLEVEL, DICTCHECK, CHECKSUM;unsigned int BFINAL, BTYPE;unsigned int LEN, NLEN;unsigned int NLIT, NDIST, NCLEN;void GetZlibHeader(dataReader& data_reader);void GetDeflateHeader(dataReader& data_reader);void Print();


void IDATheader::GetZlibHeader(dataReader &data_reader)
{CM = data_reader.ReadBits(4);CINFO = data_reader.ReadBits(4);FCHECK = data_reader.ReadBits(5);FDICT = data_reader.ReadBits(1);FLEVEL = data_reader.ReadBits(2);if (FDICT) DICTCHECK = data_reader.ReadBytes(4);}
void IDATheader::GetDeflateHeader(dataReader& data_reader)
{BFINAL = data_reader.ReadNextBit();BTYPE = data_reader.ReadBits(2);switch (BTYPE){case 0:break;case 1:break;case 2:{NLIT = data_reader.ReadBits(5) + 257;NDIST = data_reader.ReadBits(5) + 1;NCLEN = data_reader.ReadBits(4) + 4;break;}}
void IDATheader::Print()
{cout << "CM: " << CM << endl;cout << "CINFO: " << CINFO << endl;cout << "FDICT: " << FDICT << endl;cout << "BIFNAL: " << BFINAL << endl;cout << "BTYPE: " << BTYPE << endl;cout << "NLIt: " << NLIT << endl;cout << "NDIST: " << NDIST << endl;cout << "NCLEN: " << NCLEN << endl;


    IDATheader idat_header;position = mp["IDAT"][0];data_reader.GetData(chunks_vector[position].data, chunks_vector[position].length);idat_header.GetZlibHeader(data_reader); idat_header.GetDeflateHeader(data_reader);idat_header.Print();




class huffmanTree
{private:int value;huffmanTree* left, * right;
public:huffmanTree() { value = -1; left = right = nullptr; }void Update(int index, unsigned int codes, unsigned int len);void Build(vector< unsigned int > codes, vector<unsigned int> length);int Decode();void Print(string s = "");


huffmanTree::huffmanTree() { value = -1; left = right = nullptr; }
void huffmanTree::Update(int index, unsigned int codes, unsigned int len)
{if (len == 0){value = index;left = right = nullptr;return;}if (codes & (1u << (len - 1))){if (nullptr == right)right = new huffmanTree;right->Update(index, codes, len - 1);}else{if (nullptr == left)left = new huffmanTree;left->Update(index, codes, len - 1);}
void huffmanTree::Build(vector< unsigned int > codes, vector<unsigned int> length)
{int len = codes.size();for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (length[i]) Update(i, codes[i], length[i]);
int huffmanTree::Decode()
{if (value != -1) return value;auto sym = data_reader.ReadNextBit();if (sym) right->Decode();else left->Decode();
void huffmanTree::Print(string s)
{if (value != -1){cout << value << "\t" << s << endl;return;}if (nullptr != right)right->Print(s + '1');if (nullptr != left)left->Print(s + '0');



vector< unsigned int > GetCodes(vector<unsigned int> length);
vector< unsigned int > DecodeLength(int num);
void GetCodeLengthAphabet(int NCLEN);
void GetOherAlphabet(int NLIT, int NDIST);


huffmanTree code_len_alphabet, len_alphabet, dis_alphabet;


vector< unsigned int > GetCodes(vector<unsigned int> length)
{int len = length.size();vector< unsigned int > frequent(len), next_code(len), codes(len);for (auto i : length) if (i) frequent[i] ++;for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) next_code[i] = (next_code[i - 1] + frequent[i - 1]) << 1;for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (length[i]) codes[i] = next_code[length[i]] ++;return codes;
vector< unsigned int > DecodeLength(int num)
{vector<unsigned int> length;while (length.size() != num){auto sym = code_len_alphabet.Decode();unsigned int t = 0;if (sym <= 15) length.push_back(sym);else if (sym == 16){t = data_reader.ReadBits(2) + 3;auto back = length.back();while (t--) length.push_back(back);}else if (sym == 17){t = data_reader.ReadBits(3) + 3;while (t--) length.push_back(0);}else{t = data_reader.ReadBits(7) + 11;while (t--) length.push_back(0);}}return length;
void GetCodeLengthAphabet( int NCLEN )
{vector< int > index = { 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 };vector< unsigned int > length(19);for (int i = 0; i < NCLEN; ++i)length[index[i]] = data_reader.ReadBits(3);auto codes = GetCodes(length);code_len_alphabet.Build(codes, length);
void GetOherAlphabet( int NLIT, int NDIST )
{auto len_length = DecodeLength(NLIT);auto dis_length = DecodeLength(NDIST);auto len_codes = GetCodes(len_length);auto dis_codes = GetCodes(dis_length);len_alphabet.Build(len_codes, len_length);dis_alphabet.Build(dis_codes, dis_length);


    GetCodeLengthAphabet(idat_header.NCLEN);GetOherAlphabet(idat_header.NLIT, idat_header.NDIST);dis_alphabet.Print();




vector< unsigned char > DecodeData();


unsigned int len_ex_bits[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0 };
unsigned int len_base[] = { 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,19,23,27,31,35,43,51,59,67,83,99,115,131,163,195,227,0 };
unsigned int dis_ex_bits[] = { 0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13 };
unsigned int dis_base[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,13,17,25,33,49,65,97,129,193,257,385,513,769,1025,1537,2049,3073,4097,6145,8193,12289,16385,24577 };
vector< unsigned char > DecodeData()
{vector< unsigned char > data;while (1){auto sym = len_alphabet.Decode();if (sym == 256)return data;else{if (sym < 256) { data.push_back((unsigned char)sym); continue; }sym -= 257;auto len = len_base[sym] + data_reader.ReadBits(len_ex_bits[sym]);sym = dis_alphabet.Decode();auto dis = dis_base[sym] + data_reader.ReadBits(dis_ex_bits[sym]);for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i){auto t = data[data.size() - dis];data.push_back(t);}}}




void png2yuv(const string out_yuv_path, int width, int height, vector<unsigned char> data_buffer, pLTE* plte);


void png2yuv( const string out_yuv_path, int width, int height, vector<unsigned char> data_buffer, pLTE* plte)
{unsigned char* y, * u, * v;int y_size = width * height;int uv_size = y_size / 4;y = new unsigned char[y_size];u = new unsigned char[uv_size];v = new unsigned char[uv_size];int buffer_size = data_buffer.size();int uv_pos = 0, y_pos = 0;for (int i = 0; i < buffer_size; ++i){if ((i + 1) % (width + 1) == 0) continue;int r, g, b; auto plte_tmp = plte[data_buffer[i]];r = plte_tmp.r, g = plte_tmp.g, b = plte_tmp.b;int h = i / (width + 1), w = i % (width + 1);y[y_pos++] = ((66 * r + 129 * g + 25 * b + 128) >> 8) + 16;if ((h & 1) || (w & 1)) continue;u[uv_pos] = ((-38 * r - 74 * g + 112 * b + 128) >> 8) + 128;v[uv_pos++] = ((112 * r - 94 * g - 18 * b + 128) >> 8) + 128;}ofstream out(out_yuv_path, ios::binary);out.write((char*)y, y_size); out.write((char*)u, uv_size); out.write((char*)v, uv_size);out.close();for (auto i : { &y, &u, &v }) delete[] * i;


    auto data = DecodeData(); png2yuv(out_path, ihdr.width, ihdr.height, data, plte);






#pragma once
#include <iostream>
#include <cstdio>
#include <fstream>
#include <vector>
#include <map>
#include <algorithm>
#include <set>
using namespace std;struct fileHeader
{unsigned char head[8];void GetHead(ifstream& in) { in.read((char*)head, 8); }
struct iHDR
{unsigned int width, height;unsigned char bit_depth, color_type, compression_method, filter_method, interlace_method;void GetIHDR(unsigned char* buffer);void Print();
struct chunks
{unsigned int length;char type[4];std::string s_type = "";unsigned char* data;unsigned char CRC[4];chunks();void GetChunk(ifstream& in);
struct pLTE
{int r, g, b;static pLTE* GetPLTE(unsigned char* buffer, iHDR ihdr);
class dataReader
{private:unsigned char* buffer;unsigned int bit_pos, byte_pos, pos_in_byte, length;
public:dataReader();void GetData(ifstream& in);void GetData(unsigned char* in_buffer, int length);unsigned int ReadNextBit();unsigned int ReadBits(int n);unsigned int ReadBitsR(int n);unsigned int ReadBytes(int n);void ReadBytes(unsigned char* buffer, int length);void GetPos();
struct IDATheader
{unsigned int CM, CINFO, FCHECK, FDICT, FLEVEL, DICTCHECK, CHECKSUM;unsigned int BFINAL, BTYPE;unsigned int LEN, NLEN;unsigned int NLIT, NDIST, NCLEN;void GetZlibHeader(dataReader& data_reader);void GetDeflateHeader(dataReader& data_reader);void Print();
};class huffmanTree
{private:int value;huffmanTree* left, * right;
public:huffmanTree();void Update(int index, unsigned int codes, unsigned int len);void Build(vector< unsigned int > codes, vector<unsigned int> length);int Decode();void Print(string s = "");
};vector< unsigned int > GetCodes(vector<unsigned int> length);
vector< unsigned int > DecodeLength(int num);
void GetCodeLengthAphabet(int NCLEN);
void GetOherAlphabet(int NLIT, int NDIST);vector< unsigned char > DecodeData();void png2yuv(const string out_yuv_path, int width, int height, vector<unsigned char> data_buffer, pLTE* plte);


#include "header.h"void dataReader::GetPos()
{cout << "Byte pos: " << byte_pos << endl;cout << "Bit pos: " << bit_pos << endl;cout << "Pos in Byte: " << pos_in_byte << endl;cout << "total length: " << length << endl;
{buffer = nullptr;bit_pos = byte_pos = pos_in_byte = length = 0;
}void dataReader::GetData(ifstream& in)
{in.seekg(0, ios::end);length = in.tellg();in.seekg(0, ios::beg);buffer = new unsigned char[length];in.read((char*)buffer, length);
void dataReader::GetData( unsigned char* in_buffer, int length )
{ buffer = in_buffer; this->length = length;
}unsigned int dataReader::ReadNextBit()
{if (byte_pos >= length){cout << "Out of boundary." << endl;exit(1);}unsigned int ans = 0;ans = (buffer[byte_pos] & (1 << pos_in_byte)) >> pos_in_byte;bit_pos++; pos_in_byte++;if (pos_in_byte == 8){pos_in_byte = 0;byte_pos++;}return ans;
unsigned int dataReader::ReadBits(int n)
{unsigned int ans = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)ans = ans | (ReadNextBit() << i);return ans;
unsigned int dataReader::ReadBitsR(int n)
{unsigned int ans = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)ans = (ans << 1) | ReadNextBit();return ans;
unsigned int dataReader::ReadBytes(int n)
{unsigned int ans = 0;for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i){ans = (ans << 8) | ReadBits(8);}return ans;
void dataReader::ReadBytes(unsigned char* buffer, int length)
{for (int i = 0; i < length; ++i)buffer[i] = this->buffer[byte_pos++];


#include "header.h"void iHDR::Print()
{cout << "width: " << (int)width << " height: " << height << endl;cout << "bit depth: " << (int)bit_depth << endl;cout << "color type: " << (int)color_type << endl;cout << "compression method: " << (int)compression_method << endl;cout << "interlace method : " << (int)interlace_method << endl;
void iHDR::GetIHDR(unsigned char* buffer)
{for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { width = (width << 8) + buffer[i]; }for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { height = (height << 8) + buffer[i + 4]; }int pos = 8;for (auto i : { &bit_depth, &color_type, &compression_method, &filter_method, &interlace_method })*i = buffer[pos++];
{length = 0;memset(type, 0, sizeof(type));data = nullptr;s_type = "";memset(CRC, 0, sizeof(CRC));
void chunks::GetChunk(ifstream& in)
{unsigned char* buffer = new unsigned char[4];in.read((char*)buffer, 4);for (int i = 0; i < 4; ++i) { length = (length << 8) + buffer[i]; }in.read(type, 4);if (length != 0) {data = new unsigned char[length];in.read((char*)data, length);}in.read((char*)CRC, 4);for (auto i : type) s_type += (int)i;return;
pLTE* pLTE::GetPLTE(unsigned char* buffer, iHDR ihdr)
{int plte_size = 1 << ihdr.bit_depth;pLTE* plte = new pLTE[plte_size];int pos = 0;for (int i = 0; i < plte_size; ++i){for (auto j : { &plte[i].r, &plte[i].g, &plte[i].b })*j = buffer[pos++];}return plte;
}void png2yuv( const string out_yuv_path, int width, int height, vector<unsigned char> data_buffer, pLTE* plte)
{unsigned char* y, * u, * v;int y_size = width * height;int uv_size = y_size / 4;y = new unsigned char[y_size];u = new unsigned char[uv_size];v = new unsigned char[uv_size];int buffer_size = data_buffer.size();int uv_pos = 0, y_pos = 0;for (int i = 0; i < buffer_size; ++i){if ((i + 1) % (width + 1) == 0) continue;int r, g, b; auto plte_tmp = plte[data_buffer[i]];r = plte_tmp.r, g = plte_tmp.g, b = plte_tmp.b;int h = i / (width + 1), w = i % (width + 1);y[y_pos++] = ((66 * r + 129 * g + 25 * b + 128) >> 8) + 16;if ((h & 1) || (w & 1)) continue;u[uv_pos] = ((-38 * r - 74 * g + 112 * b + 128) >> 8) + 128;v[uv_pos++] = ((112 * r - 94 * g - 18 * b + 128) >> 8) + 128;}ofstream out(out_yuv_path, ios::binary);out.write((char*)y, y_size); out.write((char*)u, uv_size); out.write((char*)v, uv_size);out.close();for (auto i : { &y, &u, &v }) delete[] * i;


#include "header.h"
extern dataReader data_reader;
huffmanTree code_len_alphabet, len_alphabet, dis_alphabet;
void IDATheader::GetZlibHeader(dataReader &data_reader)
{CM = data_reader.ReadBits(4);CINFO = data_reader.ReadBits(4);FCHECK = data_reader.ReadBits(5);FDICT = data_reader.ReadBits(1);FLEVEL = data_reader.ReadBits(2);if (FDICT) DICTCHECK = data_reader.ReadBytes(4);}
void IDATheader::GetDeflateHeader(dataReader& data_reader)
{BFINAL = data_reader.ReadNextBit();BTYPE = data_reader.ReadBits(2);switch (BTYPE){case 0:break;case 1:break;case 2:{NLIT = data_reader.ReadBits(5) + 257;NDIST = data_reader.ReadBits(5) + 1;NCLEN = data_reader.ReadBits(4) + 4;break;}}
void IDATheader::Print()
{cout << "CM: " << CM << endl;cout << "CINFO: " << CINFO << endl;cout << "FDICT: " << FDICT << endl;cout << "BIFNAL: " << BFINAL << endl;cout << "BTYPE: " << BTYPE << endl;cout << "NLIt: " << NLIT << endl;cout << "NDIST: " << NDIST << endl;cout << "NCLEN: " << NCLEN << endl;
}huffmanTree::huffmanTree() { value = -1; left = right = nullptr; }
void huffmanTree::Update(int index, unsigned int codes, unsigned int len)
{if (len == 0){value = index;left = right = nullptr;return;}if (codes & (1u << (len - 1))){if (nullptr == right)right = new huffmanTree;right->Update(index, codes, len - 1);}else{if (nullptr == left)left = new huffmanTree;left->Update(index, codes, len - 1);}
void huffmanTree::Build(vector< unsigned int > codes, vector<unsigned int> length)
{int len = codes.size();for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (length[i]) Update(i, codes[i], length[i]);
int huffmanTree::Decode()
{if (value != -1) return value;auto sym = data_reader.ReadNextBit();if (sym) right->Decode();else left->Decode();
void huffmanTree::Print(string s)
{if (value != -1){cout << value << "\t" << s << endl;return;}if (nullptr != right)right->Print(s + '1');if (nullptr != left)left->Print(s + '0');
}vector< unsigned int > GetCodes(vector<unsigned int> length)
{int len = length.size();vector< unsigned int > frequent(len), next_code(len), codes(len);for (auto i : length) if (i) frequent[i] ++;for (int i = 1; i < len; ++i) next_code[i] = (next_code[i - 1] + frequent[i - 1]) << 1;for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i) if (length[i]) codes[i] = next_code[length[i]] ++;return codes;
vector< unsigned int > DecodeLength(int num)
{vector<unsigned int> length;while (length.size() != num){auto sym = code_len_alphabet.Decode();unsigned int t = 0;if (sym <= 15) length.push_back(sym);else if (sym == 16){t = data_reader.ReadBits(2) + 3;auto back = length.back();while (t--) length.push_back(back);}else if (sym == 17){t = data_reader.ReadBits(3) + 3;while (t--) length.push_back(0);}else{t = data_reader.ReadBits(7) + 11;while (t--) length.push_back(0);}}return length;
void GetCodeLengthAphabet( int NCLEN )
{vector< int > index = { 16, 17, 18, 0, 8, 7, 9, 6, 10, 5, 11, 4, 12, 3, 13, 2, 14, 1, 15 };vector< unsigned int > length(19);for (int i = 0; i < NCLEN; ++i)length[index[i]] = data_reader.ReadBits(3);auto codes = GetCodes(length);code_len_alphabet.Build(codes, length);
void GetOherAlphabet( int NLIT, int NDIST )
{auto len_length = DecodeLength(NLIT);auto dis_length = DecodeLength(NDIST);auto len_codes = GetCodes(len_length);auto dis_codes = GetCodes(dis_length);len_alphabet.Build(len_codes, len_length);dis_alphabet.Build(dis_codes, dis_length);
}unsigned int len_ex_bits[] = { 0,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1,2,2,2,2,3,3,3,3,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,5,0 };
unsigned int len_base[] = { 3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,13,15,17,19,23,27,31,35,43,51,59,67,83,99,115,131,163,195,227,0 };
unsigned int dis_ex_bits[] = { 0,0,0,0,1,1,2,2,3,3,4,4,5,5,6,6,7,7,8,8,9,9,10,10,11,11,12,12,13,13 };
unsigned int dis_base[] = { 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,13,17,25,33,49,65,97,129,193,257,385,513,769,1025,1537,2049,3073,4097,6145,8193,12289,16385,24577 };
vector< unsigned char > DecodeData()
{vector< unsigned char > data;while (1){auto sym = len_alphabet.Decode();if (sym == 256)return data;else{if (sym < 256) { data.push_back((unsigned char)sym); continue; }sym -= 257;auto len = len_base[sym] + data_reader.ReadBits(len_ex_bits[sym]);sym = dis_alphabet.Decode();auto dis = dis_base[sym] + data_reader.ReadBits(dis_ex_bits[sym]);for (int i = 0; i < len; ++i){auto t = data[data.size() - dis];data.push_back(t);}}}


#include "header.h"const string in_path = "1.png";
const string out_path = "out.yuv";
map< string, vector<int> > mp;
vector<chunks> chunks_vector;
dataReader data_reader;
extern huffmanTree code_len_alphabet, len_alphabet, dis_alphabet;int main()
{ifstream in(in_path, ios::binary);if (!in.is_open()){cout << in_path << " open failed." << endl;exit(1);}fileHeader file_header;file_header.GetHead(in);int pos = 0;while (true){chunks tmp;tmp.GetChunk(in);chunks_vector.push_back(tmp);mp[tmp.s_type].push_back(pos++);if (tmp.s_type == "IEND") break;}for (auto& i : mp){cout << i.first << ": ";for (auto& j : i.second)cout << j << " ";cout << endl;}int position = mp["IHDR"][0];iHDR ihdr; ihdr.GetIHDR(chunks_vector[position].data);cout << endl;  ihdr.Print();position = mp["PLTE"][0];pLTE* plte = pLTE::GetPLTE(chunks_vector[position].data, ihdr);IDATheader idat_header;position = mp["IDAT"][0];data_reader.GetData(chunks_vector[position].data, chunks_vector[position].length);idat_header.GetZlibHeader(data_reader); idat_header.GetDeflateHeader(data_reader);idat_header.Print();GetCodeLengthAphabet(idat_header.NCLEN);GetOherAlphabet(idat_header.NLIT, idat_header.NDIST);dis_alphabet.Print();auto data = DecodeData(); png2yuv(out_path, ihdr.width, ihdr.height, data, plte);


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