
在git安装目录下bin目录里cmd 进入windows窗口

然后输入: git config --global http.sslVerify false


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解决git拉取代码报错: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate相关推荐

  1. git拉取代码报错fatal Authentication failed for ‘httpxxxx.git‘‘解决方案

    git拉取代码报错fatal: Authentication failed for 'http:xxxx.git''解决方案 1.需求背景 最近由于自己的主机出问题了,所以换了一台主机,然后在换的主机 ...

  2. git拉取代码报错:Unable to negotiate with xxx port xxx: no matching host key type found

    git拉取代码报错: Unable to negotiate with port 22: no matching host key type found. Their off ...

  3. 【Git拉取代码报错】Couldn‘t save uncommitted changes.Failed to fetch old content for file in revsion

    问题描述 今日通过IDEA用git拉取代码的时候,GIT报错如下: Couldn't save uncommitted changes Tried to save uncommitted change ...

  4. Android Git 拉取代码报错:error: cannot pull with rebase: Your index contains uncommitted changes.

    造成原因:在使用Android Studio中Git的Commit Directory 将本地更改的代码保存到本地后,点击commit,发现提交不上去,发现本地有代码,这时候拉取代码,报错:canno ...

  5. 解决Git拉取代码时报错 Cloning into ‘h5functionpage4xwc.git~‘..fatal: protocol ‘?[200~http‘ is not supported

    前言 git 拉取前端代码报错 如下图 解决办法 将要clone的代码仓库地址的开头 http或https去掉 改为手动输入 然后回车

  6. git拉取代码报错没有授权

    问题场景:使用git clone "代码路径"下载项目代码时报错Authentication failed 解决方案:首先用git项目管理员登录git地址,看看下载的git账号是否 ...

  7. git clone: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate 报错解决

    首次拉取代码仓库,如果是https方式,可能会报SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate的错误,解决如下: export GIT_SSL_NO_ ...

  8. git clone报错——SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate chain

    问题描述 使用Git工具进行git clone项目时,弹出框提示信息为"fatal: unable to access 'https://-git/': SSL certificate pr ...

  9. Git ----fatal: unable to access xxx: SSL certificate problem: self signed certificate in certificate

    fatal: unable to access 'http://gitee.com/yhhyu2015/CommonUtils.git/': SSL certificate problem: self ...


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