
class Solution(object):def addBinary(self, a, b):""":type a: str:type b: str:rtype: str"""len_a = len(a)len_b = len(b)len_x = max(len_a, len_b)carry = '0'res = ''cnt = 0while len_x > cnt:if cnt >= len_a :i = '0'else :i = a[len_a-1-cnt]if cnt >= len_b :j = '0'else :j = b[len_b-1-cnt]if i == '0' and j == '0':res = carry + rescarry = '0'elif i == '1' and j == '1':res = carry + rescarry = '1'else :if carry == '0':res = '1' + reselse :res = '0' + rescnt += 1if carry == '1':res = '1' + resreturn res

LeetCode刷题(35)--Add Binary相关推荐

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