CentOS 8.5环境配置

在CentOS 8.5系统下配置高性能计算环境。主要包含编译器套件、分布式并行套件、各种数值计算库、Python环境、辅助管理工具、GPU开发环境等。利用CentOS自带的RPM仓库,加上OpenHPC和Intel oneAPI仓库,大体上能满足yum和dnf安装需求!



  • yum
  • dnf
  • module


  • repolist

    # dnf repolist
    仓库 id                             仓库名称
    OpenHPC                             OpenHPC-2 - Base
    OpenHPC-updates                     OpenHPC-2 - Updates
    appstream                           CentOS Linux 8 - AppStream
    baseos                              CentOS Linux 8 - BaseOS
    cudnn-local-rhel8-          cudnn-local-rhel8-
    epel                                Extra Packages for Enterprise Linux 8 - x86_64
    extras                              CentOS Linux 8 - Extras
    oneAPI                              Intel(R) oneAPI repository
  • OpenHPC仓库包含很多HPC开发所用的工具和数学库(比如,SuperLU和MUMPS)

  • 安装Intel oneAPI 仓库(包含rpm安装包)

    yum install intel-oneapi-toolkit-release-ohpc
  • 搜索powertools会有很多rpm安装包

    dnf --enablerepo=powertools search openblas-devel
  • 安装environment-modules可以使用module管理配置开发环境

    $ rpm -qa | grep env
  • 安装conda-4.10.3, 用conda管理python环境

    # rpm -qa | grep conda
  • ~/.bashrc内容

    $ cat  .bashrc
    # .bashrc# Source global definitions
    if [ -f /etc/bashrc ]; then. /etc/bashrc
    fi# User specific environment
    export PATHexport PS1='\u@\h \w \n\$ '# Uncomment the following line if you don't like systemctl's auto-paging feature:
    # export SYSTEMD_PAGER=# User specific aliases and functions#load mpich
    #module load /usr/share/modulefiles/mpi/mpich-x86_64#load openmpi env
    module load /usr/share/modulefiles/mpi/openmpi-x86_64#load nvhpc env
    #module load /opt/nvidia/hpc_sdk/modulefiles/nvhpc/22.2#export KOKKOS_PATH=~/local.optexport PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/cuda/bin
    export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:/usr/local/cuda/lib64# >>> conda initialize >>>
    # !! Contents within this block are managed by 'conda init' !!
    __conda_setup="$('/usr/bin/conda' 'shell.bash' 'hook' 2> /dev/null)"
    if [ $? -eq 0 ]; theneval "$__conda_setup"
    elseif [ -f "/usr/etc/profile.d/conda.sh" ]; then. "/usr/etc/profile.d/conda.sh"elseexport PATH="/usr/bin:$PATH"fi
    unset __conda_setup
    # <<< conda initialize <<<
  • 其他版本gcc-toolset

    $ yum search gcc-toolset
    上次元数据过期检查:1:03:17 前,执行于 2023年03月07日 星期二 13时12分30秒。
    ============================================================== 名称 和 概况 匹配:gcc-toolset ==============================================================
    gcc-toolset-10.x86_64 : Package that installs gcc-toolset-10
    gcc-toolset-10-runtime.x86_64 : Package that handles gcc-toolset-10 Software Collection.
    gcc-toolset-11.x86_64 : Package that installs gcc-toolset-11
    gcc-toolset-11-runtime.x86_64 : Package that handles gcc-toolset-11 Software Collection.
    gcc-toolset-9.x86_64 : Package that installs gcc-toolset-9
    gcc-toolset-9-runtime.x86_64 : Package that handles gcc-toolset-9 Software Collection.
    ================================================================== 名称 匹配:gcc-toolset ==================================================================
    gcc-toolset-10-annobin.x86_64 : Annotate and examine compiled binary files
    gcc-toolset-10-binutils.x86_64 : A GNU collection of binary utilities
    gcc-toolset-10-binutils-devel.i686 : BFD and opcodes static and dynamic libraries and header files
    gcc-toolset-10-binutils-devel.x86_64 : BFD and opcodes static and dynamic libraries and header files
    gcc-toolset-10-build.x86_64 : Package shipping basic build configuration
    gcc-toolset-10-dwz.x86_64 : DWARF optimization and duplicate removal tool
    gcc-toolset-10-dyninst.x86_64 : An API for Run-time Code Generation
    gcc-toolset-10-dyninst-devel.x86_64 : Header files for compiling programs with Dyninst
    gcc-toolset-10-elfutils.x86_64 : A collection of utilities and DSOs to handle ELF files and DWARF data
    gcc-toolset-10-elfutils-debuginfod-client.i686 : Library and command line client for build-id HTTP ELF/DWARF server
    gcc-toolset-10-elfutils-debuginfod-client.x86_64 : Library and command line client for build-id HTTP ELF/DWARF server
    gcc-toolset-10-elfutils-debuginfod-client-devel.i686 : Libraries and headers to build debuginfod client applications
    gcc-toolset-10-elfutils-debuginfod-client-devel.x86_64 : Libraries and headers to build debuginfod client applications
    gcc-toolset-10-elfutils-devel.i686 : Development libraries to handle compiled objects
  • NVHPC和CUDA开发安装包需要去NVIDIA官网下载安装,用module配置加载


  • OPENHPC搭建集群

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