
C. Sky Full of Stars
time limit per test : 4 seconds
memory limit per test : 256 megabytes
input : standard input
output : standard output

On one of the planets of Solar system, in Atmosphere University, many students are fans of bingo game.
It is well known that one month on this planet consists of n2 days, so calendars, represented as square matrix n by n are extremely popular.
Weather conditions are even more unusual. Due to the unique composition of the atmosphere, when interacting with sunlight, every day sky takes one of three colors: blue, green or red.
To play the bingo, you need to observe the sky for one month — after each day, its cell is painted with the color of the sky in that day, that is, blue, green or red.
At the end of the month, students examine the calendar. If at least one row or column contains only cells of one color, that month is called lucky.
Let’s call two colorings of calendar different, if at least one cell has different colors in them. It is easy to see that there are 3n⋅n different colorings. How much of them are lucky? Since this number can be quite large, print it modulo 998244353.
The first and only line of input contains a single integer n (1≤n≤1000 000) — the number of rows and columns in the calendar.
Print one number — number of lucky colorings of the calendar modulo 998244353

Input Output
1 3
Input Output
2 63
Input Output
3 9933

In the first sample any coloring is lucky, since the only column contains cells of only one color.
In the second sample, there are a lot of lucky colorings, in particular, the following colorings are lucky:
While these colorings are not lucky:


题意:用 333 种颜色对 n∗nn*nn∗n 个格子染色,问至少有一行或一列只有一种颜色的方案数是多少。

任意染色的方案数是 3n23^{n^2}3n2 种(共有 n∗nn*nn∗n 个格子,每个格子有 333 种情况),我们只需要考虑不满足题目的条件的情况有多少种,与任意情况的数量相减,即可得到满足题目条件的情况数量。


  1. 仅考虑没有 全部是一种颜色的
    对于任意一列来说,该列有 nnn 个格子,因此该列任意染色的方案数是 3n3^n3n 种,去掉满足题目条件(在这里是每一列只有一种颜色)的情况数 333 ,每列就有 3n−33^n-33n−3 种情况是不满足题目条件的。那么 nnn 列,就共有 (3n−3)n(3^n-3)^n(3n−3)n 种。

  2. 仅考虑没有 全部是一种颜色的
    如果有 iii 行只有一种颜色,其他行任意填。因为其他行是任意填的,可能就会出现另外一个只有一种颜色的行,即会出现重复计数的情况。因此我们需要利用 容斥原理 来计数。
    公式: ∑i=1n(−1)iCnif(i)\sum_{i=1}^{n}(-1)^iC_n^if(i)∑i=1n​(−1)iCni​f(i) 。其中 CniC_n^iCni​ 的意思是从 nnn 行中选出 iii 行,(−1)i(-1)^i(−1)i 则是用来容斥(奇数个加,偶数个减。这里反了一下是因为最后计算的时候最前面会加负号),f(i)f(i)f(i) 代表有 iii 行颜色相同的方案的个数。
    下面我们来推导 f(i)f(i)f(i) 的值。注意我们不能产生只有一种颜色的列,只能产生只有一种颜色的行(因为列的情况我们上面已经考虑过了)

    1. 这 iii 行颜色相同
      我们需要从 333 种颜色中选一种给 iii 行上色,对于剩下的长度为 n−in-in−i 的 nnn 小列,我们进行任意涂色。但要注意不能和上面的 iii 行颜色一致,否则会出现有颜色相同的列,这样就和第一种大情况重复了。所以每列的方案数是 3n−i−13^{n-i}-13n−i−1(这个 111 是指和 iii 行颜色相同的情况), nnn 列的方案数是 (3n−i−1)n(3^{n-i}-1)^n(3n−i−1)n ,那么总方案数就是 3(3n−i−1)n3(3^{n-i}-1)^n3(3n−i−1)n (最前面的 333 是因为 iii 行颜色相同有三种情况)。
    2. 这 iii 行颜色不同
      如果这 iii 行颜色不同,那就说明 iii 行有 3i−33^i-33i−3 种方案(后面的 333 是 iii 行颜色相同时的三种情况),剩下的 n(n−i)n(n-i)n(n−i) 个格子任意涂色,可以保证不会产生颜色相同的列。因此总方案数是 3n(n−i)(3i−3)3^{n(n-i)}(3^i-3)3n(n−i)(3i−3) 。

    综上所述: f(i)=3(3n−i−1)n+3n(n−i)(3i−3)f(i)=3(3^{n-i}-1)^n+3^{n(n-i)}(3^i-3)f(i)=3(3n−i−1)n+3n(n−i)(3i−3) 。

综上所述*2:最后的结果为 ans=3n2−(3n−3)n−∑i=1n(−1)iCni[3(3n−i−1)n+3n(n−i)(3i−3)]ans=3^{n^2}-(3^n-3)^n-\sum_{i=1}^{n}(-1)^iC_n^i[3(3^{n-i}-1)^n+3^{n(n-i)}(3^i-3)]ans=3n2−(3n−3)n−∑i=1n​(−1)iCni​[3(3n−i−1)n+3n(n−i)(3i−3)]




using namespace std;
typedef long long ll;
const ll mod=998244353;
ll ksm(ll a,ll b)   //快速幂
{ll res=1;while(b){if(b&1) res=res*a%mod;a=a*a%mod;b>>=1;}return res;
int main()
{ll n,ans,c=1;int k=-1;scanf("%lld",&n);ans=(ksm(3,n*n)%mod-ksm(ksm(3,n)-3,n)+mod)%mod;for(int i=1;i<=n;i++){k=-k;c=c*(n-i+1)%mod;c=c*ksm(i,mod-2)%mod;//上一步及这一步是利用逆元组合计数,如果在外面写个自定义函数去算会超时(当然也可能是我用的有问题)ans=(ans+k*c%mod*(3*ksm(ksm(3,n-i)-1,n)%mod+ksm(3,n*(n-i))%mod*(ksm(3,i)-3)%mod))%mod;}printf("%lld",(ans+mod)%mod);return 0;



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