I had a great conversation on Twitter with Frans Bouma about pricing where he asked a number of questions that weren't easily answered in 140 characters. The pricing for these things isn't clear or easy. It's not clear or easy because it's complicated.

我在推特上与Frans Bouma进行了精彩的对话,谈论定价问题,他问了很多不易用140个字符回答的问题。 这些东西的定价不清楚或不容易。 因为它很复杂,所以不清楚或不容易。

Frans is thinking about moving his product’s website over to Azure but he’s thinking it’s too expensive for his one website. Good question.

Frans正在考虑将其产品的网站移至Azure,但他认为这对于他的一个网站来说太贵了。 好问题。

Here's my own Q&A about Azure Websites and Pricing. Folks are always emailing me with confusion so I'm writing it up. If you email me questions from now on (since I have only so many keysleft.com) I'm going to point you here.

这是我自己有关Azure网站和定价的问答。 人们总是给我发来混乱的电子邮件,所以我正在写。 如果您从现在开始向我发送问题(因为我只有那么多的keyleft.com ),我将在这里为您指出。

Disclaimer: This is written by me, not Marketing. I'm sure they'll be on the phone in a minute when they see this post. It doesn’t make it less true, though.

免责声明:这是我写的,不是市场营销的。 我确定他们看到此信息后,他们会在一分钟内给他打电话。 但是,这并没有使它不那么真实。

I wasn't an Azure fan until June of last year. I run all my sites on Azure except for this blog (which is at OrcsWeb where it's been for years).

直到去年六月我才是Azure粉丝。 除了该博客(在OrcsWeb已有多年历史了)之外,我都在Azure上运行了所有站点。

Today, I have 13 websites and two VMs (one Linux and one Windows) running in Azure. 11 sites run in one VM instances with Azure Websites in the West US, and the other two are in different datacenters.

今天,我在Azure中运行着13个网站和两个VM(一个Linux和一个Windows)。 一个虚拟机实例中有11个站点在美国西部的Azure网站上运行,另外两个在不同的数据中心中。

Q: I have a small website on a custom domain that I'm paying US$5 a month for at FooHost. Should I move to Azure?

问:我在自定义域上有一个小型网站,我每月在FooHost上支付5美元。 我应该搬到Azure吗?

A: Probably not. While you can get 10 free websites per data center (meaning, more than 10, technically) to play in Azure, if you want to point a custom domain at it you'll need at least one "shared" (multi-tenant, meaning you get a slice of a CPU) website. That's US$9.68 a month, running full time. If $9.68 is too rich for you, stick with your $5 host. However, you do get to use the same management tools and deployment subsystems even with just one shared site so it depends on what you find valuable. Free sites are great for development and test scenarios where you can experiment with new concepts before you start spending money.

答:可能不会。 虽然每个数据中心可以获得10个免费网站(从技术上讲,这意味着10个以上)可以在Azure中运行,但是如果要指向自定义域,则需要至少一个“共享”(多租户,这意味着您会获得一个CPU网站)。 这是每月9.68美元,全天候运行。 如果$ 9.68美元对您来说太富裕,请坚持使用$ 5美元的主机。 但是,即使只有一个共享站点,也必须使用相同的管理工具和部署子系统,因此这取决于您发现有价值的东西。 免费网站非常适合开发和测试场景,您可以在开始花钱之前尝试新概念。

If you’re trying to get by with the minimum for a few bucks a month, I don’t think it’s fair to compare Azure to a random $4.99 PHP host. You get command line management tools, lots of deployment choices, elastic scale in minutes whenever you want, etc.

如果您试图以每月至少几美元的最低价来赚钱,我认为将Azure与随机的$ 4.99 PHP主机进行比较是不公平的。 您可以获得命令行管理工具,许多部署选择,随时随地可以在几分钟内完成弹性伸缩等。

Q: What if I am OK with $10 a month? What do I get with one shared site?

问:如果我每月可以拿10美元,该如何办? 一个共享站点我能得到什么?

A: Whether it's 1 site or 500, all websites get Git deployment (and redeployment, also known as the "oh shit button") as well as deployment from Visual Studio and TFS. Everyone gets the same infrastructure and control panel.  You can also scale out to up to 6 shared instances if you need.

答:无论是1个站点还是500个站点,所有网站都可以进行Git部署(以及重新部署,也称为“哦,糟糕”按钮),还可以从Visual Studio和TFS进行部署。 每个人都拥有相同的基础架构和控制面板。 如果需要,您还可以扩展到最多6个共享实例。

Each instance is a copy of your code running on a different shared server with its own quota of CPU and memory. We chose to limit the number of instances to 6 since having more than 6 instances ends up being more expensive than having one Standard server. You can have up to a 100 sites in Shared mode per data center, each site can have up to 6 instances.

每个实例都是在具有自己的CPU和内存配额的不同共享服务器上运行的代码的副本。 我们选择将实例数限制为6,因为拥有6个以上的实例最终会比拥有一台Standard服务器更昂贵。 每个数据中心在共享模式下最多可以有100个站点,每个站点最多可以有6个实例。

Q: What about running my own VM and not using managed Websites?


A: If you know what you're doing, you can run your Website in a VM, but you need to setup IIS and manage it yourself. You need to keep the VM updated, and configure it however you want. But, you can get an extra small VM for $15 a month with 768MB RAM, which is nice. I run an instance of MySQL in one of these as well as PHP on Apache.

答:如果您知道自己在做什么,则可以在VM中运行网站,但是需要自行设置IIS并对其进行管理。 您需要保持虚拟机更新,并根据需要进行配置。 但是,您可以以每月15美元的价格获得一个带有768MB RAM的额外小型VM,这很好。 我在其中之一以及MySQL在Apache上运行MySQL的实例。

Q: When would I run a VM over a Website?


A. It comes down to what you want to manage. If you're cool with managing a VM and you want the flexibility, do that. If you want the OS and updates handled for you, as well as the deployment choices and scale out, use web sites.

答:这取决于您要管理的内容。 如果您对管理虚拟机很满意并且想要灵活性,请执行此操作。 如果要为您处理操作系统和更新,以及选择部署和扩展,请使用网站。

Q: There's Free, Shared and Standard Websites. What's the difference?

问:有免费,共享和标准的网站。 有什么不同?

A. Free means it's free, there's no uptime guarantee and you're low priority. I put demos and tests and dev on free stuff. I also run some services where it doesn't matter what the URL is because no one can see it. You can't use custom domains or SSL with free.

答:免费意味着它是免费的,没有正常运行时间保证,您的优先级较低。 我将演示和测试以及开发放在免费的东西上。 我还在网址无关紧要的地方运行一些服务,因为没人能看到它。 您不能免费使用自定义域或SSL。

Shared means you're getting a slice of a computer and you're packed in with a lot of other folks on the shared plans. Most small websites (<20,000 PV) work just fine with shared.

共享意味着您将拥有一台计算机,并且在共享计划中挤满了很多其他人。 大多数小型网站(<20,000 PV)与共享网站都可以正常工作。

Standard used to be called Reserved. You get your own VM and you can run ASP.NET, nodejs, PHP, etc (the same things you can run on Free and Standard). You can go from 1 core and 1.75G of RAM all the way up to 4 cores and 7G of RAM. I run all my sites in 1 standard small instance. Even with small I've got almost 2 gigs of ram and even though some of my sites (like Hanselminutes) do caching and may use 100-300 megs of RAM on a busy day, I've never had any issues.

标准曾经被称为保留。 您拥有自己的VM,并且可以运行ASP.NET,nodejs,PHP等(可以在Free和Standard上运行的相同功能)。 您可以从1核和1.75G RAM一直到4核和7G RAM。 我在1个标准的小型实例中运行所有站点。 即使体积很小,我也有将近2 gig的ram,即使我的某些站点(例如Hanselminutes )进行缓存并且在忙碌的一天中可能使用100-300兆的RAM,我也从未遇到过任何问题。

If you need more than one server to run your sites you can scale out to 10 instances of your Standard server, if you need more than 10 server instances you can contact support services and they’ll work something out.


Here's the thing about clouds generally and Azure specifically. If you're not packing things densely you're not going to save money.

这就是一般的云,尤其是Azure。 如果您不密集地包装东西,那么您将不会省钱。

You can put up to 500 websites into a single instance using Azure Websites. That's not a typo. The more you put in the more value you get from your VM/standard instance.

使用Azure网站,您最多可以将500个网站放到一个实例中。 那不是错字。 投入越多,您从VM /标准实例获得的价值就越大。

Tip: Pack sites in tight. To be clear, if you are going to run more than 8 websites in Azure, you're a tool to not move into Standard/Reserved. It's just cheaper. Plus, if you have a bunch of sites in one Data Center (like, I had 10+ in West US) you want to put them all in the same VM. If you can keep serving traffic then effectively all sites you can put comfortably in your existing instance are "free." You're paying for the instance, use it.

提示:将网站收紧。 需要明确的是,如果要在Azure中运行8个以上的网站,则是一个不进入标准/保留状态的工具。 便宜一点。 另外,如果您在一个数据中心中有很多站点(例如,我在美国西部拥有10多个站点),则希望将它们全部放在同一虚拟机中。 如果您可以继续提供流量,那么实际上可以放心地放置在现有实例中的所有站点都是“免费的”。 您需要为实例付费,使用它。

Q. You're insane, what kind of sites could provide value and also be packed that tight?


A. There's lots of little sites, like my podcasts for example, that get a few tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands hits a month. If you're working for a digital agency and putting together simple sites, you can start saving big money after about 6 to 8 sites.

答:有很多小的站点,例如我的播客,每个月都有数万甚至数十万的点击。 如果您正在为一家数字代理机构工作,并且将简单的站点放在一起,则可以在大约6到8个站点之后开始节省大量资金

Here's the Azure Pricing Calculator. In my opinion it's silly that it goes past 8 in Shared mode. Anything more than 8 shared sites is a waste of money.

这是Azure定价计算器。 我认为在共享模式下超过8是很愚蠢的。 超过8个共享站点都是浪费金钱。

You might look at this and thing, 8 for $77? That's real money and too rich for me. I'm going to stick with my $5 host. And you probably should if you can pack 8 sites onto that $5 machine.

您可能会看这个东西,77美元的价格是8美元吗? 那是真钱,对我来说太富有了。 我要坚持5美元的房东。 而且,如果您可以将8个站点打包到这台5美元的机器上,就应该这样做。

However, things get cheap when you move to Standard mode. Once you have 1 standard website VM you can put lots of stuff on that one machine.

但是,当您进入标准模式时,事情变得便宜了。 一旦拥有1个标准网站虚拟机,就可以在一台计算机上放置很多东西。

Again, each web site is all alone, isolated and separately deployable and manageable, but they share your 1 VM. But the value is that you never think about the management of the VM. It's always up to date, they're looking for malware, patching the OS, handling stuff. Web Sites sits above the VM and you use FTP, Git Deploy or MS Deploy to get your site there. You can run ASP.NET, PHP, node.js, Python, hell, Classic ASP if you want to.

同样,每个网站都是单独的,独立的,可分别部署和管理的,但是它们共享您的1个VM。 但价值在于您无需考虑虚拟机的管理。 它始终是最新的,他们正在寻找恶意软件,修补操作系统,处理内容。 网站位于VM上方,您可以使用FTP,Git Deploy或MS Deploy将您的网站放到那里。 您可以根据需要运行ASP.NET,PHP,node.js,Python,地狱,经典ASP。

You're paying for the compute time, 0.10/hr and you're being billed as it's running. If it runs all month long it's $74.40. I run all my sites inside this VM. It's actually a little large, and I could probably get away with an "Extra Small VM" if they would make one for Web Sites (the team is telling me that this is coming soon). Note that I am charged 0.10/hr even if my sites get no traffic, I am essentially paying for “renting” the CPU from Azure.

您需要支付0.10 /小时的计算时间,并且在运行时需要付费。 如果它运行了整整一个月,则为74.40美元。 我在此虚拟机中运行所有站点。 它实际上有点大,如果他们可以为网站制作一个“超小型VM”,我可能会放弃(团队告诉我这很快就会出现)。 请注意,即使我的网站没有流量,我也要支付每小时0.10的费用,我实际上是为从Azure中“租用” CPU付费。

Q. When do I scale, and how?


A. I talk to customers a lot and most of the ones doing public sites always overstate their traffic. What they want is the ability to scale IF it becomes popular. You can scale UP (bigger instance) or scale OUT (more instances).

答:我经常与客户交流,大多数在公共场所进行服务的客户总是夸大其流量。 他们想要的是在流行的情况下进行扩展的能力。 您可以向上扩展(更大的实例)或向外扩展(更多的实例)。

You can set you sites to auto-scale if you get on Hacker News or your startup becomes popular. Azure will add (and remove!) instances to make sure traffic gets handled. It will never go above or below the settings you choose.

如果您收到《黑客新闻》或创业公司很受欢迎,则可以将网站设置为自动缩放。 Azure将添加(并删除!)实例以确保流量得到处理。 它永远不会高于或低于您选择的设置。

This is a way to control costs. In this screenshot, I will never go above 3 instances, so my site can fall over if it gets slammed, but I decide how hard it tries to scale. I want to balance costs with availability. I could change this however I want from just 1 small VM to 10 large ones, so that's 1 core to 40, as I like.

这是控制成本的一种方式。 在此屏幕快照中,我将永远不会超过3个实例,因此如果遭到猛烈抨击,我的网站可能会崩溃,但是我决定它尝试扩展的难度。 我想在成本和可用性之间取得平衡。 我可以将其更改,但是我想从1个小型VM更改为10个大型VM,所以我希望将1个核心虚拟机更改为40个。

Q: Are Azure Websites running all the time, 24/7?


A: If you have a standard VM with a bunch of websites in them, the VM is running all the time and you're paying for that VM. If one of the web sites isn't used for some large number of hours, it will be put to sleep, freeing up resources for other sites on the same VM. If you're worried about the web site not warming up quickly, you can use the build in Monitoring feature to not only ensure they are always up but that they are always warm.

答:如果您有一个带有一堆网站的标准VM,则该VM一直都在运行,您需要为该VM付费。 如果其中一个网站长时间不使用,它将进入睡眠状态,从而为同一VM上的其他网站释放资源。 如果您担心网站无法快速预热,则可以使用“内置”监视功能来不仅确保它们始终处于预热状态,而且可以确保它们始终处于预热状态。

Q: I’ve got an MSDN Subscription, what does that get me?


Link your MSDN and Azure accounts and you can get up to $150 a month in Azure credits, so up to two free VMs running all day for a month.


I've done a few posts on "Penny Pinching in the Cloud" that you may enjoy.

我已经发表了一些您可能会喜欢的文章“ Penny Pinching in the Cloud”。

  • Penny Pinching in the Cloud: Enabling New Relic Performance Monitoring on Windows Azure Websites

    Penny Pinching在云中:在Windows Azure网站上启用新的文物性能监控

  • Penny Pinching Video: Moving my Website's Images to the Azure CDN (and using a custom domain)

    Penny Pinching视频:将我的网站的图像移动到Azure CDN(并使用自定义域)

  • Penny Pinching Video: Moving an Azure Website between data centers

    Penny Pinching视频:在数据中心之间移动Azure网站

  • Pinching pennies when scaling in The Cloud - lazy loading images and using the Azure CDN to save money

    在The Cloud中缩放时会花几分钱-延迟加载图像并使用Azure CDN节省资金

  • Penny Pinching in the Cloud: How to run a two day Virtual Conference for $10

    Penny Pinching in the Cloud:如何以10美元的价格运行为期两天的虚拟会议

翻译自: https://www.hanselman.com/blog/penny-pinching-in-the-cloud-when-do-azure-websites-make-sense

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