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<br> for ( var i = 0, n = o.length, ret = []; i < n; i++) <br> if (o[i].className == className) ret.push(o[i]); <br> if (ret.length == 1) ret = ret[0]; <br> return ret; <br> } <br> function addEvent (o, e, f) { <br> if (window.addEventListener) o.addEventListener(e, f, false); <br> else if (window.attachEvent) r = o.attachEvent('on' + e, f); <br> } <br> function createReflexion (cont, img) { <br> var flx = false; <br> if (document.createElement("canvas").getContext) { <br> flx = document.createElement("canvas"); <br> flx.width = img.width; <br> flx.height = img.height; <br> var context = flx.getContext("2d"); <br> context.translate(0, img.height); <br> context.scale(1, -1); <br> context.drawImage(img, 0, 0, img.width, img.height); <br> context.globalCompositeOperation = "destination-out"; <br> var gradient = context.createLinearGradient(0, 0, 0, img.height * 2); <br> gradient.addColorStop(1, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 0)"); <br> gradient.addColorStop(0, "rgba(255, 255, 255, 1)"); <br> context.fillStyle = gradient; 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<br> this.legend = getElementsByClass(this.text, 'div', 'legend'); <br> this.bar = getElementsByClass(this.oc, 'img', 'bar'); <br> this.arL = getElementsByClass(this.oc, 'img', 'arrow-left'); <br> this.arR = getElementsByClass(this.oc, 'img', 'arrow-right'); <br> this.bw = this.bar.width; <br> this.alw = this.arL.width - 5; <br> this.arw = this.arR.width - 5; <br> this.bar.parent = this.oc.parent = this; <br> this.arL.parent = this.arR.parent = this; <br> this.view = this.back = -1; <br> this.resize(); <br> this.oc.onselectstart = function () { return false; } <br> /* ---- create images ---- */ <br> var img = getElementsByClass(this.oc, 'div', 'bank').getElementsByTagName('a'); <br> this.NF = img.length; <br> for (var i = 0, o; o = img[i]; i++) { <br> this.diapos[i] = new Diapo(this, i, <br> o.rel, <br> o.title || '- ' + i + ' -', <br> o.innerHTML || o.rel, <br> o.href || ', <br> o.target || '_self' <br> ); <br> } <br> /* ==== add mouse wheel events ==== */ <br> if (window.addEventListener) <br> this.oc.addEventListener('DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { <br> this.parent.scroll(-e.detail); <br> }, false); <br> else this.oc.onmousewheel = function () { <br> this.parent.scroll(event.wheelDelta); <br> } <br> /* ==== scrollbar drag N drop ==== */ <br> this.bar.onmousedown = function (e) { <br> if (!e) e = window.event; <br> var scl = e.screenX - this.offsetLeft; <br> var self = this.parent; <br> /* ---- move bar ---- */ <br> this.parent.oc.onmousemove = function (e) { <br> if (!e) e = window.event; <br> self.bar.style.left = Math.round(Math.min((self.ws - self.arw - self.bw), Math.max(self.alw, e.screenX - scl))) + 'px'; <br> self.view = Math.round(((e.screenX - scl) ) / (self.ws - self.alw - self.arw - self.bw) * self.NF); <br> if (self.view != self.back) self.calc(); <br> return false; <br> } <br> /* ---- release scrollbar ---- */ <br> this.parent.oc.onmouseup = function (e) { <br> self.oc.onmousemove = null; <br> return false; <br> } <br> return false; <br> } <br> /* ==== right arrow ==== */ <br> this.arR.onclick = this.arR.ondblclick = function () { <br> if (this.parent.view < this.parent.NF - 1) <br> this.parent.calc(1); <br> } <br> /* ==== Left arrow ==== */ <br> this.arL.onclick = this.arL.ondblclick = function () { <br> if (this.parent.view > 0) <br> this.parent.calc(-1); <br> } <br> } <br> /* ==== ImageFlow prototype ==== */ <br> ImageFlow.prototype = { <br> /* ==== targets ==== */ <br> calc : function (inc) { <br> if (inc) this.view += inc; <br> var tw = 0; <br> var lw = 0; <br> var o = this.diapos[this.view]; <br> if (o && o.loaded) { <br> /* ---- reset ---- */ <br> var ob = this.diapos[this.back]; <br> if (ob && ob != o) { <br> ob.img.className = 'diapo'; <br> ob.z1 = 1; <br> } <br> /* ---- update legend ---- */ <br> this.title.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(o.title), this.title.firstChild); <br> this.legend.replaceChild(document.createTextNode(o.text), this.legend.firstChild); <br> /* ---- update hyperlink ---- */ <br> if (o.url) { <br> o.img.className = 'diapo link'; <br> window.status = 'hyperlink: ' + o.url; <br> } else { <br> o.img.className = 'diapo'; <br> window.status = '; <br> } <br> /* ---- calculate target sizes & positions ---- */ <br> o.w1 = Math.min(o.iw, this.wh * .5) * o.z1; <br> var x0 = o.x1 = (this.wh * .5) - (o.w1 * .5); <br> var x = x0 + o.w1 + this.bdw; <br> for (var i = this.view + 1, o; o = this.diapos[i]; i++) { <br> if (o.loaded) { <br> o.x1 = x; <br> o.w1 = (this.ht / o.r) * this.size; <br> x += o.w1 + this.bdw; <br> tw += o.w1 + this.bdw; <br> } <br> } <br> x = x0 - this.bdw; <br> for (var i = this.view - 1, o; o = this.diapos[i]; i--) { <br> if (o.loaded) { <br> o.w1 = (this.ht / o.r) * this.size; <br> o.x1 = x - o.w1; <br> x -= o.w1 + this.bdw; <br> tw += o.w1 + this.bdw; <br> lw += o.w1 + this.bdw; <br> } <br> } <br> /* ---- move scrollbar ---- */ <br> if (!this.scr && tw) { <br> var r = (this.ws - this.alw - this.arw - this.bw) / tw; <br> this.bar.style.left = Math.round(this.alw + lw * r) + 'px'; <br> } <br> /* ---- save preview view ---- */ <br> this.back = this.view; <br> } <br> }, <br> /* ==== mousewheel scrolling ==== */ <br> scroll : function (sc) { <br> if (sc < 0) { <br> if (this.view < this.NF - 1) this.calc(1); <br> } else { <br> if (this.view > 0) this.calc(-1); <br> } <br> }, <br> /* ==== resize ==== */ <br> resize : function () { <br> this.wh = this.oc.clientWidth; <br> this.ht = this.oc.clientHeight; <br> this.ws = this.scrollbar.offsetWidth; <br> this.calc(); <br> this.run(true); <br> }, <br> /* ==== move all images ==== */ <br> run : function (res) { <br> var i = this.NF; <br> while (i--) this.diapos[i].move(res); <br> } <br> } <br> /* ==== Diapo Constructor ==== */ <br> Diapo = function (parent, N, src, title, text, url, target) { <br> this.parent = parent; <br> this.loaded = false; <br> this.title = title; <br> this.text = text; <br> this.url = url; <br> this.target = target; <br> this.N = N; <br> this.img = document.createElement('img'); <br> this.img.src = src; <br> this.img.parent = this; <br> this.img.className = 'diapo'; <br> this.x0 = this.parent.oc.clientWidth; <br> this.x1 = this.x0; <br> this.w0 = 0; <br> this.w1 = 0; <br> this.z1 = 1; <br> this.img.parent = this; <br> this.img.onclick = function() { this.parent.click(); } <br> this.parent.oc.appendChild(this.img); <br> /* ---- display external link ---- */ <br> if (url) { <br> this.img.onmouseover = function () { this.className = 'diapo link'; } <br> this.img.onmouseout = function () { this.className = 'diapo'; } <br> } <br> } <br> /* ==== Diapo prototype ==== */ <br> Diapo.prototype = { <br> /* ==== HTML rendering ==== */ <br> move : function (res) { <br> if (this.loaded) { <br> var sx = this.x1 - this.x0; <br> var sw = this.w1 - this.w0; <br> if (Math.abs(sx) > 2 || Math.abs(sw) > 2 || res) { <br> /* ---- paint only when moving ---- */ <br> this.x0 += sx * .1; <br> this.w0 += sw * .1; <br> if (this.x0 < this.parent.wh && this.x0 + this.w0 > 0) { <br> /* ---- paint only visible images ---- */ <br> this.visible = true; <br> var o = this.img.style; <br> var h = this.w0 * this.r; <br> /* ---- diapo ---- */ <br> o.left = Math.round(this.x0) + 'px'; <br> o.bottom = Math.floor(this.parent.ht * .25) + 'px'; <br> o.width = Math.round(this.w0) + 'px'; <br> o.height = Math.round(h) + 'px'; <br> /* ---- reflexion ---- */ <br> if (this.flx) { <br> var o = this.flx.style; <br> o.left = Math.round(this.x0) + 'px'; <br> o.top = Math.ceil(this.parent.ht * .75 + 1) + 'px'; <br> o.width = Math.round(this.w0) + 'px'; <br> o.height = Math.round(h) + 'px'; <br> } <br> } else { <br> /* ---- disable invisible images ---- */ <br> if (this.visible) { <br> this.visible = false; <br> this.img.style.width = '0px'; <br> if (this.flx) this.flx.style.width = '0px'; <br> } <br> } <br> } <br> } else { <br> /* ==== image onload ==== */ <br> if (this.img.complete && this.img.width) { <br> /* ---- get size image ---- */ <br> this.iw = this.img.width; <br> this.ih = this.img.height; <br> this.r = this.ih / this.iw; <br> this.loaded = true; <br> /* ---- create reflexion ---- */ <br> this.flx = createReflexion(this.parent.oc, this.img); <br> if (this.parent.view < 0) this.parent.view = this.N; <br> this.parent.calc(); <br> } <br> } <br> }, <br> /* ==== diapo onclick ==== */ <br> click : function () { <br> if (this.parent.view == this.N) { <br> /* ---- click on zoomed diapo ---- */ <br> if (this.url) { <br> /* ---- open hyperlink ---- */ <br> window.open(this.url, this.target); <br> } else { <br> /* ---- zoom in/out ---- */ <br> this.z1 = this.z1 == 1 ? this.parent.zoom : 1; <br> this.parent.calc(); <br> } <br> } else { <br> /* ---- select diapo ---- */ <br> this.parent.view = this.N; <br> this.parent.calc(); <br> } <br> return false; <br> } <br> } <br> /* ==== public methods ==== */ <br> return { <br> /* ==== initialize script ==== */ <br> create : function (div, size, zoom, border) { <br> /* ---- instanciate imageFlow ---- */ <br> var load = function () { <br> var loaded = false; <br> var i = instances.length; <br> while (i--) if (instances[i].oCont == div) loaded = true; <br> if (!loaded) { <br> /* ---- push new imageFlow instance ---- */ <br> instances.push( <br> new ImageFlow(div, size, zoom, border) <br> ); <br> /* ---- init script (once) ---- */ <br> if (!imf.initialized) { <br> imf.initialized = true; <br> /* ---- window resize event ---- */ <br> addEvent(window, 'resize', function () { <br> var i = instances.length; <br> while (i--) instances[i].resize(); <br> }); <br> /* ---- stop drag N drop ---- */ <br> addEvent(document.getElementById(div), 'mouseout', function (e) { <br> if (!e) e = window.event; <br> var tg = e.relatedTarget || e.toElement; <br> if (tg && tg.tagName == 'HTML') { <br> var i = instances.length; <br> while (i--) instances[i].oc.onmousemove = null; <br> } <br> return false; <br> }); <br> /* ---- set interval loop ---- */ <br> setInterval(function () { <br> var i = instances.length; <br> while (i--) instances[i].run(); <br> }, 16); <br> } <br> } <br> } <br> /* ---- window onload event ---- */ <br> addEvent(window, 'load', function () { load(); }); <br> } <br> } <br>}(); <br> <br>/* ==== create imageFlow ==== */ <br>// div ID , size, zoom, border <br>imf.create("imageFlow", 0.15, 1.5, 10); <br> <br></script> <br></head> <br> <br><body> <br> <div id="imageFlow"> <br> <div class="top"></div> <br> <div class="bank"> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/ct37.jpg" title="Myselves" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">My identity lies in not knowing who I am</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/ct60.jpg" title="Discoveries" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">...are made by not following instructions</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/sf53.jpg" title="Nothing" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">...can come between us</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/sf48.jpg" title="New life" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">Here you come!</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/ct81.jpg" title="Optimists" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">They don't know all the facts yet</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/ct134.jpg" title="Empathy" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">Emotional intimacy</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/ct41.jpg" title="Much work" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">...remains to be done before we can announce our total failure to make any progress</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/ct75.jpg" title="System error" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">Errare Programma Est</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/bl201.jpg" title="Nonexistance" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">There's no such thing</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/ct137.jpg" title="Inside" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">I抦 now trapped, without hope of escape or rescue</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/ct65.jpg" title="E-Slaves" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">The World is flat</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/or105.jpg" title="l0v3" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">1 l0v3 j00 - f0r3v3r</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/ct139.jpg" title="T minus zero" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">111 111 111 x 111 111 111 = 12345678987654321</a> <br> <a rel="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/ct27.jpg" title="The End" href="http://www.design-studio.cn/" rel="nofollow">...has not been written yet</a> <br> </div> <br> <br> <div class="text"> <br> <div class="title">Loading</div> <br> <div class="legend">Please wait...</div> <br> </div> <br> <div class="scrollbar"> <br> <img class="track" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/sb.gif" alt=""> <br> <img class="arrow-left" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/sl.gif" alt=""> <br> <img class="arrow-right" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/sr.gif" alt=""> <br> <img class="bar" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/1/sc.gif" alt=""> <br> </div> <br> </div> <br></body> <br></html>


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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <br><html> <br><head> <br><title>3</title> <br><style type="text/css"> <br> html { <br> overflow: hidden; <br> } <br> <br> body { <br> margin: 0px; <br> padding: 0px; <br> background: #000; <br> position: absolute; <br> width: 100%; <br> height: 100%; <br> cursor: crosshair; <br> } <br> <br> #diapoContainer { <br> position: absolute; <br> left: 10%; <br> top: 10%; <br> width: 80%; <br> height: 80%; <br> background: #222; <br> overflow: hidden; <br> } <br> <br> .imgDC { <br> position: absolute; <br> cursor: pointer; <br> border: #000 solid 2px; <br> filter: alpha(opacity=90); <br> opacity: 0.9; <br> visibility: hidden; <br> } <br> <br> .spaDC { <br> position: absolute; <br> filter: alpha(opacity=20); <br> opacity: 0.2; <br> background: #000; <br> visibility: hidden; <br> } <br> <br> .imgsrc { <br> position: absolute; <br> width: 120px; <br> height: 67px; <br> visibility: hidden; <br> margin: 4%; <br> } <br> <br> #bkgcaption { <br> position: absolute; 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<br> ny = DC.offsetTop; <br> nw = DC.offsetWidth; <br> nh = DC.offsetHeight; <br> txt.style.fontSize = Math.round(nh / font_size) + "px"; <br> if(Math.abs(rs-rsB)<100) for(var i=0; i<N; i++) O[i].resize(); <br> rsB = rs; <br> } <br> }, <br> <br> /* ==== create diapo ==== */ <br> CDiapo : function(o){ <br> /* ==== init variables ==== */ <br> this.o = o; <br> this.x_pos = this.y_pos = 0; <br> this.x_origin = this.y_origin = 0; <br> this.x_var = this.y_var = 0; <br> this.x_target = this.y_target = 0; <br> this.w_pos = this.h_pos = 0; <br> this.w_origin = this.h_origin = 0; <br> this.w_var = this.h_var = 0; <br> this.w_target = this.h_target = 0; <br> this.over = false; <br> this.click = false; <br> <br> /* ==== create shadow ==== */ <br> this.spa = document.createElement("span"); <br> this.spa.className = "spaDC"; <br> diapo.DC.appendChild(this.spa); <br> <br> /* ==== create thumbnail image ==== */ <br> this.img = document.createElement("img"); <br> this.img.className = "imgDC"; <br> this.img.src = o.src; <br> this.img.O = this; <br> diapo.DC.appendChild(this.img); <br> setOpacity(this.img, diapo.transparency); <br> <br> /* ==== mouse events ==== */ <br> this.img.onselectstart = new Function("return false;"); <br> this.img.ondrag = new Function("return false;"); <br> this.img.onmouseover = function(){ <br> diapo.tx_target=0; <br> diapo.txt.innerHTML=this.O.o.alt; <br> this.O.over=true; <br> setOpacity(this,this.O.click?diapo.transparency:1); <br> } <br> this.img.onmouseout = function(){ <br> diapo.tx_target=-diapo.nw; <br> this.O.over=false; <br> setOpacity(this,diapo.transparency); <br> } <br> this.img.onclick = function() { <br> if(!this.O.click){ <br> if(diapo.zo && diapo.zo != this) diapo.zo.onclick(); <br> this.O.click = true; <br> this.O.x_origin = (diapo.nw - (this.O.w_origin * diapo.zoomClick)) / 2; <br> this.O.y_origin = (diapo.nh - (this.O.h_origin * diapo.zoomClick)) / 2; <br> diapo.zo = this; <br> setOpacity(this,diapo.transparency); <br> } else { <br> this.O.click = false; <br> this.O.over = false; <br> this.O.resize(); <br> diapo.zo = 0; <br> } <br> } <br> <br> /* ==== rearrange thumbnails based on "imgsrc" images position ==== */ <br> this.resize = function (){ <br> with (this) { <br> x_origin = o.offsetLeft; <br> y_origin = o.offsetTop; <br> w_origin = o.offsetWidth; <br> h_origin = o.offsetHeight; <br> } <br> } <br> <br> /* ==== animation function ==== */ <br> this.position = function (){ <br> with (this) { <br> /* ==== set target position ==== */ <br> w_target = w_origin; <br> h_target = h_origin; <br> if(over){ <br> /* ==== mouse over ==== */ <br> w_target = w_origin * diapo.zoomOver; <br> h_target = h_origin * diapo.zoomOver; <br> x_target = diapo.xm - w_pos / 2 - (diapo.xm - (x_origin + w_pos / 2)) / (diapo.attraction*(click?10:1)); <br> y_target = diapo.ym - h_pos / 2 - (diapo.ym - (y_origin + h_pos / 2)) / (diapo.attraction*(click?10:1)); <br> } else { <br> /* ==== mouse out ==== */ <br> x_target = x_origin; <br> y_target = y_origin; <br> } <br> if(click){ <br> /* ==== clicked ==== */ <br> w_target = w_origin * diapo.zoomClick; <br> h_target = h_origin * diapo.zoomClick; <br> } <br> <br> /* ==== magic spring equations ==== */ <br> x_pos += x_var = x_var * diapo.acceleration + (x_target - x_pos) * diapo.dampening; <br> y_pos += y_var = y_var * diapo.acceleration + (y_target - y_pos) * diapo.dampening; <br> w_pos += w_var = w_var * (diapo.acceleration * .5) + (w_target - w_pos) * (diapo.dampening * .5); <br> h_pos += h_var = h_var * (diapo.acceleration * .5) + (h_target - h_pos) * (diapo.dampening * .5); <br> diapo.rs += (Math.abs(x_var) + Math.abs(y_var)); <br> <br> /* ==== html animation ==== */ <br> with(img.style){ <br> left = Math.round(x_pos) + "px"; <br> top = Math.round(y_pos) + "px"; <br> width = Math.round(Math.max(0, w_pos)) + "px"; <br> height = Math.round(Math.max(0, h_pos)) + "px"; <br> zIndex = Math.round(w_pos); <br> } <br> with(spa.style){ <br> left = Math.round(x_pos + w_pos * .1) + "px"; <br> top = Math.round(y_pos + h_pos * .1) + "px"; <br> width = Math.round(Math.max(0, w_pos * 1.1)) + "px"; <br> height = Math.round(Math.max(0, h_pos * 1.1)) + "px"; <br> zIndex = Math.round(w_pos); <br> } <br> } <br> } <br> }, <br> <br> /* ==== main loop ==== */ <br> run : function(){ <br> diapo.xm = xm - diapo.nx; <br> diapo.ym = ym - diapo.ny; <br> /* ==== caption anim ==== */ <br> diapo.tx_pos += diapo.tx_var = diapo.tx_var * .9 + (diapo.tx_target - diapo.tx_pos) * .02; <br> diapo.txt.style.left = Math.round(diapo.tx_pos) + "px"; <br> /* ==== images anim ==== */ <br> for(var i in diapo.O) diapo.O[i].position(); <br> /* ==== loop ==== */ <br> setTimeout("diapo.run();", 16); <br> }, <br> <br> /* ==== load images ==== */ <br> images_load : function(){ <br> // ===== loop until all images are loaded ===== <br> var M = 0; <br> for(var i=0; i<diapo.N; i++) { <br> if(diapo.img[i].complete) { <br> diapo.img[i].style.position = "relative"; <br> diapo.O[i].img.style.visibility = "visible"; <br> diapo.O[i].spa.style.visibility = "visible"; <br> M++; <br> } <br> resize(); <br> } <br> if(M<diapo.N) setTimeout("diapo.images_load();", 128); <br> }, <br> <br> /* ==== init script ==== */ <br> init : function() { <br> diapo.DC = document.getElementById("diapoContainer"); <br> diapo.img = diapo.DC.getElementsByTagName("img"); <br> diapo.txt = document.getElementById("caption"); <br> diapo.N = diapo.img.length; <br> for(i=0; i<diapo.N; i++) diapo.O.push(new diapo.CDiapo(diapo.img[i])); <br> diapo.resize(); <br> diapo.tx_pos = -diapo.nw; <br> diapo.tx_target = -diapo.nw; <br> diapo.images_load(); <br> diapo.run(); <br> } <br>} <br> <br></script> <br></head> <br> <br><body> <br> <br><div id="diapoContainer"> <br> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_21.jpg" alt="Reconsider your Existence"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_22.jpg" alt="Something Needs to be Discovered"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_24.jpg" alt="They Said Very Little"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_26.jpg" alt="Only in Your Mind"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_32.jpg" alt="The Power of Imagination"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_29.jpg" alt="Objectivity is Impossible"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_31.jpg" alt="Cleaning Up Operation"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_17.jpg" alt="Arbitrary Contents"> <br> <br> <div id="bkgcaption"></div> <br> <div id="caption"></div> <br> <br></div> <br> <br><script type="text/javascript"> <br>/* ==== start script ==== */ <br>function dom_onload() { <br> if(document.getElementById("diapoContainer")) diapo.init(); else setTimeout("dom_onload();", 128); <br>} <br>dom_onload(); <br></script> <br> <br></body> <br></html>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <br><html> <br><head> <br><title>3</title> <br><style type="text/css"> <br> html { <br> overflow: hidden; <br> } <br> <br> body { <br> margin: 0px; <br> padding: 0px; <br> background: #000; <br> position: absolute; <br> width: 100%; <br> height: 100%; <br> cursor: crosshair; <br> } <br> <br> #diapoContainer { <br> position: absolute; <br> left: 10%; <br> top: 10%; <br> width: 80%; <br> height: 80%; <br> background: #222; <br> overflow: hidden; <br> } <br> <br> .imgDC { <br> position: absolute; <br> cursor: pointer; <br> border: #000 solid 2px; <br> filter: alpha(opacity=90); <br> opacity: 0.9; <br> visibility: hidden; <br> } <br> <br> .spaDC { <br> position: absolute; <br> filter: alpha(opacity=20); <br> opacity: 0.2; <br> background: #000; <br> visibility: hidden; <br> } <br> <br> .imgsrc { <br> position: absolute; <br> width: 120px; <br> height: 67px; <br> visibility: hidden; <br> margin: 4%; <br> } <br> <br> #bkgcaption { <br> position: absolute; <br> bottom: 0px; <br> left: 0px; <br> width: 100%; <br> height: 6%; <br> background:#1a1a1a; <br> } <br> #caption { <br> position: absolute; <br> font-family: arial, helvetica, verdana, sans-serif; <br> white-space: nowrap; <br> color: #fff; <br> bottom: 0px; <br> width: 100%; <br> left: -10000px; <br> text-align: center; <br> } <br> <br></style> <br> <br><script type="text/javascript"> <br>var xm; <br>var ym; <br> <br>/* ==== onmousemove event ==== */ <br>document.onmousemove = function(e){ <br> if(window.event) e=window.event; <br> xm = (e.x || e.clientX); <br> ym = (e.y || e.clientY); <br>} <br> <br>/* ==== window resize ==== */ <br>function resize() { <br> if(diapo)diapo.resize(); <br>} <br>onresize = resize; <br> <br>/* ==== opacity ==== */ <br>setOpacity = function(o, alpha){ <br> if(o.filters)o.filters.alpha.opacity = alpha * 100; else o.style.opacity = alpha; <br>} <br> <br> <br> <br>/* ===== encapsulate script ==== */ <br>diapo = { <br> O : [], <br> DC : 0, <br> img : 0, <br> txt : 0, <br> N : 0, <br> xm : 0, <br> ym : 0, <br> nx : 0, <br> ny : 0, <br> nw : 0, <br> nh : 0, <br> rs : 0, <br> rsB : 0, <br> zo : 0, <br> tx_pos : 0, <br> tx_var : 0, <br> tx_target : 0, <br> <br> /// script parameters <br> attraction : 2, <br> acceleration : .9, <br> dampening : .1, <br> zoomOver : 2, <br> zoomClick : 6, <br> transparency : .8, <br> font_size: 18, <br> // <br> <br> /* ==== diapo resize ==== */ <br> resize : function(){ <br> with(this){ <br> nx = DC.offsetLeft; <br> ny = DC.offsetTop; <br> nw = DC.offsetWidth; <br> nh = DC.offsetHeight; <br> txt.style.fontSize = Math.round(nh / font_size) + "px"; <br> if(Math.abs(rs-rsB)<100) for(var i=0; i<N; i++) O[i].resize(); <br> rsB = rs; <br> } <br> }, <br> <br> /* ==== create diapo ==== */ <br> CDiapo : function(o){ <br> /* ==== init variables ==== */ <br> this.o = o; <br> this.x_pos = this.y_pos = 0; <br> this.x_origin = this.y_origin = 0; <br> this.x_var = this.y_var = 0; <br> this.x_target = this.y_target = 0; <br> this.w_pos = this.h_pos = 0; <br> this.w_origin = this.h_origin = 0; <br> this.w_var = this.h_var = 0; <br> this.w_target = this.h_target = 0; <br> this.over = false; <br> this.click = false; <br> <br> /* ==== create shadow ==== */ <br> this.spa = document.createElement("span"); <br> this.spa.className = "spaDC"; <br> diapo.DC.appendChild(this.spa); <br> <br> /* ==== create thumbnail image ==== */ <br> this.img = document.createElement("img"); <br> this.img.className = "imgDC"; <br> this.img.src = o.src; <br> this.img.O = this; <br> diapo.DC.appendChild(this.img); <br> setOpacity(this.img, diapo.transparency); <br> <br> /* ==== mouse events ==== */ <br> this.img.onselectstart = new Function("return false;"); <br> this.img.ondrag = new Function("return false;"); <br> this.img.onmouseover = function(){ <br> diapo.tx_target=0; <br> diapo.txt.innerHTML=this.O.o.alt; <br> this.O.over=true; <br> setOpacity(this,this.O.click?diapo.transparency:1); <br> } <br> this.img.onmouseout = function(){ <br> diapo.tx_target=-diapo.nw; <br> this.O.over=false; <br> setOpacity(this,diapo.transparency); <br> } <br> this.img.onclick = function() { <br> if(!this.O.click){ <br> if(diapo.zo && diapo.zo != this) diapo.zo.onclick(); <br> this.O.click = true; <br> this.O.x_origin = (diapo.nw - (this.O.w_origin * diapo.zoomClick)) / 2; <br> this.O.y_origin = (diapo.nh - (this.O.h_origin * diapo.zoomClick)) / 2; <br> diapo.zo = this; <br> setOpacity(this,diapo.transparency); <br> } else { <br> this.O.click = false; <br> this.O.over = false; <br> this.O.resize(); <br> diapo.zo = 0; <br> } <br> } <br> <br> /* ==== rearrange thumbnails based on "imgsrc" images position ==== */ <br> this.resize = function (){ <br> with (this) { <br> x_origin = o.offsetLeft; <br> y_origin = o.offsetTop; <br> w_origin = o.offsetWidth; <br> h_origin = o.offsetHeight; <br> } <br> } <br> <br> /* ==== animation function ==== */ <br> this.position = function (){ <br> with (this) { <br> /* ==== set target position ==== */ <br> w_target = w_origin; <br> h_target = h_origin; <br> if(over){ <br> /* ==== mouse over ==== */ <br> w_target = w_origin * diapo.zoomOver; <br> h_target = h_origin * diapo.zoomOver; <br> x_target = diapo.xm - w_pos / 2 - (diapo.xm - (x_origin + w_pos / 2)) / (diapo.attraction*(click?10:1)); <br> y_target = diapo.ym - h_pos / 2 - (diapo.ym - (y_origin + h_pos / 2)) / (diapo.attraction*(click?10:1)); <br> } else { <br> /* ==== mouse out ==== */ <br> x_target = x_origin; <br> y_target = y_origin; <br> } <br> if(click){ <br> /* ==== clicked ==== */ <br> w_target = w_origin * diapo.zoomClick; <br> h_target = h_origin * diapo.zoomClick; <br> } <br> <br> /* ==== magic spring equations ==== */ <br> x_pos += x_var = x_var * diapo.acceleration + (x_target - x_pos) * diapo.dampening; <br> y_pos += y_var = y_var * diapo.acceleration + (y_target - y_pos) * diapo.dampening; <br> w_pos += w_var = w_var * (diapo.acceleration * .5) + (w_target - w_pos) * (diapo.dampening * .5); <br> h_pos += h_var = h_var * (diapo.acceleration * .5) + (h_target - h_pos) * (diapo.dampening * .5); <br> diapo.rs += (Math.abs(x_var) + Math.abs(y_var)); <br> <br> /* ==== html animation ==== */ <br> with(img.style){ <br> left = Math.round(x_pos) + "px"; <br> top = Math.round(y_pos) + "px"; <br> width = Math.round(Math.max(0, w_pos)) + "px"; <br> height = Math.round(Math.max(0, h_pos)) + "px"; <br> zIndex = Math.round(w_pos); <br> } <br> with(spa.style){ <br> left = Math.round(x_pos + w_pos * .1) + "px"; <br> top = Math.round(y_pos + h_pos * .1) + "px"; <br> width = Math.round(Math.max(0, w_pos * 1.1)) + "px"; <br> height = Math.round(Math.max(0, h_pos * 1.1)) + "px"; <br> zIndex = Math.round(w_pos); <br> } <br> } <br> } <br> }, <br> <br> /* ==== main loop ==== */ <br> run : function(){ <br> diapo.xm = xm - diapo.nx; <br> diapo.ym = ym - diapo.ny; <br> /* ==== caption anim ==== */ <br> diapo.tx_pos += diapo.tx_var = diapo.tx_var * .9 + (diapo.tx_target - diapo.tx_pos) * .02; <br> diapo.txt.style.left = Math.round(diapo.tx_pos) + "px"; <br> /* ==== images anim ==== */ <br> for(var i in diapo.O) diapo.O[i].position(); <br> /* ==== loop ==== */ <br> setTimeout("diapo.run();", 16); <br> }, <br> <br> /* ==== load images ==== */ <br> images_load : function(){ <br> // ===== loop until all images are loaded ===== <br> var M = 0; <br> for(var i=0; i<diapo.N; i++) { <br> if(diapo.img[i].complete) { <br> diapo.img[i].style.position = "relative"; <br> diapo.O[i].img.style.visibility = "visible"; <br> diapo.O[i].spa.style.visibility = "visible"; <br> M++; <br> } <br> resize(); <br> } <br> if(M<diapo.N) setTimeout("diapo.images_load();", 128); <br> }, <br> <br> /* ==== init script ==== */ <br> init : function() { <br> diapo.DC = document.getElementById("diapoContainer"); <br> diapo.img = diapo.DC.getElementsByTagName("img"); <br> diapo.txt = document.getElementById("caption"); <br> diapo.N = diapo.img.length; <br> for(i=0; i<diapo.N; i++) diapo.O.push(new diapo.CDiapo(diapo.img[i])); <br> diapo.resize(); <br> diapo.tx_pos = -diapo.nw; <br> diapo.tx_target = -diapo.nw; <br> diapo.images_load(); <br> diapo.run(); <br> } <br>} <br> <br></script> <br></head> <br> <br><body> <br> <br><div id="diapoContainer"> <br> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_21.jpg" alt="Reconsider your Existence"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_22.jpg" alt="Something Needs to be Discovered"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_24.jpg" alt="They Said Very Little"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_26.jpg" alt="Only in Your Mind"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_32.jpg" alt="The Power of Imagination"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_29.jpg" alt="Objectivity is Impossible"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_31.jpg" alt="Cleaning Up Operation"> <br> <img class="imgsrc" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/3/conspiracy_17.jpg" alt="Arbitrary Contents"> <br> <br> <div id="bkgcaption"></div> <br> <div id="caption"></div> <br> <br></div> <br> <br><script type="text/javascript"> <br>/* ==== start script ==== */ <br>function dom_onload() { <br> if(document.getElementById("diapoContainer")) diapo.init(); else setTimeout("dom_onload();", 128); <br>} <br>dom_onload(); <br></script> <br> <br></body> <br></html>

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01//EN" "http://www.w3.org/TR/html4/strict.dtd"> <br><html> <br><head> <br><title>4</title> <br><meta http-equiv="imagetoolbar" content="no"> <br><style type="text/css"> <br> body { <br> background: #222; <br> overflow: hidden; <br> left: 0; <br> top: 0; <br> width: 100%; <br> height: 100%; <br> margin: 0; <br> padding: 0; <br> } <br> <br> #screen img { <br> position: absolute; <br> visibility: hidden; <br> } <br> <br> #screen span { <br> position: absolute; <br> background: #fff; <br> cursor: pointer; <br> visibility: hidden; <br> filter: alpha(opacity=80); <br> -moz-opacity: 0.8; <br> opacity: 0.8; <br> } <br></style> <br> <br><script type="text/javascript"><!-- <br>var Oz, Ov; <br>var obj = []; <br>var K = 0; <br>var img, scr, W, H; <br>var SP = 40; /* speed */ <br>var dz = false; <br> <br>/* html positioning */ <br>position = function(obj, x, y, w, h) <br>{ <br> with(obj.style){ <br> left = Math.round(x) + "px"; <br> top = Math.round(y) + "px"; <br> width = Math.round(w) + "px"; <br> height = Math.round(h) + "px"; <br> } <br>} <br> <br>/* create object instances */ <br>function Cobj(parent, N, x, y, w, h) <br>{ <br> this.zoomed = (parent ? 0 : 1); <br> obj[K] = this; <br> this.K = K ++; <br> this.parent = parent; <br> this.children = []; <br> this.x = x; <br> this.y = y; <br> this.w = w; <br> this.h = h; <br> this.vx = 0; <br> this.vy = 0; <br> this.vw = 0; <br> this.vh = 0; <br> this.xi = 0; <br> this.yi = 0; <br> this.wi = 0; <br> this.hi = 0; <br> this.x1 = 0; <br> this.y1 = 0; <br> this.w1 = 0; <br> this.h1 = 0; <br> this.x0 = 0; <br> this.y0 = 0; <br> this.w0 = 0; <br> this.h0 = 0; <br> this.imgsrc = img[N]; <br> <br> /* create HTML elements */ <br> this.img = document.createElement("img"); <br> this.img.src = this.imgsrc.src; <br> this.img.obj = this; <br> scr.appendChild(this.img); <br> this.spa = document.createElement("span"); <br> this.spa.style.cursor = "pointer"; <br> this.spa.obj = this; <br> scr.appendChild(this.spa); <br> if (parent) parent.children.push(this); <br> <br> /* Flickr */ <br> this.blink = function() <br> { <br> with(this) <br> { <br> position(spa, x0, y0, w0, h0); <br> spa.style.visibility = "visible"; <br> img.style.cursor = "pointer"; <br> setTimeout("obj[" + K + "].spa.style.visibility='hidden'", 128); <br> } <br> } <br> <br> /* display image & children */ <br> this.display = function(zoomed) <br> { <br> with(this) <br> { <br> position(img, x0, y0, w0, h0); <br> img.style.visibility = "visible"; <br> if (parent && ! zoomed) <br> { <br> blink(); <br> Ov = img; <br> } <br> } <br> } <br> <br> /* init zoom */ <br> this.init_zoom = function(d) <br> { <br> with(this) <br> { <br> w1 = imgsrc.width; <br> h1 = imgsrc.height; <br> x1 = (W - w1) / 2; <br> y1 = (H - h1) / 2; <br> x0 = (parent ? x + parent.x1 : (W - w1) / 2); <br> y0 = (parent ? y + parent.y1 : (H - h1) / 2); <br> w0 = (parent ? w : w1); <br> h0 = (parent ? h : h1); <br> xi = d > 0 ? x0 : x1; <br> yi = d > 0 ? y0 : y1; <br> wi = d > 0 ? w0 : w1; <br> hi = d > 0 ? h0 : h1; <br> vx = d * (x1 - x0) / SP; <br> vy = d * (y1 - y0) / SP; <br> vw = d * (w1 - w0) / SP; <br> vh = d * (h1 - h0) / SP; <br> parent.vx = d * ((x1 - (x * w1 / w0)) - parent.x1) / SP; <br> parent.vy = d * ((y1 - (y * h1 / h0)) - parent.y1) / SP; <br> parent.vw = vw * (parent ? (parent.w1 / w) : 0); <br> parent.vh = vh * (parent ? (parent.h1 / h) : 0); <br> } <br> } <br> <br> /* animate zoom in - out */ <br> this.zoom = function() <br> { <br> with(this) <br> { <br> xi += vx; <br> yi += vy; <br> wi += vw; <br> hi += vh; <br> <br> parent.xi += parent.vx; <br> parent.yi += parent.vy; <br> parent.wi += parent.vw; <br> parent.hi += parent.vh; <br> <br> position(img, xi, yi, wi, hi); <br> position(parent.img, parent.xi, parent.yi, parent.wi, parent.hi); <br> <br> if ((zoomed == 0 && wi > w0 - vw) || (zoomed == 1 && wi < w1 - vw)) <br> { <br> setTimeout("obj[" + K + "].zoom()", 16); <br> } <br> else <br> { <br> dz = false; <br> for (var i in Oz.children) <br> { <br> Oz.children[i].init_zoom(); <br> Oz.children[i].display(false, false); <br> } <br> } <br> } <br> } <br> <br> /* mouse events */ <br> this.img.onmouseover = function() <br> { <br> if (this != Ov) with(this.obj) if (parent && ! zoomed && ! dz) blink(); <br> Ov = this; <br> return false; <br> } <br> <br> this.img.onclick = function() <br> { <br> with(this.obj) <br> { <br> if (parent && !dz && imgsrc.complete) <br> { <br> if (zoomed == 1) <br> { <br> /* zoom out */ <br> Oz = this.obj.parent; <br> zoomed = 0; <br> init_zoom( -1); <br> for (var i in children) children[i].img.style.visibility = "hidden"; <br> parent.zoomed = 1; <br> dz = true; <br> zoom(); <br> } <br> else if (zoomed == 0) <br> { <br> /* zoom in */ <br> Oz = this.obj; <br> img.style.cursor = "crosshair"; <br> zoomed = 1; <br> init_zoom(1); <br> for (var i in parent.children) <br> { <br> if (this.obj != parent.children[i]) <br> parent.children[i].img.style.visibility = "hidden"; <br> } <br> parent.zoomed = -1; <br> dz = true; <br> zoom(); <br> } <br> } <br> } <br> return false; <br> } <br> <br> this.spa.onmousedown = function() <br> { <br> this.style.visibility="hidden"; <br> this.obj.img.onclick(); <br> return false; <br> } <br>} <br> <br>/* initialization */ <br>/* must start after the first image is loaded */ <br>function starter() <br>{ <br> scr = document.getElementById("screen"); <br> img = document.getElementById("images").getElementsByTagName("img"); <br> W = parseInt(scr.style.width); <br> H = parseInt(scr.style.height); <br> <br> /* ==== tree-zoom ==== */ <br> // new Cobj(parent, image, x, y, w, h) <br> O = new Cobj(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); <br> O0 = new Cobj(O, 1, 127, 98, 181, 134); <br> O1 = new Cobj(O0, 2, 158, 150, 85, 155); <br> O11 = new Cobj(O1, 4, 136, 98, 80, 196); <br> O111 = new Cobj(O11, 5, 20, 154, 70, 57); <br> O1111 = new Cobj(O111, 6, 161, 137, 154, 76); <br> O112 = new Cobj(O11, 11, 155, 154, 70, 57); <br> O1121 = new Cobj(O112, 12, 273, 116, 49, 72); <br> O2 = new Cobj(O0, 3, 281, 150, 90, 154); <br> O21 = new Cobj(O2, 7, 35, 295, 133, 82); <br> O211 = new Cobj(O21, 15, 316, 183, 20, 36); <br> O22 = new Cobj(O2, 8, 179, 295, 127, 79); <br> O221 = new Cobj(O22, 13, 132, 84, 54, 102); <br> O2211 = new Cobj(O221, 14, 6, 234, 69, 50); <br> O22111 = new Cobj(O2211, 14, 267, 90, 135, 98); <br> O23 = new Cobj(O2, 9, 92, 148, 138, 76); <br> O231 = new Cobj(O23, 10, 249, 106, 83, 65); <br> O2311 = new Cobj(O231, 0, 120, 87, 57, 59); <br> <br> /* display */ <br> O.init_zoom(1); <br> O.display(true); <br> for (var i in O.children) <br> { <br> O.children[i].init_zoom(1); <br> O.children[i].display(true); <br> } <br>} <br>//--> <br></script> <br></head> <br> <br><body> <br> <br> <div style="position:absolute;left:50%;top:50%"> <br> <div style="position:absolute;left:-220px;top:-170px;width:440px;height:340px;background:#000"></div> <br> <div id="screen" style="position:absolute;left:-200px;top:-150px;width:400px;height:300px;overflow:hidden"> <br> <br> </div> <br> </div> <br> <br> <div id="images" style="position:absolute;left:-10000px;top:-10000px;"> <br> <img οnlοad="setTimeout('starter();',500)" src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi37.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi2.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi7.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi20.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi3.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi10.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi30.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi11.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi21.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi29.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi19.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi27.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi33.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi35.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi42.jpg"> <br> <img src="http://preview.zcool.com.cn/code/js/04/4/wi15.jpg"> <br> </div> <br> <br></body> <br></html>



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    超酷超绚精美图片展示效果代码(一) [ 发布者:未知┊来源:网页特效观止┊时间:2008-08-12┊浏览: 人次 ] 相关图片自己下载,所有的图片路径都是类似 http://www.jscode.c ...

  6. 15款JQuery图片展示效果插件

    在图片展示的效果中,滑动门和幻灯片放映在这几年的web页面中越来越流行了,随着jQuery的流行趋势渐增,更多的开发者都致力于创建惊人的,多用途的,时髦的jquery图片展示效果.真的要感谢jQuer ...

  7. 《Hexo: 从零开始编写自己的主题》4. fancybox优化图片展示效果、代码高亮以及数学公式

    <Hexo: 从零开始编写自己的主题> 1. Hexo概述以及Hexo工作原理 2. 入门Hexo主题编写 3. 优化样式,设计自己的主题 4. fancybox优化图片展示效果.代码高亮 ...

  8. css 风琴,玩一下纯 CSS 折腾的一个叫什么手拉风琴的图片展示效果

    原标题:玩一下纯 CSS 折腾的一个叫什么手拉风琴的图片展示效果 好久没更新的公众号终于更新了,但没有太多内容,主要是也不知道写什么,更关键是已经很久没有写 CSS 的东西了,中午没吃到鸡,就一边观战 ...

  9. css图片6边形,CSS3 实现六边形Div图片展示效果

    一. 效果图 二. 原理讲解 这个效果用到的主要知识点 : 1. transform: rotate(120deg); 图片旋转 2. overflow: hidden; 超出隐藏 3. visibi ...


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