
Just like traditional projects, scrum projects can also run into trouble every now and then. Here are some Scrum specific techniques to look for potential trouble with your project:

就像传统项目一样,Scrum项目有时也会遇到麻烦。 以下是一些Scrum特定技术,以查找项目中的潜在问题:

  • Missing the Target: Consistently check that the work completed matches the plan, and you do not have any leftover features added to the product backlog at the end of the sprint. This is known as Snow Ploughing. This is similar to the end of the first and start of the second sprint when you are revising estimates to match team productivity. However, if this continues to happen at the end of each sprint, you must gather the team to discuss and understand why this is happening, and take appropriate action.

    缺少目标:始终检查完成的工作是否与计划相符,并且在sprint结束时您没有将任何剩余功能添加到产品积压中。 这就是所谓的扫雪 。 当您修改估算以匹配团队生产力时,这类似于第一次冲刺的结束和第二次冲刺的开始。 但是,如果这种情况在每次冲刺结束时仍继续发生,则您必须召集团队讨论并理解为什么会发生这种情况,并采取适当的措施。

  • Miscommunication leads to Wrong Product: Another notable indicator of a problem is when the team frequently produce pieces of a feature and throws them away. This could be due to the development of features that turn out to be a low priority, are not what was required or are incorrect, or need to be revised based on receiving new information. Often the primary reasons for these problems relate to the business representatives not asking the right questions to understand the business problem. Or the customer doesn't understand what you're trying to build, or you do not have accurate information about the real business need.

    沟通不畅会导致产品错误:另一个明显的问题征兆是团队何时频繁生产要素并将其扔掉。 这可能是由于开发了一些功能,这些功能原来的优先级较低,不是必需的或不正确的功能,或者需要根据接收到的新信息进行修改。 这些问题的主要原因通常与业务代表没有提出正确的问题来理解业务问题有关。 或者客户不了解您要构建的内容,或者您​​没有关于实际业务需求的准确信息。

If you believe these are possibilities, then you should conduct a product review with the customer to understand the root cause of the problem.


Based on the customer's input during this review, you should revise the product backlog appropriately.


Another focus item to avoid trouble is to carefully watch team attendance at meetings. Are all your core team members present and participating in daily team meetings and follow up activities? There could be valid reasons for the occasional mental or physical absence by an individual, but repeated absences could be signs of a problem.

避免麻烦的另一个重点项目是仔细观察团队出席会议的情况 。 您所有的核心团队成员都出席并参加日常团队会议和跟进活动吗? 个人偶尔会出现精神或身体上的缺席可能有正当的理由,但是反复缺席可能是问题的征兆。

The last item to think through when looking for Scrum trouble spots is, are you the fixer of all the problems you see? Successful Scrum teams are self-organized and self-governed. So you should have confidence and must believe in your team members, and leave some space for the self-governing to work. This means resisting the temptation to be the fixer all the time.

寻找Scrum故障点时要考虑的最后一项是,您是否正在解决所看到的所有问题? 成功的Scrum团队是自组织和自治的。 因此,您应该有信心并且必须相信您的团队成员,并为自治工作留出一些空间。 这意味着始终抵制诱惑成为固视者。

Agile approaches are powerful and deliver great outcomes. Careful monitoring of the common trouble spots can help ensure you will deliver business values successfully.

敏捷方法功能强大且可带来出色的成果。 仔细监视常见故障点可以帮助确保成功实现业务价值。

翻译自: https://www.studytonight.com/scrum-framework/sign-of-trouble



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