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英文官方文档原文地址:Dev Setup — Hyperledger Indy Node documentation

Dev Setup


There are scripts that can help in setting up environment and project for developers. The scripts are in dev-setup folder.

注:macOS里面是MAC OS系统中自动创建indy-node集群的脚本,ubentu里面是ubentu系统中自动创建indy-node集群的脚本,里面没有CentOS系统中自动创建indy-node集群的脚本

Note: as of now, we provide scripts for Ubuntu only. It’s not guaranteed that the code is working on Windows.
目前仅提供Ubuntu 系统中自动部署indy-node集群的脚本。windows系统中自动部署indy-node集群的方法还处在孵化状态,不提供正式使用


  • One needs Python 3.5 to work with the code

  • We recommend using Python virtual environment for development

  • We use pytest for unit and integration testing

  • There are some dependencies that must be installed before being able to run the code
    运行indy-node之前需要先安装一些依赖 需要的依赖会在下面具体介绍

Quick Setup on Ubuntu 16.04:


This is a Quick Setup for development on a clean Ubuntu 16.04 machine. You can also have a look at the scripts mentioned below to follow them and perform setup manually.
下面将介绍在Ubuntu 16.04系统机器上快速部署的方法。你也可以参考下面介绍的自动化脚本说明,手工进行开发环境的部署

  1. Get scripts from dev-setup-ubuntu

  2. Run setup-dev-python.sh to setup Python3.5, pip and virtualenv
    运行脚本setup-dev-python.sh,安装Python3.5, pip以及virtualenv

  3. Run source ~/.bashrc to apply virtual environment wrapper installation
    执行source ~/.bashrc命令,让virtualenv虚拟环境生效

  4. Run setup-dev-depend-ubuntu16.sh to setup dependencies (libindy, libindy-crypto, libsodium)
    执行setup-dev-depend-ubuntu16.sh安装依赖(依赖包括:libindy, libindy-crypto, libsodium

  5. Fork indy-plenum and indy-node
    fork(下载 ) indy-plenum 和indy-node

  6. Go to the destination folder for the project

  7. Run init-dev-project.sh to clone indy-plenum and indy-node projects and create a virtualenv to work in
    运行init-dev-project.sh脚本,这个脚本会将indy-plenum 和indy-node克隆到本地,然后创建用于运行以上2个项目的虚拟环境

  8. Activate new virtualenv workon

  9. [Optionally] Install Pycharm

  10. [Optionally] Open and configure projects in Pycharm:

    • Open both indy-plenum and indy-node in one window
      在同一个窗口中打开indy-plenum 和indy-node

    • Go to File -> Settings
      点击File -> Settings

    • Configure Project Interpreter to use just created virtualenv
      配置项目的Interpreter,让项目使用我们自己安装的Python virtualenv

      • Go to Project: -> Project Interpreter
        点击Project: -> Project Interpreter

      • You’ll see indy-plenum and indy-node projects on the right side tab. For each of them:

        • Click on the project just beside “Project Interpreter” drop down, you’ll see one setting icon, click on it.

        • Select “Add Local”
          选择“Add Local”

        • Select existing virtualenv path as below: /bin/python3.5 For example: /home/user_name/.virtualenvs/new-virtualenv-name>/bin/python3.5

    • Configure Project Dependency

      • Go to Project: -> Project Dependencies
        点击Project: -> Project Dependencies

      • Mark each project to be dependent on another one

    • Configure pytest

      • Go to Configure Tools -> Python Integrated tools
        点击Configure Tools -> Python Integrated tools

      • You’ll see indy-plenum and indy-node projects on the right side tab. For each of them:
        右侧面板中的indy-plenum 和 indy-node工程

        • Select Py.test from the ‘Default test runner’
          点击Py.test选项,执行Default test runner

    • Press Apply

Detailed Setup



Setup Python


One needs Python 3.5 to work with the code. You can use dev-setup/ubuntu/setup_dev_python.sh script for quick installation of Python 3.5, pip and virtual environment on Ubuntu, or follow the detailed instructions below.
可以通过dev-setup/ubuntu/setup_dev_python.sh脚本在Ubuntu上快速安装Python 3.5, pip and virtual environment,也可以根据下面的步骤手动进行安装



  1. Run sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa
    执行sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deadsnakes/ppa

  2. Run sudo apt-get update
    执行sudo apt-get update

  3. On Ubuntu 14, run sudo apt-get install python3.5 (python3.5 is pre-installed on most Ubuntu 16 systems; if not, do it there as well.)
    在Ubuntu 14中,使用sudo apt-get install python3.5



Run sudo yum install python3.5
执行sudo yum install python3.5



  1. Go to python.org and from the “Downloads” menu, download the Python 3.5.0 package (python-3.5.0-macosx10.6.pkg) or later.

  2. Open the downloaded file to install it.

  3. If you are a homebrew fan, you can install it using this brew command: brew install python3

  4. To install homebrew package manager, see: brew.sh



Download the latest build (pywin32-220.win-amd64-py3.5.exe is the latest build as of this writing) from here and run the downloaded executable.

Setup Libsodium


Indy also depends on libsodium, an awesome crypto library. These need to be installed separately.



  1. We need to install libsodium with the package manager. This typically requires a package repo that’s not active by default. Inspect /etc/apt/sources.list file with your favorite editor (using sudo). On ubuntu 16, you are looking for a line that says deb http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ubuntu xenial main universe. On ubuntu 14, look for or add: deb http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris-lea/libsodium/ubuntu trusty main and deb-src http://ppa.launchpad.net/chris-lea/libsodium/ubuntu trusty main.

  2. Run sudo apt-get update. On ubuntu 14, if you get a GPG error about public key not available, run this command and then, after, retry apt-get update: sudo apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys B9316A7BC7917B12

  3. Install libsodium; the version depends on your distro version. On Ubuntu 14, run sudo apt-get install libsodium13; on Ubuntu 16, run sudo apt-get install libsodium18



Run sudo yum install libsodium-devel



Once you have homebrew installed, run brew install libsodium to install libsodium.



  1. Go to Index of /libsodium/releases/ and download the latest libsodium package (libsodium-1.0.8-mingw.tar.gz is the latest version as of this writing).

  2. When you extract the contents of the downloaded tar file, you will see 2 folders with the names libsodium-win32 and libsodium-win64.

  3. As the name suggests, use the libsodium-win32 if you are using 32-bit machine or libsodium-win64 if you are using a 64-bit operating system.

  4. Copy the libsodium-x.dll from libsodium-win32\bin or libsodium-win64\bin to C:\Windows\System or System32 and rename it to libsodium.dll.

Setup Indy-Crypto


这里只演示了如何在Ubuntu系统上安装Indy-Crypto,想要了解在其他系统中如何安装Indy-Crypto,需要看扩展文档,扩展文档地址GitHub - hyperledger-archives/indy-crypto: Archive of Indy Crypto library. Superseded by the Hyperledger Ursa Project.) on how it can b

Indy depends on Indy-Crypto.

There is a deb package of libindy-crypto that can be used on Ubuntu:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates
apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys CE7709D068DB5E88
sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://repo.sovrin.org/deb xenial master"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libindy-crypto

See Indy-Crypto on how it can be installed on other platforms.

Setup RocksDB

Indy depends on RocksDB, an embeddable persistent key-value store for fast storage.


Currently Indy requires RocksDB version 5.8.8 or higher. There is a deb package of RocksDB-5.8.8 and related stuff that can be used on Ubuntu 16.04 (repository configuration steps may be skipped if Indy-Crypto installation steps have been done):

# Start of repository configuration steps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install apt-transport-https ca-certificates
apt-key adv --keyserver keyserver.ubuntu.com --recv-keys CE7709D068DB5E88
sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://repo.sovrin.org/deb xenial master"
# End of repository configuration steps
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install libbz2-dev \zlib1g-dev \liblz4-dev \libsnappy-dev \rocksdb=5.8.8

See RocksDB on how it can be installed on other platforms.
想查看如何在其他系统中安装RocksDB,请点击这个地址:GitHub - facebook/rocksdb: A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage.

Setup Libindy

Indy needs Libindy as a test dependency.

There is a deb package of libindy that can be used on Ubuntu:

sudo add-apt-repository "deb https://repo.sovrin.org/sdk/deb xenial stable"
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y libindy
See Libindy on how it can be installed on other platforms. 想查看如何在其他系统中安装RocksDB,请点击这个地址GitHub - facebook/rocksdb: A library that provides an embeddable, persistent key-value store for fast storage.

Using a virtual environment (recommended)

We recommend creating a new Python virtual environment for trying out Indy. A virtual environment is a Python environment which is isolated from the system’s default Python environment (you can change that) and any other virtual environment you create.

You can create a new virtual environment by:

virtualenv -p python3.5 <name of virtual environment>

And activate it by:

source <name of virtual environment>/bin/activate

Optionally, you can install virtual environment wrapper as follows:

pip3 install virtualenvwrapper
echo '' >> ~/.bashrc
echo '# Python virtual environment wrapper' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export VIRTUALENVWRAPPER_PYTHON=/usr/bin/python3' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'export WORKON_HOME=$HOME/.virtualenvs' >> ~/.bashrc
echo 'source /usr/local/bin/virtualenvwrapper.sh' >> ~/.bashrc
source ~/.bashrc

It allows to create a new virtual environment and activate it by using

mkvirtualenv -p python3.5 <env_name>
workon <env_name>

Installing code and running tests

Activate the virtual environment.

Navigate to the root directory of the source (for each project) and install required packages by


pip install -e .[tests]

If you are working with both indy-plenum and indy-node, then please make sure that both projects are installed with -e option, and not from pypi (have a look at the sequence at init-dev-project.sh).
如果要同时使用indy-node和indy-plenum项目,那么安装这2个项目的时候一定要使用pip install -e进行源码安装,不要使用pipy在线安装

Go to the folder with tests (either indy-plenum, indy-node/indy_node, indy-node/indy_client or indy-node/indy_common) and run tests
跳转到目标文件夹下进行测试,先面下面展示的是测试命令 需要执行该命令的目录有: indy-plenum, indy-node/indy_node, indy-node/indy_clientorindy-node/indy_common

pytest .

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