
Every bit of camera gear you own has a unique serial number to identify it. It is what you’ll use to prove that a particular camera or lens belongs to you if you ever need to make an insurance claim or report something stolen. Here’s how to find your gear’s serial numbers.

您拥有的所有摄影器材都有一个唯一的序列号来标识它。 如果您需要提出保险索赔或举报被盗物品,可以用它来证明特定的相机或镜头属于您。 这是查找齿轮序列号的方法。

It’s best to write all your serial numbers down as soon as you buy a new bit of kit. I personally use the free service Lenstag to record them. This way, you have access whenever and wherever you need them.

最好在购买新套件后写下所有序列号。 我个人使用免费服务Lenstag进行记录。 这样,您可以随时随地访问它们。

While your camera’s serial number is embedded in any image you take, the serial number of your lenses—or any other gear like your tripods or filters—isn’t. If you don’t have them written down, we’ll look at some ways you might be able to recover them, even if you don’t have your gear any more.

虽然相机的序列号嵌入在您拍摄的任何图像中,但镜头的序列号(或三脚架或滤镜等其他齿轮)却没有。 如果您没有将它们写下来,我们将研究一些方法,即使您不再有装备,也可以恢复它们。

在您的设备上查找序列号 (Finding Serial Numbers On Your Gear)

The simplest way to find the serial number is to inspect your camera and lenses. It’s almost certainly printed, stamped, or engraved on them.

查找序列号的最简单方法是检查相机和镜头。 几乎可以肯定在其上印刷,盖章或雕刻。

On your camera, you’ll most likely find a small sticker on the bottom near the tripod mount. This displays manufacturing information, as well as the serial number. In most cases, the serial number will be printed in black on a silver section. There might also be a “No.”, “Serial:”, “S/N.”, or some other indicator printed there.

在相机上,您很可能会在三脚架底座附近的底部发现一个小贴纸。 这将显示制造信息以及序列号。 在大多数情况下,序列号将在黑色的银色部分上打印。 那里也可能印有“ No。”,“ Serial:”,“ S / N。”或其他一些指示符。

On your lenses, you will normally find the serial number in one of two places: the side of the lens barrel or somewhere underneath the mount.


Here’s an example of the former.


And here’s an example of the latter.


Be very thorough when you look for serial numbers. As you can see in the image above where the number is on the lens barrel, they can be quite faint and hard to find. There might also be some other manufacturing numbers, so your best bet is to just record everything if you have any doubts.

查找序列号时,请务必彻底。 正如您在上图中的镜筒上的数字所看到的那样,它们可能非常隐蔽并且很难找到。 可能还会有其他一些制造数字,所以最好的选择是在有任何疑问时记录所有内容。

在收据和产品包装上查找序列号 (Finding Serial Numbers On Receipts and Product Packaging)

If your gear is missing, the best place to find the serial number is on any product packaging. A good camera shop will normally print it on any receipts too.

如果缺少装备,则找到序列号的最佳位置是任何产品包装上。 一个好的照相馆通常也会在任何收据上打印它。

Root out any boxes you have left and look for a sticker. It will most likely say something like “No.”, “Body No.”, “S/N.”, or the like. Here’s the one for my camera.

根除您剩下的所有盒子并寻找贴纸。 它很可能会说类似“ No。”,“ Body No。”,“ S / N。”之类的内容。 这是我的相机。

If you can’t find the box, look for the receipt. My favorite camera shop is old school so they’ve handwritten in the serial number. Most places will print it.

如果找不到框,请寻找收据。 我最喜欢的相机店是旧学校,所以它们是手写的序列号。 大多数地方都会打印它。

If you can’t find the box or receipt, there’s a chance the store you bought it from might still have the information. My local camera shop keeps a record of all their sales especially so people can retrieve things like serial numbers if they need to. Reach out to where you bought your gear and see if they can help.

如果找不到包装盒或收据,那么您从其购买的商店可能还会有该信息。 我的本地相机店会记录所有销售记录,因此人们可以根据需要检索序列号等内容。 到达您购买装备的地方,看看它们是否可以提供帮助。

And one last tip. When you buy new gear and decide to throw away the box, grab a pair of scissors, cut out the part with the serial number and other information, and stick it in a file folder somewhere.

最后一点。 当您购买新装备并决定扔掉箱子时,请拿一把剪刀,将零件上的序列号和其他信息剪掉,然后将其粘贴在文件夹中。

通过EXIF数据查找相机的序列号 (Finding Your Camera’s Serial Number Through EXIF Data)

Your camera’s serial number, in some form, will be embedded in the EXIF data of your images. You can either use your operating system’s built in tools or an online viewer like Get-Metadata. I actually prefer Get-Metadata because it displays absolutely everything in a single window rather than across a few tabs, so that’s what I’m going to use to demonstrate.

相机的序列号将以某种形式嵌入到图像的EXIF数据中。 您可以使用操作系统的内置工具,也可以使用 Get-Metadata之类的在线查看器。 我实际上更喜欢Get-Metadata,因为它绝对在单个窗口中而不是在几个选项卡上显示所有内容,所以这就是我将要演示的内容。

Drag and drop an image you’ve taken with the camera onto Get-Metadata, and then click “Start Analyzing File” to upload it. A RAW image is best but this should work with any file from which you haven’t removed the metadata.

将用相机拍摄的图像拖放到Get-Metadata上,然后单击“开始分析文件”以将其上传。 RAW图像是最好的,但是它可以与尚未删除元数据的任何文件一起使用。

You’ll be presented with a full, alphabetized list of every bit of metadata in the file.


What you’re looking for is a value called Serial Number, Camera ID, or something similar. Go through the list value by value if you can’t find it.

您要查找的是一个称为序列号,摄像机ID或类似名称的值。 如果找不到,请逐个列出值。

Depending on your camera, it could be under Internal Serial Number.


If this is a case, the number might not match the number printed on the box, but it is still a unique identifier for the camera. The manufacturer should be able to convert the Internal Serial Number into the regular one if they don’t match, so contact them for support.

在这种情况下,该数字可能与包装盒上打印的数字不匹配,但是它仍然是相机的唯一标识符。 如果它们不匹配,制造商应该能够将内部序列号转换为常规序列号,因此请与他们联系以获取支持。

As you can see, the best thing you can do is just take down the serial number of any new gear you buy as soon as you get home. If you haven’t already, go and record it now before something happens. While it’s possible to recover it after your gear has been stolen, it’s a much bigger pain in the ass.

如您所见,最好的办法是一回到家,就记下购买的任何新装备的序列号。 如果您还没有,请在发生任何事情之前先记录下来。 虽然有可能在您的装备被盗后将其恢复,但是这会给您带来更大的痛苦。

翻译自: https://www.howtogeek.com/358775/how-to-check-the-serial-number-on-your-camera-gear/



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