
The process of reproducing the behavior:

Message App --> New Message --> Attach --> Capture Video -->click the Shutter button to start recording video --> click the shutter button to stop recording video --> flashlight is not gray state

The solutions:

private Runnable mVideoSavedRunnable = new Runnable(){public void run(){...setEnableRecordingUI(true);...}
}public void setEnableRecordingUI(boolean enable){...mFlashIndicator.setEnable(enable);...

As the code ,when Saving the video ,the setEnableRecordingUI() has been invoked.So we should add a judge condition to judge whether the activity is started by others or not. If others(like:Message App) start the video activity,we shouldn't enable the RecordingUI .

Thus ,we can do like these:

private Runnable mVideoSavedRunnable = new Runnable(){public void run(){...if (!mIsVideoCaptureIntent){setEnableRecordingUI(true);}   ...}


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