原文地址: http://modthemachine.typepad.com/my_weblog/2009/02/setting-the-weight-for-ipart-members.html

There was a question posted on the customization newsgroup that I spent a little time investigating and think the answer might be of general interest.  The objective is to have a column in the iPart table that has the weight for that member.  I wasn’t able to figure out a way to do this with built-in functionality in Inventor but it turned out it isn’t too difficult to write a program to accomplish the task.  Although the program and description below is specific to the weight of a part, it could be modified to handle other part information that you want to associate with an iPart member.


First, let’s look at the iPart factory to see what needs to exist for the program to function correctly.  The only thing special is that I created a custom iProperty called “Weight” and added that as one of the iProperties that I want to set from the table.  It didn’t have to be an iProperty and could have been an “Other” value but using an iProperty provides the most flexibility for using the value elsewhere in Inventor.  For example, in the the drawing.  The picture below shows the iPart table after setting it up with this iProperty.  The values for this new column are empty.

首先看看iPart 工厂。我们增加了一个名为“weight" (重量)的自定义iProperty,并加入到iPart表中。并不是必须iProperty,你也可以使用其它值。但iProperty较灵活。下图中,可以看到Weight列,尚未填写数值。


Now we need to assign the correct weight for each row to the weight column.  If you had to this manually you would:

  1. Activate a member.
  2. Run the iProperties command
  3. Go to the “Physical” tab of the iProperties dialog.
    切入到”物理“ 选项卡
  4. Click the “Update” button on the “Physical” tab.
  5. Select and Copy the “Mass” field.
  6. Open the iPart table and paste the mass value into the table for the correct row.
  7. Close the iPart table.
  8. Repeat steps 1 to 7 for every row in the table.

As you can see this is very tedious and prone to errors.  Instead of manually going through these steps they can be automated using Inventor’s programming interface.  Below is a VBA macro that will do the work.


Public Sub UpdateWeightOfiParts() 
    ‘ Get the active document.  This assumes it is a part. 
    ‘ 获取当前文档,假定是个零件
    Dim oPartDoc As PartDocument 
    Set oPartDoc = ThisApplication.ActiveDocument

    ' Check that this part is an iPart factory. 
    If Not oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.IsiPartFactory Then 
        MsgBox "This part must be an iPart factory." 
        Exit Sub 
    End If

Dim oFactory As iPartFactory 
    Set oFactory = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.iPartFactory

    ' Check that there's a "Weight" column in the iPart table,

    ' and get its index in the table. 
    ‘ 检查是否已经有”重量”列,并获取其序号
    Dim iWeightColumnIndex As Long 
    iWeightColumnIndex = GetColumnIndex(oFactory, "Weight") 
    If iWeightColumnIndex = -1 Then 
        MsgBox "The column ""weight"" does not exist in the table." 
        Exit Sub 
    End If

    ' Iterate through the rows 
    ' 遍历所有行

Dim oRow As iPartTableRow 
    For Each oRow In oFactory.TableRows 
        ' Make this the active row so the model will recompute. 
        ’ 激活某行
        oFactory.DefaultRow = oRow

        ' Get the weight. 
        Dim dWeight As Double 
        dWeight = oPartDoc.ComponentDefinition.MassProperties.Mass

        ' Convert it to current mass units defined by the document. 
        Dim strWeight As String 
        strWeight = oPartDoc.UnitsOfMeasure.GetStringFromValue( _  
                                dWeight, kDefaultDisplayMassUnits)

        ' Set the row value for the weight column. 
        oRow.Item(iWeightColumnIndex).Value = strWeight 
End Sub

’ Function that given a factory and the name or a column will return 
’ the index number of the column, if it’s found in the factory’s 
’ table.  If the column is not found it returns –1.  The comparison 
’ of the name is done in a case insensitive way. 

Private Function GetColumnIndex(ByVal Factory As iPartFactory, _  
                                ByVal ColumnName As String) As Long 
    ‘ Iterate through all of the columns looking for a 
    ‘ match to the input name. 
   ‘ 遍历所有列,获取重量列
    Dim i As Long 
    For i = 1 To Factory.TableColumns.Count 
        Dim oColumn As iPartTableColumn 
        Set oColumn = Factory.TableColumns.Item(i)

        ‘ Compare this column with the input name. 

        If LCase(oColumn.DisplayHeading) = LCase(ColumnName) Then 
            ' A matching column was found so exit. 
            GetColumnIndex = i 
            Exit Function 
        End If 

    ' The column wasn't found so return -1. 

   ‘ 没有发现,则返回-1
    GetColumnIndex = -1 
End Function

The program is essentially performing the same steps that would be required to do this manually.  It’s just able to do it much faster and without any mistakes.  After running the macro on my factory the table now looks like this.


It’s also important to recognize that the weight is a snapshot of the weight at the time the macro was run.  If the part is modified (for example, a new feature is added) or table values are edited that affect the part geometry, the weight will no longer be correct and the macro will need to be run again to update the weight column.



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