
  • protocol定义了完成特定任务所需的method/properties/其他要求
  • protocol中没有实际的implementation
  • 可以被class, structure, enumeration使用
  • 满足protocol要求的type被称为“conform to that protocol”
  • 相当于Java的interface,但java的interface可以有default implementation
protocol Driveable{func turnLeft()func turnRight()func brake()//By default, methods are required, unless:@objc optional func reverse()
class Car : Driveable{}
//Can adopt more than 1 protocol:
class Bicycle : Driveable, TwoWheels{}
//If the class has a superclass:
class SomeClass: SomeSuperclass, FirstProtocol, AnotherProtocol {// class definition goes here



  • Protocol: 职位要求
  • Delegator:老板
  • Delegate:实习生小王

老板 (delegator) 把ios开发的任务 (event) 交给实习生小王 (delegate) 完成,因为他知道小王的条件符合职位要求 (conforms to protocol)


  • 类似于c和objective-c中的blocks,其他编程语言中的lambdas
  • 函数是closures
//Closures: A block of functionality / code
func backward(_ s1:Stirng, _ s2: String) -> Bool{return s1 > s2
}let names = ["Brett", "Eddy", "Hilary", "Sophie", "Ray"]
names.sort(by: backward)//General Form
names.sort(by: {(s1:Stirng, s2: String) Bool inreturn s1 > s2
})//First Shortcut: delete type
names.sort(by: {(s1, s2) inreturn s1 > s2
})//Second Shortcut: remove return keyword
names.sort(by: {(s1, s2) in s1 > s2})//Third Shortcut: use implied variable name
names.sort(by: {$0 > $1})//Fourth Shortcut: if closure is the last argument, can remove argument label (trailing closures)
names.sort{$0 > $1}

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