1. 引言

Salleras和Daza 2021年论文《 ZPiE: Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Embedded Systems》。


  • https://github.com/xevisalle/zpie(C语言)


zyd@zyd-VirtualBox:~/zyd/zpie$ ./zpie
******************* ZPiE v0.2 *******************
-s : Perform setup.
-p : Generate proof.
-v : Verify proof.
-pbp <Nb> <Mc> : Generate bulletproof where Nb is the bit size and Mc the number of aggregated proofs.
-vbp <Nb> <Mc> : Verify bulletproof where Nb is the bit size and Mc the number of aggregated proofs.[OPTIONS]
-l : Activate operation logs.
zyd@zyd-VirtualBox:~/zyd/zpie$ ./zpie -s
******************* ZPiE v0.2 *******************
--- Starting ZPiE - Groth'16...|--- # of constraints: 456|--- # of variables: 650|--- # of public outputs: 2|--- Multi-core execution: OFF|--- Elliptic curve: BN128
[SUCCESS] : Setup generated successfully in 1.095185s
zyd@zyd-VirtualBox:~/zyd/zpie$ ./zpie -p
******************* ZPiE v0.2 *******************
--- Starting ZPiE - Groth'16...|--- # of constraints: 456|--- # of variables: 650|--- # of public outputs: 2|--- Multi-core execution: OFF|--- Elliptic curve: BN128|--- Mode: Prove|--- FFT constraints size : 512
[SUCCESS] : ZPiE started successfully in 1.101788s--- Computing proof...|--- Circuit evaluation:  [0.000170s]|--- Compute h coefficients:  [0.002513s]|--- G1, G2 multiexponentiations:  [0.448896s]|--- Bos-Coster:  [0.109755s]|--- Heap sorting:  [0.003515s]
[SUCCESS] : Proof generated successfully in 0.488291s
zyd@zyd-VirtualBox:~/zyd/zpie$ ./zpie -v
******************* ZPiE v0.2 *******************
--- Starting ZPiE - Groth'16...|--- # of constraints: 456|--- # of variables: 650|--- # of public outputs: 2|--- Multi-core execution: OFF|--- Elliptic curve: BN128
[SUCCESS] : Proof verified in 0.003520s
zyd@zyd-VirtualBox:~/zyd/zpie$ ./zpie -pbp 128 10
******************* ZPiE v0.2 *******************
--- Starting ZPiE - Bulletproofs...|--- # of bits : 128|--- # of aggregated proofs: 10|--- Multi-core execution: OFF|--- Elliptic curve: BN128
[ERROR] : Input values must be powers of two.
zyd@zyd-VirtualBox:~/zyd/zpie$ ./zpie -pbp 128 8
******************* ZPiE v0.2 *******************
--- Starting ZPiE - Bulletproofs...|--- # of bits : 128|--- # of aggregated proofs: 8|--- Multi-core execution: OFF|--- Elliptic curve: BN128
[SUCCESS] : Bulletproof created in 2.851989s
zyd@zyd-VirtualBox:~/zyd/zpie$ ./zpie -vbp 128 8
******************* ZPiE v0.2 *******************
--- Starting ZPiE - Bulletproofs...|--- # of bits : 128|--- # of aggregated proofs: 8|--- Multi-core execution: OFF|--- Elliptic curve: BN128
[SUCCESS] : Bulletproof verified in 1.147386s


[1] ZPiE: Zero-Knowledge Proofs in Embedded Systems

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