
by Beth Qiang


阅读,搜索,(不要害怕)询问 (Read, Search, (Don’t Be Afraid to) Ask)

“As engineers and as developers, we’re paid to be frustrated…at the same time, we’re always in school. We’re always learning.”

“作为工程师和开发人员,我们感到沮丧,而与此同时,我们总是在学校。 我们一直在学习。”

— Carlos Lazos, Episode 1 of the CodeNewbie Podcast

— Carlos Lazos, CodeNewbie播客的第1集

Coding is a journey into ambiguity.


Whether you’re designing a RESTful API, scaling an app to thousands of users, or just trying to position something properly with CSS, there will always be things that you don’t know.

无论是设计RESTful API,将应用程序扩展到成千上万的用户,还是只是尝试使用CSS正确放置某些东西,总会有一些您不知道的事情。

The next time you’re stuck and don’t know how to move forward, try using Free Code Camp’s “Read-Search-Ask” method. As its name name implies, you:

下次遇到麻烦而又不知道如何前进时,请尝试使用Free Code Camp的“读取-搜索-询问”方法。 顾名思义,您:

  1. read the documentation or error


  2. search Google


  3. ask for help — without being afraid to ask!


Let’s dive deeper into each of these.


读 (Read)

If you know you need to use a certain method, but don’t know how to implement it, the documentation is a great place to start. If you’re not sure what method you need, you can often discover a solution just by clicking around in the documentation.

如果您知道需要使用某种方法,但又不知道如何实现它,那么本文档是一个很好的起点。 如果不确定所需要的方法,通常可以通过单击文档中的方法来找到解决方案。

If you’re getting errors, read the error! Try to figure out what it’s trying to say. If you’re not getting an error, but don’t really know what’s happening, you can try to debug via the console.log() method.

如果遇到错误,请阅读错误! 尝试弄清楚它要说的是什么。 如果没有收到错误,但实际上不知道发生了什么,则可以尝试通过console.log()方法进行调试。

When I was building out my Free Code Camp apps and not getting the results I expected, I’d console log the results of almost everything: if statements, function return statements, click methods, and timing methods.

当我构建我的Free Code Camp应用程序而没有得到预期的结果时,我会在控制台上记录几乎所有结果:if语句,函数return语句,click方法和计时方法。

One helpful tool for this is your browser’s console. If you’re working in CodePen, it also contains a console.

一种有用的工具是浏览器的控制台。 如果您使用的是CodePen,它还包含一个控制台。

If you follow any specific blogs (CSS Tricks is one I consult often for CSS), go to the blog and see if it has articles to help with concepts you’re struggling with.


If you’re still stuck, it may be time to turn to Google.


搜索 (Search)

Google will quickly become your best friend, if it isn’t already. But Google can sometimes become that annoying friend that you have to poke and prod a bit to get useful answers out of. To get the most out of this friendship, there are a few things to keep in mind.

Google很快就会成为您最好的朋友(如果还没有的话)。 但是Google有时会变成那个烦人的朋友,您必须戳一下并刺探一下才能得到有用的答案。 要充分利用这种友谊,需要牢记一些注意事项。

One of these is that a lot of the time — especially once you start building out apps — you won’t get exactly the answer you need to magically solve all of your problems. You’ll usually have to take what you’ve learned, then apply it to your current situation.

其中之一是,很多时候,尤其是一旦开始构建应用程序时,您将无法获得神奇地解决所有问题所需的答案。 通常,您必须采取所学的知识,然后将其应用于当前情况。

要具体,要简洁 (Be Specific, Be Concise)

Another thing to keep in mind is how to structure your searches so that you’re able to efficiently find solutions to your specific problems.


For example, attempting to replace a single character at a specific position in a string is a problem that a lot of new coders run into. To solve this problem, you could Google numerous things.

例如,尝试替换字符串中特定位置的单个字符是许多新编码员遇到的一个问题。 为了解决这个问题,您可以使用Google进行很多操作。

“I want to change a thing in a string” results in a myriad of results.


You get everything from substrings to R to “10 cool ways to get more from Word’s Find and Replace” (which, as a result of this search, I ended up bookmarking to read later). Not exactly what we’re looking for, though.

从子字符串到R,到“从Word的查找和替换中获得更多收益的10种很酷的方法”,您都可以找到所有内容(作为搜索的结果,我最终添加了书签以供日后阅读)。 但是,这并不是我们想要的。

When Googling — especially when it comes to programming problems — the convention that a lot of programmers tend to follow is:


[programming language] [verb] [keywords]

[编程语言] [动词] [关键字]

Let’s try that on our issue. If we enter “javascript replace character in string”, we get the following.

让我们在我们的问题上尝试一下。 如果输入“ javascript替换字符串中的字符”,则会得到以下结果。

That seems a lot closer to what we’re looking for!


At this point, I’ll click through the first few entries to see if they’ll be helpful or not. If not, I’ll try to parse them for extra keywords that may help.

此时,我将单击前几项,以查看它们是否有帮助。 如果没有,我将尝试解析它们以获取可能有用的其他关键字。

So, in our example, we just want to replace a character at a specific position, we don’t necessarily need regular expressions.


The fourth search result is “How do I replace a character at a particular index in JavaScript,” so I’d click on that, then discover that strings are immutable, and that you can’t change just one character!


If I still have questions after that, I might add “at an index” to my search, and try doing another one.


堆栈溢出 (Stack Overflow)

Stack Overflow results may comprise of a decent chunk of your Google search. It’s a fantastic resource that contains answers to an enormous variety of programming questions. Usually, the question-asker will have already selected the answer that worked best for them, and then that answer will show up at the top of the results with a green check mark.

堆栈溢出结果可能包含相当一部分Google搜索。 这是一个很棒的资源,其中包含各种编程问题的答案。 通常,提问者已经选择了最适合他们的答案,然后该答案将显示在结果的顶部并带有绿色的复选标记。

What I’ll almost always do, though, is go through all of the answers that have been posted, including the comments. These sometimes have some interesting discussions, and other times have people outright saying, “this is wrong” or “this is a bad practice.”

不过,我几乎总是会做的是浏览所有已发布的答案,包括评论。 这些有时会进行一些有趣的讨论,而有时却会让人直截了当地说“这是错误的”或“这是不良做法”。

Once I know my options and the pros and cons of each, I’ll go about trying to implement them.


(不要害怕)问 ((Don’t Be Afraid to) Ask)

When you’ve been searching in circles for a while and haven’t come up with anything that works, it might be time to ask a real human being.


Real human beings can come in all sorts of forms:


  • your friends (if you have friends who code)您的朋友(如果您有编码的朋友)
  • meetup groups (if you go to meetups)聚会组(如果您参加聚会)
  • fellow campers on the Free Code Camp Gitter channels and forumsFree Code Camp Gitter频道和论坛上的其他露营者
  • any Slack or Facebook groups you may be a part of, among others您可能所属的任何Slack或Facebook组

Before you ask, though, you should attempt to structure your question to optimize for both your time and the time of the person you’re asking for help.


“My app is broken, what do I do?” or “I can’t get this feature to work, what do I do?” aren’t very helpful to anyone.

“我的应用程序坏了,我该怎么办?” 或“我无法使用此功能,该怎么办?” 对任何人都不是很有帮助。

Understand the problem that you’re experiencing. Explain what you expect your code to do, then compare it with what it’s actually doing. Explain what you’ve tried so far, and include code snippets if you think they will help. (Most of the time, they will.)

了解您遇到的问题。 解释您希望代码执行的操作,然后将其与实际执行的操作进行比较。 说明到目前为止您已经尝试过的内容,并包括代码片段(如果您认为它们会有所帮助)。 (大多数时候,他们会的。)

When I first started the curriculum, I was afraid to ask questions in the forums or chat rooms, for two reasons:


One boiled down to pride: I felt like I should be able to figure out why my code was doing what it was doing. (“I’m a smart and capable human being. I’m going to figure this out!”)

一个归结为自豪的人:我觉得我应该能够弄清楚为什么我的代码在做它正在做的事情。 (“我是一个聪明而有能力的人。我要弄清楚这一点!”)

The second reason was insecurity. I was nervous that people wouldn’t respond, or that no one would want to help me, or that their explanation would go over my head, or I didn’t want to ask for clarification and take even more time out of their day, or … [insert every excuse ever here].

第二个原因是不安全感。 我很担心人们不会回应,或者没人愿意帮助我,或者他们的解释会打扰我,或者我不想要求澄清,甚至浪费更多时间,或…[在这里插入所有借口]。

I’m glad to say that I was most definitely wrong about every excuse I could think of. Free Code Camp’s community is composed of people who are very friendly, knowledgeable, and patient.

我很高兴地说,我绝对想到的每一个借口都是错误的。 Free Code Camp的社区由非常友好,知识渊博且耐心的人组成。

Once, someone spent a couple of hours with me while I was trying to simultaneously understand a concept and figure out a bug. He was patient throughout it all.

有一次,当我试图同时理解一个概念并找出一个错误时,有人和我一起呆了几个小时。 整个过程他都很耐心。

I’ve never had someone talk down to me or think I’m dumb or incapable. I’ve never had someone not answer one of my questions, however simple it may have seemed.

我从来没有有人对我说话或以为我很笨或无能为力。 我从来没有一个人不回答我的问题之一,尽管看起来很简单。

Chances are, if someone is answering questions on the forums or in the chat room, they’re specifically doing so because they want to help other people out!


As a bonus, sometimes clearly articulating what your issue is allows you to see what’s wrong. There have been multiple times when I’ve asked a question, only to immediately recognize what I needed to do next. (I then thank the person, and they respond back, “Well, I didn’t actually do anything…”)

作为奖励,有时可以清楚地阐明问题所在,使您可以查看问题所在。 我已经问过很多次了,只是为了立即意识到我下一步需要做什么。 (然后我感谢那个人,他们回覆说:“好吧,我实际上什么也没做……”)

综上所述 (In Summary)

The Read, Search, Ask method is all about optimizing for your own time and the time of time of those people who would help you. It encourages you to learn and to find solutions to problems on your own before consulting others. If you tried doing it on your own, and haven’t gotten anywhere, though — don’t be afraid to ask for help!

“阅读,搜索,询问”方法全都针对您自己的时间以及那些会帮助您的人的时间进行优化。 它鼓励您在咨询他人之前自行学习并找到解决问题的方法。 但是,如果您尝试自己做,但是却一无所获-不要害怕寻求帮助!

有用的网址: (Helpful Links:)

How to Start When you’re Stuck


Mozilla’s JavaScript documentation


jQuery’s Documentation


An introduction to debugging JavaScript


The main Free Code Camp Gitter chat room (there are other rooms with more specific purposes, such as getting help with front-end projects, or finding someone to pair program with, as well)

Free Code Camp Gitter的主要聊天室 (还有其他一些具有特定用途的聊天室 ,例如获得前端项目的帮助或寻找与之配对的人)

Free Code Camp’s Forum


In addition to online channels, Free Code Camp has meetups and Facebook groups in most major cities. I’m involved in a couple in my city. Through them, I’ve been able to meet people, code with them, and find people to go to other meetups with!

除在线渠道外,免费代码营在大多数主要城市都有聚会和Facebook团体 。 我在我的城市参与了一对夫妻。 通过他们,我能够结识人们,与他们进行编码,并找到可以与其他人见面的人!

翻译自: https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/read-search-dont-be-afraid-to-ask-743a23c411b4/



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